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Tennis no Ouji-Sama (DS)

Kon Tiki

October 03, 2004 - Konami announced today Tennis no Ouji-Sama 2005 Crystal Drive for the Nintendo DS. The latest game adaptation of the popular cartoon, Crystal Drive will make full use of the DS's twin screens. The company will release details on the touch panel support shortly.

A Japanese release date has yet to be set for the title. First screens can be seen in the media section for this story.

Never seen this mentioned before.


Fafracer forever
Cool, Prince of Tennis is fun.
Which one?
The GBA game is only outclassed by the terrible anime show that spawned it in terms of how much I hated it. And mind you, I like practically all things tennis normally.

Though this actually looks to have a tennis game in there, so it's probably tons better then the GBA game.
Fafalada said:
Which one?
The GBA game is only outclassed by the terrible anime show that spawned it in terms of how much I hated it. And mind you, I like practically all things tennis normally.

Though this actually looks to have a tennis game in there, so it's probably tons better then the GBA game.


Let me get this straight...a game entitled 'Prince of Tennis' for the GBA did *NOT* have a tennis game included???? Surely you jest.


Fafalada said:
Which one?
The GBA game is only outclassed by the terrible anime show that spawned it in terms of how much I hated it. And mind you, I like practically all things tennis normally.

Though this actually looks to have a tennis game in there, so it's probably tons better then the GBA game.

The anime show. Not the best ever, but I find it enjoyable at times (the non-filler eps when they actually play games).


Fafracer forever
Scalemail Ted said:
Surely you jest.
No not really. It's a turn based RPG. The way you "play" tennis is by selecting your strokes/attacks etc. To be fair, it may actually be a fun RPG game for all I know, but well, I was expecting a tennis game :|

Kiriku said:
The anime show. Not the best ever, but I find it enjoyable at times (the non-filler eps when they actually play games).
Maybe it got better later on - I stopped after 3 eps, was too irritated by them trying to make every shot into something dramatic and players brooding for 5minutes in their heads about what super move to use next.
Tennis isn't a martial arts match dammit.


Fafalada said:
Maybe it got better later on - I stopped after 3 eps, was too irritated by them trying to make every shot into something dramatic and players brooding for 5minutes in their heads about what super move to use next.
Tennis isn't a martial arts match dammit.

Then I can understand you. It's quite boring for 10 eps or so, but gets better later on and has some intense moments. Although I have to say their super moves later on are quite fascinating. It's the kind of moves that makes me believe they perhaps could be possible to do (excluding the added lightwaves and so on), if one tried really hard. That balance between fantasy and reality makes it enjoyable. And they do have quite a few terms in the series that exist in real-life too, which is nice.


I'll be honest...considering this thing could push graphics the level of Mario Tennis 64, this is GBA quality stuff.

I'd at least like a bit more style, hopefully animation is good.




how useful is the bench view during the game though =/ wouldn't it just be better to split the court over the two screens?


force push the doodoo rock
I have a feeling alot of first gen ds stuff will be ports with added 2 screen functionality, but i guess we will see later this week.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag

Eh, it's a system launch....expect lots of shovelware that won't make use of the DS' features and will be forgotten about within a few months of the launch anyway.
sp0rsk said:
We dont even know what the other stuff is.
Based off the pics above, it'll likely be stats. I hope there's more to it but that one pic of the full court squished onto one screen........ initially disappoints me.

But oh well. I probably wasn't gonna get it anyways. Wasted potential was all I'm expressing :-\

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
You could make a good tennis game on the DS with touchscreen controls. Basically the top screen would be the court and the bottom would be for what I'm about to explain. You move your charcater with the D-pad or the buttons depending what handed you are (you could set L/R for something, maybe just throwing the ball up in the air when serving, I dunno) and when you've moved your charcater in position, you make a movement on the touchscreen to hit the ball. You'd hit it at whatever angle you moved the stylus, and depending on the length of screen you cover, you get harder or weaker shots.

You could also add backspin or chip it or lob it etc. with different movements. For example, you move the stylus back rather than forwards to chip it. In fact, forget that L/R thing I said earlier, you could hold that down when doing movements with the stylus to change them. So for example if you moved the stylus back without holding L, you chip the ball. However, if you hold L while moving the stylus backwards, you lob it.

It could be awesome for a tennis game, I wish developers would wake up and start trying these ideas non-developers are coming up with for the touchscreen.

It would be kind of too big to fit in your pocket wouldn't it?

I think he means why not use the 2 screens to cover one court instead of splitting it with stats rather than questioning why the DS is built that way.


Fafracer forever
Guys, I'm telling you the GBA game was nothing like this. :|
I'd be more kind worded about it if it were...

Kiriku said:
It's quite boring for 10 eps or so, but gets better later on and has some intense moments. Although I have to say their super moves later on are quite fascinating. It's the kind of moves that makes me believe they perhaps could be possible to do
Actually I saw them use terms that are generally pretty close to real stuff - just have very exagerated effect ;) Though the right handed guy playing with left hand only at first was just pushing it...
Anyway might go back to it some time then. Right now I got hooked on AceWoNerae live action, it's more to my taste in terms of it being closer to real life stuff (aside for the fact that girl tennis players are actually cute ;) ).


depending on how they handled it, having the "net" be the gap inbetween screens could be awkward.
Im starting to think that the bottom screen cant handle graphics as well as the top. I haven't seen any DS games with gameplay on the bottom screen.
seismologist said:
Im starting to think that the bottom screen cant handle graphics as well as the top. I haven't seen any DS games with gameplay on the bottom screen.

What about the original Metroid: Hunters?


DarthWufei said:
What about the original Metroid: Hunters?

It always had the second screen as a radar, but I assume 3d can be displayed on both screens as long as the combined number of polys (both screens) doesn't exceed the poly limit and cause slowdown.


seismologist said:
Im starting to think that the bottom screen cant handle graphics as well as the top. I haven't seen any DS games with gameplay on the bottom screen.

I'd imagine that that's because they don't want you covering their graphics with your hand. Makes alot more sense to put the game on the top screen.


This would have been the perfect opportunity to make use of the two screens (full screen court!) and touch screen.
But from the looks of it, it's not happening.
neptunes said:
It always had the second screen as a radar, but I assume 3d can be displayed on both screens as long as the combined number of polys (both screens) doesn't exceed the poly limit and cause slowdown.

He was referring to the bottom screen being used for gameplay and displaying the main 3D of the system. He didn't think any game had done it apparently, but at E3 and for a while, until lately, Metroid Prime: Hunters has had all of the main gameplay on the bottom (for the stylus shooting) and the other info on top.

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