Telltale Games, the maker of story-based franchises such as The Walking Dead and Batman, has named former Zynga executive Pete Hawley as its new CEO. As such Hawley will be responsible for growing a company that has become a huge proponent of dramatic stories in games.
Hawley succeeds Dan Connors, who cofounded the company in 2004 along with Kevin Bruner and Troy Molander. Connors, formerly of LucasArts, was the initial CEO of the company and led it for many years. Bruner took over as CEO in 2015, and then he resigned and handed the job back to Connors about six months ago. During this time, Telltales board, which includes Unity CEO John Riccitiello, was looking for a permanent replacement to lead Telltale into the future.
They settled upon Hawley, who was a senior vice president and general manager of games at Zynga for the past three years. Before that, he was cofounder of augmented reality and location gaming pioneer Red Robot Labs, which had the misfortune of losing out to Pokémon Go creator Niantic Labs.