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Teach This Idiot How To Make an Animated GIF!

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So I'm dying to know from some of the masters around here, how do you make an animated GIF? It can't be THAT hard, is it?

Here's the deal: I have a video clip which I think would make an excellent animations. I wan to "zoom in" on some action which I feel can be easily looped. I already have Photoshop (CS) so I think I'm ready to do. I just need.... you!

Remember, a slight step by step would be nice, thanks.


<open ImageReady CS>

<press> File <select> Open (or CTRL+O)

<select> the file you wish to convert and the piece you want to turn into a gif.

<press> Image <select> Image Size (Here you will enlarge the picture)

<press> File <select> Save Optimized As...

done :)
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