Bitches love smiley faces
Monopoly? They should've made something similar to Mousetrap, where you have to build the tracks for the cart. Playtime is 10 minutes (+50 minutes for the last push).
Which nerf? Haven't there been several?i miss the pre-nerf bazooka![]()
Which nerf? Haven't there been several?
To which Dane said:"It's unfortunate that even you think I'm relevant enough to still talk about 2-3 years after I said something about an in-game item. Because I'm not at all relevant, but you must still be thinking about me enough to bring me up more than a year after I've even played the game. Like, taking shots at me benefits you somehow? - like why do you even care enough to bring up such an irrelevant old loser? Are you disappointed that after quitting the game my videos still get more views than yours do or something and you need to try and take me down a notch or what? Or maybe I just tainted the use of the glorious mini-sentry and you're really spiteful about that - which is sadder. Good ole' Uncle Dane didn't quit on you guys like he did! He still only knows how to play engineer and defines himself on this one specific thing he will never let go of and can't even comprehend somebody else doing so. Like I tell everyone, please move on. This type of attachment is not healthy. We broke up a year ago.
To which Star replied:"I feel like you mistook my comment on your disrespect towards the TF2 community as a jab at your content, or the decisions you made to move on from the video game you didn't feel like playing anymore. It wasn't. I don't care what game you play. My only criticism is how you felt the need to distance yourself from the TF2 community in such a juvenile and unnecessarily harsh way. The only reason I brought it up in this video was because the "Mini Sentries are cancer" meme still has a lasting effect all these years later (even though it's not necessarily true anymore) from your videos because - yes, you did have that much impact."-Uncle Dane
Now, having read it, I'm pretty much on the side that Star's been a complete asshole in the way he's handled it. I think part of the appeal of Star's videos were that he was an ass and a bit of a sarcastic dick when playing TF2, but since the "break-up" it feels like he's just gotten a lot more caustic and bitter about this whole thing. I don't really keep tabs on what he does, but apparently, there were rumors he got pissy during a stream waiting for Jerma and insulted Jerma's girlfriend or something as well, which would explain why he's disappeared from Jerma's videos for a bit. But, yeah, Star's an ass for pulling the "You want beef because I'm more famous than you are" card."I'm sorry, I left in a harsh way because I do not have a significant interest in what was at stake anymore (like a youtube channel profiting from tf2) -- So I found it easier to say things like "every single update valve has made in the last 3 years has been riddled with game breaking bugs, competitive was a complete failure, and it did take them 3 years to fix simple bugs with the minisentry, how incompetent and distant from your community can you be" without worrying what the diehard fanbase of the game would say about it and how they would feel about me. But, you still have those ties so I understand that you want to look better than me in front of them and continue to support the half finished lazy updates they put out despite how much flak any other developer would get for what they do. I continue to be harsh about it because of you and everyone else - DESPITE how harsh I've been - still think I'm important enough to drag into this nonsense and get even further away from what I'd actually like - everybody moving on. I tried very hard to not be important to this community anymore, but I wish I would have seen a long time ago that would be impossible. I could have just continued receiving praise from a community I didn't care about anymore by staying quiet about how I actually felt, leading viewers along on the premise that I might return to your favorite game one day and keep more of my following by being dishonest - which apparently is a much more mature way to handle things."
MAYANN UPDATE COMING SOON.Folks have discovered some unlisted ambient sounds at the end of each side of the vinyl edition of the recently released TF2 soundtrack. Side 3 is an interesting tease:
I thought one was Granary for a hot second till I remembered Granary has no water.I'd recognize that 4th soundscape anywhere. It's used on like 100% of Halloween maps. What an odd additions.
3rd side isn't used on any current map.
1 is 2Fort, 2 is Thundermountain
I thought one was Granary for a hot second till I remembered Granary has no water.
The third side though definitely has a tropical jungle vibe to it. I mean, for all I know, it could be Borneo, but I've never heard that ambient music there.
