hmm, let's see.
I almost got arrested for posing as a teacher and sending emails to two teachers in my building.
My physics teacher last year started talking about how one of the other science teachers had bought a copy of The Passion of the Christ from someone a few weeks after it was out in theaters, and how the quality on it was terrible. As soon as he said it, I responded, "She didn't buy her copy from me, that's for sure!". This caused a moment of silence before my teacher started laughing hysterically and said, "James, I didn't accuse you of selling it to her, but thanks for letting me know!"
During school, we weren't allowed to leave the building. One day last year my German class was having a pizza party because we were awesome, so my teacher sent me and a friend out to get some pizza from the nearby pizza place. We walked there, him smoking a cigarrette the whole time, and when we went in the pizza place our assistant principal and a science teacher were sitting at a booth. We had to walk right past them to get to the counter, and then had to ask for the pizza order for the Coughlin (my highschool) german class. Scary as hell, I tells ya.
This doesn't really have anything to do with teachers, but it's good nonetheless. For our senior class elections, candidates were allowed to put flyers up around the building. The girl running for vice-president was a popular girl, so she was putting flyers up all over the place with different celebrities saying things like, "I'm voting for Leah". I'm devious, so I decided I'd make a few of my own flyers for her. I found a good picture of Charles Manson, another of Hitler, and that picture of Hasslehoff and Gary Coleman in front of the knight rider. The Manson one said something to the effect of "Vote for Leah, or I'll have you killed", the Hitler one said "The choice is yours: Vote for Leah, or take a shower", and the Knight Rider one had Hasslehoff and Coleman both saying "I'd hit that!" and the headline was "Vote for Leah"
there was another one I meant to type up, but I forgot it somewhere i nthe midst of writing out this novel of my high school years.