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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Gamespot review


Wario64 said:


It isn't too often these days that you come across a sequel that manages to offend the senses as badly as TMNT2: Battle Nexus does. The last game was decent fan service for younger followers of the TV series, but Battle Nexus will not appeal to any member of any audience.

More like turtles 6 or 7 :p

But yeah Turtles 2 by this generation.

It's too bad this franchise has gone down the shitter. I used to love the turtles games as a kid.


The game also contains an unlockables system, in which you collect antiques throughout each mission in an effort to unlock items in April's antiques store. Most of the unlockables are just concept art and things of that nature, but the one thing you can unlock that's actually pretty cool is the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game. Apart from the audio being totally different, this is the same game you came to know and love in arcades, and, of course, it supports four players. The messed up thing, however, is that you have to slog through most of the main story mode to actually get to the game, which really isn't worth it. What's interesting is that once you actually do get to it, it basically shows you that a 15-year-old arcade port that's only a few hours long can still be vastly superior to this mess of a game.


Wait, wait...so there's only the first TMNT arcade game? No Turtles in Time?

AND they changed the music? What, were they too cheap to pay the licencing fees fo the original composers?
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