I would imagine we're going to get the Pyro/Jungle update as our normal summer update in June or July. That's been confirmed to be the next big update by the TF2 team's Dave Riller and it would honestly be pretty sad if they weren't able to ship the update by summer since they already skipped last Halloween and Christmas.It's hard to get excited about this sort of tease when it's subject to Valve Time :/
Yea, summer is the last consistent major update time we have left![]()
So, if you don't know or don't care, Uncle Dane is a TF2 YouTuber, one of the few that still exists and makes videos that have gotten better over the past couple years. He released a new video on the Mini-Sentry in which he dings ster_ (previously known as Star_) for basically creating the massive mini-sentry hateboner that exists and said Star has as much "respect for class counters as he does for the community that got him the amount of popularity he has today."
Star, being the person he is, replied:
To which Dane said:
To which Star replied:
Now, having read it, I'm pretty much on the side that Star's been a complete asshole in the way he's handled it. I think part of the appeal of Star's videos were that he was an ass and a bit of a sarcastic dick when playing TF2, but since the "break-up" it feels like he's just gotten a lot more caustic and bitter about this whole thing. I don't really keep tabs on what he does, but apparently, there were rumors he got pissy during a stream waiting for Jerma and insulted Jerma's girlfriend or something as well, which would explain why he's disappeared from Jerma's videos for a bit. But, yeah, Star's an ass for pulling the "You want beef because I'm more famous than you are" card.
I know TF2 is an irrelevant game for all intents and purposes. It's one of those games which just exists and has a die-hard fanbase that really just endures Valve's apathy and unnecessary upheavel. While I get why Star wanted to disconnect from this dying community, he didn't have to be an asshole towards it because regardless of its state, there are still diehards in it. There was that sub train on Jerma's stream when he "went back" to playing TF2 for the first time in years, and I'd like to think that's a result of how much the community appreciates him for the years of videos he did on the game.
Do you mean good thing to move around the map?I've never heard of Uncle Dane before but a large stretch of this video seems to be him justifying the existence of minisentries because having freedom to move around the map is a bad thing.
Worst unlock in the game by a huge distance. This is coming from somebody who started as an engineer main back in 2007/08 when the game was released and got good enough to use the mobile/aggro engineer playstyle with stock items and sentries that couldn't be relocated on a whim.
Do you mean good thing to move around the map?
I like the Gunslinger because it allows engie to be more aggressive with less of a skill requirement. It's really just another tool in his arsenal to be used when the situation calls for it, and it can work brilliantly. Case in point, last week, I was playing a really intense match on Snowycoast and we had gotten it down to OT with BLU still swarming us. I went Gunslinger Engie, laid down a mini, and just watched it rack up the assists because no one was paying attention to the sentry draining its health. We won as a result, but that might not have happened had I used the Jag or the regular Wrench. But, I think many people just see the weapon as the only way to play aggro Engie and as a result, you get the "Minis are cancer" squad in full force. At the end of the day, it's just a situational tool like the Eureka Effect or the Jag that can't be applied to every problem the Engie faces.
I'm really good at this game after playing it for a decade.
Often to carry pubs in a situation where the teams are lopsided; ie it's me and 11 relatively weak/new players against a six-stack of people who've been playing for years or a poor team composition against a deathball of heavy/medic/demo/soldier working together, the most effective strategy is to operate on the flanks or behind the enemy team and hamper their ability for that deathball to form and gain momentum.
A single minisentry placed by a brand new player in an inconvenient spot can completely shut this down, removing my ability to affect the flow of the game. It's not uncommon for the scoreboard at the end of the match to show me on 70-80 frags and the next highest in the server on 20-30 (unless there's another competitive player in the server), but I can completely stumped by a 100 metal aimbot placed by a player that gets 7 kills in the 30 minute match and does about 1000 damage in the same time I've done 12000.
Not even trying to be humble here. In the example I just used I am better at the game than the guy who's hard countering me, but he's the one winning the game for his team. I feel that it's so easy for him to do that it becomes anti-competitive.
