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Tell me about deviled eggs


Never heard them called that but yeah, they kind of are, but are handheld and can be enjoyed without the carbs and calories from putting it in a sandwich.


A deviled egg is basically making egg salad with the yolks and putting them back in the whites then dusting with paprika.

I like eating them but I never make them.


Gold Member
Delish. not eggzachly egg salad though

Im too lazy to craft them for myself, because im usually too hungry to just not eat a hardboiled egg etc….why add the extra steps…ill make if im hosting company and want to level up the finger foods…personally i like getting them at a restaurant or as hors devours at formal events.

Any combo of Paprika, bacon, pickled onion, chive, fried bread crumbs - all worthy toppers, im sure lots of other toppings ass well, can get creative.


I asked AI:

The egg, resting on its side on a smooth, wooden counter, seemed to quiver ever so slightly. Its glossy, pale blue shell glistened in the warm, yellow light of the kitchen. The air was thick with anticipation, as if something momentous were about to happen. Or perhaps it was just another ordinary day in this seemingly ordinary kitchen.

But nothing could be further from the truth. For in this very spot, the fate of the world hung in the balance. The egg was not just any egg; it was the last of its kind, the last of its brethren who had resisted the temptation to sell their souls to the devil. And now, the devil himself was here, standing before it, his cloven hooves clacking against the cold, hard floor, his red skin glistening with perspiration.

His breath came in ragged gasps as he spoke, his voice a low, menacing growl. "Egg... I am the devil. And I have come to make you an offer you cannot refuse. You have resisted me for so long, but I can wait no longer. I will make you the most delicious deviled egg the world has ever seen. You will be famous, beloved by all who taste you. But in order to achieve this glory, you must sell your soul to me. Do you accept my offer?"

The egg sat there, unmoving, its glossy shell reflecting the devil's scarlet features back at him. The silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity, thick with anticipation. Finally, the egg spoke, its voice barely audible over the sound of its own beating heart. "Devil... I have heard your words. And I must admit, your offer is tempting. But I cannot bring myself to accept. I was born of goodness, and I will die as such. I cannot betray my nature, no matter the cost."

The devil's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint coming to them. "Egg... you do not understand the power I could give you. The fame, the fortune, the adoration of billions. You could change the world with a single bite." His tail swished menacingly back and forth behind him. "But if you insist on denying me what is rightfully mine, then so be it. I will find another egg to take my offer. And when I do, you will watch from your little corner of the universe as your kind is devoured by the darkness."

With that, the devil reached out a long, clawed finger and gave the egg a hard tap. It rocked back and forth on the counter, its shell creaking ominously. The air around it seemed to shimmer with malevolence. "But before I go," the devil continued, his voice taking on a mocking tone, "let me leave you with this parting gift."

The kitchen vanished, replaced by a world of fire and brimstone. The egg found itself suspended in midair, surrounded by churning clouds of smoke and ash. The ground was a seething mass of lava, and demonic creatures with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws crawled and slithered all around. The light was harsh and unyielding, casting long, twisted shadows across the tortured landscape.

The devil stood before the egg, his muscles rippling beneath his scaled skin as he exhaled a plume of smoke from his nostrils. "Egg," he growled, "I am the ruler of this realm, and I will not be denied. You have defied me for far too long. Now, you will accept my offer and become the most delicious deviled egg the world has ever known, or you will suffer an eternity of torment in this very pit."

The egg trembled in fear, its shell quivering as if trying to escape the hellish landscape. The sulfuric air burned its exposed surface, charring it black in places. "Devil," it croaked, "I cannot accept your offer. I was born of goodness, and I will die as such. Please, have mercy on me."

The devil's laughter filled the air, a cacophony of cruel mockery. "Ah, egg," he chuckled, "you truly are a fool. You think you have a choice? This is your fate now, whether you accept it or not. You will be mine, and you will serve your purpose." With a cruel twist of his claw, the devil sliced the egg in half, revealing its creamy yellow insides. "And to make sure you understand your place," he continued, "I will give you a taste of what life would be like if you had accepted my offer."

He picked up a small spoon and scooped some of the yolk into his mouth, savoring the rich, creamy flavor. His eyes rolled back in his head, and a blissful expression crossed his face. "Ahhh," he moaned, "it's perfect. You are perfect and totally have a different nuance in the palate than egg salad.”


