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Ted Cruz has a display of courage with regards to Obama and Islam.

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lol nope:


"Frank Gaffney, the man you said is your top foreign policy adviser, said that Obama is a Muslim and that Chris Christie committed treason by appointing a Muslim judge. Your thoughts?"

"Frank Gaffney is a great man who has taken on radical Islam."

"......... So you're okay with Gaffney calling Obama a Muslim?"

"I haven't heard the quote!" -Ted Cruz says immediately after hearing the quote.

Note that Ted Cruz probably can only ejaculate when thinking about murdering Muslims and or transgender women and that Cruz is terrifying.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I've been saying this since the primaries started, but Trump >>>>>> Cruz..
I've been saying this since the primaries started, but Trump >>>>>> Cruz..

Thats like saying being shot in the head is better than being hanged.

Which goes to show just how sorry this field on candidates is. I get the feeling any serious GOP candidate sat this one out for fear of taking on Clinton.

Jeb Bush was the a serious candidate.

Look what happened.

No, no "serious" GoP Candidate is electable anymore. No with the way the party is right now.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Which goes to show just how sorry this field on candidates is. I get the feeling any serious GOP candidate sat this one out for fear of taking on Clinton.

These are the serious GOP candidates.

The party is a joke.

A joke that controls the legislatures and governorships across the nation :/

Thats like saying being shot in the head is better than being hung.

hanged. :p
Southern Poverty Law Center has called Gaffney's organization a hategroup

Conspiracy theories Gaffney has promoted include:

The belief that former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was involved in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing.[36]
Accusations that Republican Party strategist Grover Norquist is a secret agent of the Muslim Brotherhood. In 2014, Gaffney claimed that Norquist had "been working with the enemy for over a decade."[37] (Responding to the accusation, the board of directors of the American Conservative Union unanimously condemned Gaffney's charges as "reprehensible" and "unfounded."[38] The organization also banned Gaffney from its Conservative Political Action Conference.[30])
Accusations that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin is a secret agent of the Muslim Brotherhood.[39] (After the allegation was repeated by Michele Bachmann, U.S. senators John McCain, Scott Brown, and Marco Rubio joined in dismissing it, and Speaker of the United States House of Representatives John Boehner said "accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dangerous."[40])
The belief that Barack Obama is not a "natural born citizen of the United States" (popularly known as the "birther conspiracy").[41]
The belief that the logo of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency is a coded indicator of "official U.S. submission to Islam" because it "appears ominously to reflect a morphing of the Islamic crescent and star".[42]
The belief that the responsibility-to-protect norm has been supported by the United States government to lay the groundwork for a forthcoming American military invasion of Israel.[43]

By the way, this guy has advised our law enforcement agencies on "radical Islam".
I'm not defending him here, because I think that all he needed to do is say that without any context, he condemns that quote.

At the same time, if he actually hadn't seen the full quote in its context prior to the interview, then he wasn't wrong to say what he said, which was that he'd need to see it in its context before answering.
Ive read the summary of Cruz's AIPAC speech: he doesnt think Palestinians are a people and culture worth preserving or protecting as a nation state. He's the most callous of all the candidates.
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