Most frustrating of all is that a lot of the time it feels like the mini wasn't even really placed with any rhyme or reason, they're just so cheap that the Engy was like 'yeah sure whatever' and just plonked it down with zero commitment to a plan or goal.
My personal experience is that minisentries don't counter a specific class so much as they counter skilled play by cutting down my options to 'stand in the front line and hope I don't get random critted' until I see the sentry go down, at which point I can resume having fun.
That mini SG isn't gonna last at all against those comps. The strength of mini SG is that they can keep changing spots and often by surprise. It punishes inattentiveness.
It has its place, and it's understandable to get frustrated if you're on the receiving end. It only really hardcounters Scouts and Pyros, but that's the case with any kind of Engie. It wins you games because pubs are disorganized and have the "meh don't care" mentality about what kills people.
My only regret is that there is no longer a GAF server to see this map in its fullest glory:
I played this for the first time in AGES tonight with a small group of GAF people on some matchmaking servers.
Maybe this is rose-tinted glasses, but I didn't remember it being so incredibly laggy. I thought it was just the normal soldier rocket launcher so I tried the direct hit. Nope, still crazy lag, where it feels like you see the projectile only 0.5 seconds after clicking fire. I tried scout, and sometimes I wouldn't even see the cleaver when I would try to throw it.
I had 80-90 ms ping which the game considers full green bars, but still.
I played this for the first time in AGES tonight with a small group of GAF people on some matchmaking servers.
Maybe this is rose-tinted glasses, but I didn't remember it being so incredibly laggy. I thought it was just the normal soldier rocket launcher so I tried the direct hit. Nope, still crazy lag, where it feels like you see the projectile only 0.5 seconds after clicking fire. I tried scout, and sometimes I wouldn't even see the cleaver when I would try to throw it.
I had 80-90 ms ping which the game considers full green bars, but still.
I played this for the first time in AGES tonight with a small group of GAF people on some matchmaking servers.
Maybe this is rose-tinted glasses, but I didn't remember it being so incredibly laggy. I thought it was just the normal soldier rocket launcher so I tried the direct hit. Nope, still crazy lag, where it feels like you see the projectile only 0.5 seconds after clicking fire. I tried scout, and sometimes I wouldn't even see the cleaver when I would try to throw it.
I had 80-90 ms ping which the game considers full green bars, but still.
I haven't seen you play Overwatch in forever, howdy! You're probably right, and I didn't know about that distinction. My Overwatch ping is usually lower, and I'm used to Pharah rockets firing instantly so I feel immediate feedback. With 90 ping in TF2, I feel like rockets are firing from behind me.Anything above 70 ping and I can feel lag, that hasn't changed. So I'm thinking rose-tinted glasses here or you're just so used to playing on closer servers than what Matchmaking served up. The difference in playing projectile classes on a West Coast vs East Coast server, for example, has always been tangible.
Also OW's lag compensation for projectiles is totally different from TF2's (in OW, your firing is unaffected but the impact/explosion is delayed, in TF2 the firing is delayed but the impact/explosion is unaffected) so it could be you got used to that.![]()
New update. Crate and cosmetics added. http://imgur.com/a/Eg68W
:x first match back was 2fortYou can search through community servers, but it's noticeably slimmer pickings these days.
Alternately click casual and search for a game, there's no sorting so its pretty quick. You can also deselect all the maps and modes and then only select what you want, but be prepared to wait. There's save and load icons there too, so you can have 2fort permanently deselected.
Fortunately TF2 now notifies you with a ding + taskbar flash once it has loaded into a game so you can alt-tab out of the casual searching screen with confidence
Reinstalled this game after years
What happened, how can I just find a server with specific maps?
Why is everything so slow :0
Apparently not. Few people play Valve 6v6, and word is its rife with cheaters keen for them points.Is ranked worth it?
Apparently not. Few people play Valve 6v6, and word is its rife with cheaters keen for them points.
If you want to play 6v6 just join a local comp community - comp.tf should have a list of all the different places somewhere in there