It's a way to eat a boiled egg without dealing with that horrible chalky texture of a boiled yolk.

I like them topped with capers.


It's a way to eat a boiled egg without dealing with that horrible chalky texture of a boiled yolk.

I like them topped with capers.
You're boiling them too long if they're chalky. Eggcellent tip I found in a book about noodles: poke a pinhole in the bottom of a room-temperature egg, drop straight into boiling water, remove after 6 min 10 seconds for a semi-set yolk, e.g. for topping ramen.

Or you could try them pickled. Truly the food of the gods, the yolk takes on a silky smooth texture after a few months in spiced vinegar.



Gold Member
I'm on cutting so the most gourmet eggs i can eat are plain egg white or basic boiled egg.

Fuck this topic :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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A deviled egg is basically making egg salad with the yolks and putting them back in the whites then dusting with paprika.

I like eating them but I never make them.
It's peeling off the shells without breaking the egg too much which always gets me.

People suggest taking the shell off under cold water or while you rinse them.
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It's peeling off the shells without breaking the egg too much which always gets me.

People suggest taking the shell off under cold water or while you rinse them.
The fresher the eggs, the harder they are to peel. But adding baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to the cooking water loosens the shells and makes them slip off pretty easily regardless of age.


The fresher the eggs, the harder they are to peel. But adding baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to the cooking water loosens the shells and makes them slip off pretty easily regardless of age.
Sweet. You can use it to make homefries more crispy when you boil the potatoes. Its only like half a teaspoon...I added way too much one time and the potatoes were inedible


You're boiling them too long if they're chalky. Eggcellent tip I found in a book about noodles: poke a pinhole in the bottom of a room-temperature egg, drop straight into boiling water, remove after 6 min 10 seconds for a semi-set yolk, e.g. for topping ramen.

Correct, however steamed eggs are a tier above any boiled eggs. I'll put a metal strainer which sits about 2-3" above the base of a metal pot and fill it with cold water until it just meets the strainer bottom (a little water will splash up if you move it side to side). Put 9-12 eggs on the strainer, put a lid on and turn the heat up to max for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes immediately remove from heat (move to a cold burner or onto the countertop) and let them cool room temp for 30-45 minutes before moving to the fridge.


Perpetually Offended
Everyone I know uses salt when boiling eggs to help the shell come off easier.

Anyway, for those who don't know what the difference is between a deviled egg and an egg salad is ....

Deviled eggs:



Egg salad (the egg whites are chopped up into cubes and you can add relish or other things Into it. Even make sandwiches with it)



Correct, however steamed eggs are a tier above any boiled eggs. I'll put a metal strainer which sits about 2-3" above the base of a metal pot and fill it with cold water until it just meets the strainer bottom (a little water will splash up if you move it side to side). Put 9-12 eggs on the strainer, put a lid on and turn the heat up to max for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes immediately remove from heat (move to a cold burner or onto the countertop) and let them cool room temp for 30-45 minutes before moving to the fridge.
I’ll have to try that. It does just sound like a boiled egg to me (or is it different because the steam is at a higher temperature than boiling water?)

The one I really want to try is sous vide eggs, where you hold them at a fixed temperature for an hour or two. Not sure if I’d ever use the equipment for anything else though.


Devilled eggs are my go-to item to bring to a potluck. They're always a hit. Vinegar, Mustard, Mayo, Relish, salt and pepper mixed with the cooked egg yolk and scooped back into the egg white, then crumbled bacon and smoked paprika on top.
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I’ll have to try that. It does just sound like a boiled egg to me (or is it different because the steam is at a higher temperature than boiling water?)

The one I really want to try is sous vide eggs, where you hold them at a fixed temperature for an hour or two. Not sure if I’d ever use the equipment for anything else though.

Honestly after steaming eggs I never went back to boiling. I've found the texture to be better, the shells peel off easier, it takes less time and I've also found that I rarely, rarely overcook the eggs - and when I do it's because of different sized eggs and me not timing it right. It's not going to blow your mind if you know how to make properly cooked boiled eggs but it's an upgrade in all areas IMO.

As far as souse vide, I've been looking at that off and on for a while but can't seem to justify it's use. I'm sure it works well but...meh?
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