Is it a double standard? Yep. Do I give a rat's ass? Nope. Males aren't the ones being probed. Females are the one taking a slab of meat inside them. The difference in my mind is night and day.
So let me summarize the way it is...
Female teacher seduces my 13 year old son = I give son a pat on the back.
Male teacher seduces my 13 year old daughter = I give the teacher a pat on the back. With a baseball bat.
That's just the way it is. The world is full of double standards anyway, so I think I'm entitled to one or two of my own.
I hear what you're saying, Shin, but I'm not convinced there's a difference between boys and girls, and frankly, I'd wager that girls are much better prepared to handle sexual relationships at an early age. As a teacher, it's really wierd. I've taught middle and high school, and in both, I've come across girls who are not just sexually active, but extremely forward about it. I'll share a story I never told anyone else.
In 03 I was working in VT as a lab tech at a school. I wasn't a teacher, but I was technically staff. So I used to take my regular lunch break and go to McD's. One day, I go to the drive-thru, place my order and pull up to the window. There was a car in front of me, and the cashier was leaning out the window and looked back at me. A young, blonde girl, gorgeous facial features. We locked eyes and you know, you get that spark. So I pull up to the window and I'm just grinning and shit and we exchange those "knowing" stares a few times, but I don't say anything. I take my food and drive off. I start kicking myself now, b/c this girl was hot, and I just played myself like a chump. So I go back the next day to the drive-thru, and she's there again. Now, this is all during school hours (noon-1pm). I'm figuring she's maybe 18-19...the age range I was fucking anyway. This time, I pull up and I ask her name and just start flirting with her. She's flirting back, but then asks how old I am. I'm thinking, "WTF?" I know I look young (late teens-ish), but not that young. So I'm like, "24" which I was at the time. She gives me this coy smile, and I'm like "how are you?" "16." Whoa whoa whoa...WTF is going on here? So now I feel like a total perv, and all I can say is, "oh....well, that's too bad." I grab my food and hurry back to eat in shame. :lol
Anyway, I obviously avoided McD's for a while after that. But not more than two days after that incident, I'm walking through the halls of the school where I worked, and who do I see approaching me with a couple of her friends? Ms. 16yo Lunch Hottie. She recognizes me right away, eventhough I try ignoring her. She goes "Hey, how you doing?" and I kinda half-smile and wave and keep walking. I look back and she's talking to her friends. I was about ready to quit at this time, but didn't. I figure, maybe I can at least stay in my little room and avoid running into her. Nope. The very next day, she walks into my lab with her class. I am so fucking scared right now b/c I don't know who she's told, and I don't want to get a rep as a pedophile. So I sit quietly at my desk as she walks over with one of the girls I saw with her in the hall. They sit RIGHT in front of my desk, the only two computers right in front of me. She turns around and winks at me, and her friend looks at me and smiles. Well, she told at least one person.

BTW, this girl was smoking. 16 with a beautiful rack (medium-C) and nice ass (not bad for a white girl). So, while her teachers is talking in the front of the room, she keeps turning around and talking to me, asking me stuff about where I'm from and so on. She keeps kicking my foot, and just being generally flirtatious. The whole time, my eyes are scanning the room to make sure no one else is seeing this and that I'm not looking like a total tool. Her friend, meanwhile, seems to be enjoying watching me squirm. Eventually, the class ended, and she left, but not before hanging back to tell me how much she likes my room and wants to come visit again.
I went back to the drive-thru the following week, convinced that her presence there was an anomaly. No way can you be in two places at once. Nope, she's still there, and I'm not about to pull out of line and drive off like a chicken. So I pull up and give her the money, but I have to ask, "Why are you here if you're still a freshman in hs?" Turns out she's got the afternoon free, so she works. The whole time, she's giving me "the eyes" again, and I can't pull mine away. I reach to grab my change, and she grabs my hand and starts playing with it. Doing the little circle things on the palm and stuff, and she's like, "You know I like you. We should get together sometime." I have the goofiest smile on my face at this point b/c this girl is totally fuckable, but I'm so fucking scared, I just give the sheepish grin, and drive off. The next day, we cross paths in the halls again, but now she follows me to the bookstore and we talk a bit more. Now I'm like, "Ok, we'll see what we can do with your schedule." and that's it. I avoided McDs for a few weeks at this point, and Spring Break came and went. The next time I went back there, she wasn't working the window anymore. I was kinda saved, but also kinda disappointed. I think had she been there, I would have made a move then. I didn't see her again until Summer, when I saw her walking along the road. She saw my car and flagged me down. I slowed up a bit and waved back, but I didn't stop. I saw her standing there watching me drive off in the rear view mirror. If I wanted to, I could probably have fucked her in my car that day, and I wouldn't have regretted it at all.
The point of this story? Girls get ready for this stuff a few years before guys. Some girls are extremely forward about it and know what they're doing. I know someone that was fucking one of his students for two years while she was a student, and then started dating her right afterwards. I'd like to pretend I'm on the moral high ground here, but when you have pussy thrown in your face on a daily basis (and you know how raw and shameless girls can be at that age) it's hard to resist sometimes. The thing is, I'm always so scared b/c I look so young, I almost expect people to think that of me. I don't need to give them anymore ammunition. Besides, humans in general are so unpredictable, that the chick may be totally digging it, but then turn around and squeel on you. It's totally not worth it, but I understand how lots of teachers fail in that regard. And it's more prevalent than anyone thinks. You hear rumors at every school, and there's almost always some truth to it. PEACE.