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Tales of Symphonia side quest help please

In Palmacosta, there is a guard in the plaza that ask u to find four checkpoints which are persons in town. The last checkpoint is something called a "SHADOW MART", who the fuck is this guy? I can't find the solution on gamefaqs.com



Probably means the guy hiding behind the boxes. Anyways, in the first area of the city where you get off the boat on the other side of the wapon and armor vendor you can fit into a hidden openingin the box wall and it takes you to a guy who has some kind of secret shop.

PS, this isnt really aside quest and you dont get anything for doing it, so dont worry too much.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I hate that damn guard. He could have told me there was no reward before I started! What a punk.

Here's a question... I was reading on GameFaqs about getting the Darkness Weapon in
Triet. It said that after you talk to some dude near the oasis part of town, he tells you about someone in the desert being attacked by a dark creature or whatnot. I read that somewhere in the desert area you should be able to see an event (like a z-skit wavey thing) and be able to get a darkness weapon from a boss fight inside... but I can't find it for the life of me. Am I doing something wrong? And if not, does anyone know exactly where it appears?


No it appears. Its a big worm and you need to be about lvl 55ish i wanna say to beat him. Maybe 60 if your characters really suck :p. There are 2 people you have to talk to in Triet to make the event appear. Both are in the first area of the town and they say something pertaining to the worm. Then like north east of triet I think there is a little mesa type thing and near it and one of those magical effect circle appear right up against the rock face, they look like the z-chat event trigger things. But this one is a fight, beat it and you get Zelos' demon weapon


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Ahhh I didn't talk to the people in the first part of town I guess. (Although I did play the Uncle Game! ;) )

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