Youtube subscriptions that is...
What is the most recent channel you've subscribed to and why?
What was the most recent channel you unsubbed and why?
For me.
AlexElliotGolf - very simple reason took up golf a few years back and have only broken a 100 a few times so yeah the more help I can find the better to be more consistent
Dorkly - wow they still exist, was anything they did actually funny? No, the answer is no. Goodbye
What is the most recent channel you've subscribed to and why?
What was the most recent channel you unsubbed and why?
For me.
AlexElliotGolf - very simple reason took up golf a few years back and have only broken a 100 a few times so yeah the more help I can find the better to be more consistent
Dorkly - wow they still exist, was anything they did actually funny? No, the answer is no. Goodbye

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