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Teen loses leg after teacher 'body slam,' lawyer says

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Rapid Response Threadmaker
Shameful. This kid deserves money for the injury he has suffered and the further disability he will have now.

The contractor should be in jail and the school district fined (unfortunately that would probably effect the poor Georgia schools the most).

Mods acting quick on that comment.



I feel like I'm missing something here

Legally speaking, what is going to be harder for the school to justify, The multiple body slams or the refusal to give medical attention?
The part about trying to make him take the bus home reminds me of when I broke my wrist in Gym class and the teacher didn't believe me. Refused to let me see the nurse and made me finish the fucking class.

Some of these people are true power mad assholes. They should be 100ft near a kid.
It sounds like the teacher's weight cut off blood circulation long enough that the leg could not be saved.

That seems unlikely though because he would have had to have sat on the limb for a period of roughly 2 hours which seems excessive? I think it's more likely the leg was fractured in some sort of awkward fashion which cut off circulation and the fact that they postponed treatment until he got home essentially allowed for ischemia to set in. If that's the case the school is beyond liable and I hope this kid sues the everliving bajeezus out of them.


Argh, kid is handicapped for life because of something that was completely avoidable. If he says he's in pain then just call an ambulance, don't body slam him to the ground 3 times, especially don't make the poor kid take a freaking bus without making sure anythings wrong.

All the authorities in this fucked up.
Whats disgusting is the school had zero interest in providing care for the student. Their first and ONLY concern was insulating itself against any problems that sending a child to the ER from the school would cause.

And for that delay a child has lost his fucking leg. Because some improperly trained idiot lost their temper and bodyslammed a child....

And of course the comment section for that article has racist fucks going on about Black fathers...

This is indeed the most disturbing part. The systemic failure. The utter disregard for the health of a student. The "suck it up", "you're faking it" and "walk it off" mentality.

We see this sort of callous disregard for the health and well-being of people of color on a regular basis. The Baltimore boy with the broken back, tossed into a police van. The NY man who was laid on until he simply died of asphyxiation with police knees in his back. But maybe they wouldn't have called for medical assistance if he was white too. I guess we'll never know, but I'll make my own educated guess there.
It's really odd the article doesn't really mention the story behind the incident. What lead up to these events? What job did the contractor even have?

Its really odd that you need more facts than a kid losing a leg due to extreme negligence. Go back to posting in LOLgaf ASAP


Junior Member
There's zero excuse for slamming a kid three times and refusing him medical attention.

Hope that kid becomes a millionaire.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
There's zero excuse for slamming a kid three times and refusing him medical attention.

Hope that kid becomes a millionaire.
Millionaire and they better name the damn school after him. What the flying fuck man. This wrong on every level imanigable.


Its really odd that you need more facts than a kid losing a leg due to extreme negligence. Go back to posting in LOLgaf ASAP

....uh? We already know the ending of the story, I don't see why the beginning needs to be omitted.

Anyway, hopefully they can sue the shit out of the system, that kid deserves more compensation than the guy just going to jail. The school's response is almost as alarming as the body slamming itself.

How hard do you even have to pulverize someone for their limbs to start dying? Something tells me the guy is gonna like, plead insanity or something
The first comment I read after the article made me realize how fucking dense some people are:

"He can thank his parents for not teaching him respect for adults and authority figures and not giving him proper home training on how to behave in school and in public!! He was already a bad kid, that's why he was at that school!!

Although his parents will win the ghetto lottery, and live high for a few years, it's to bad this wasn't a teaching moment, bad behaviors have bad consequences!! But no, it will be 100% on the school!!

If schools would make a parent come to school every day and sit next to their poorly raised child, they may decide to teach the child proper behaviors!!!!"

I guarantee it if his/her daughter ever did anything and got body-slammed they would be singing a different song.
Of course, it's easy to sit down and talk shit about someone else's situation until it happens to them. I wish karma was real



Hope the family gets a huge settlement, and the perp gets a long look at the inside of a cell. Horrible.


My guess is that they tried to call his bluff in the hopes that he was lying and just wanted them to get medical help to draw attention and maybe sue and they ended up being wrong, and now the new situation is far worse than what could have happened from the one that they were trying to avoid.

Or they just employed a bunch of asshole who treat their students like shit for the hell of it.

Either way, he lost a leg and they're all legally screwed.
Pretty disgusting story. Unless there is just some out there story that explains these circumstance, these are the type of people that need to be discovered and taken out of the school environment.


It's still amazes me that people use the "That's what he gets! Shouldn't have been do bad!" Card.

It's a fucking LEG. Nothing justifies losing one.


The first comment I read after the article made me realize how fucking dense some people are:

"He can thank his parents for not teaching him respect for adults and authority figures and not giving him proper home training on how to behave in school and in public!! He was already a bad kid, that's why he was at that school!!

Although his parents will win the ghetto lottery, and live high for a few years, it's to bad this wasn't a teaching moment, bad behaviors have bad consequences!! But no, it will be 100% on the school!!

If schools would make a parent come to school every day and sit next to their poorly raised child, they may decide to teach the child proper behaviors!!!!"

I guarantee it if his/her daughter ever did anything and got body-slammed they would be singing a different song.

Literally no info other than the kids was black and his leg was amputated due to someone else's actions and that's the conclusion they jump to. Smdh


A nasty case of compartment syndrome.

What's worse than the unjustifiable assault, was the criminal negligence in not arranging for medical attention for the injury, which may have saved the leg.


Horrible. Three body slams to keep the kid from leaving class?

I can just imagine the guy who did it in a huff as he carries the kid over his shoulder to the bus because he can't even walk. "Can you believe this kid? First he ruins my class by forcing me to physically assault him, and now I have to carry him to the bus? Ridiculous."
I feel for the kid. I hope he gets justice. Behavioural problems do not allow violence, it just compounds the problem further. The fact he lost an entire leg due to this is pretty fucked.

I can't believe the school didn't administer medical attention. I legitimately can't believe that. That kid would have been in so much pain and they put it off as faking it. What the hell?
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