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TERA: FoA |OT| F2P Now on Steam! Parade coming after HL3


wait, people play zerkers? did they change their stupid long channeled abilities that could easily be interrupted by a sneeze?

They are quite viable now.

just transferred to TR, apparently whatever soulbinded items on the transferred character will automatically bound to that character, regardless of previous owner :)

Welcome to TR!

Oh this reminds me, seeing as I bought the original game, I should be eligible to be a founder as well right? Problem is though, whenever I try to login with my original account, it tells me the user and password don't match, even right after I've changed my password for that user/account. Anyone know how that works? Can't really get customer support atm for obvious reasons.

Edit - Oh, it seems you needed you have bought a box copy of the game to get access to the founder status, no digital buyers allowed. Boo Enmasse, boo.

EME sold digital copies of the game when it was pay to play. Those get founder too.


Quick summary - Decided to try making a US account despite being from EU, people seem to say the company in charge of Tera EU is not doing the best job, worse customer service and store etc. Might go back to EU if the lag is too offputting, though people are saying it's not that bad and you quickly adjust to it

So anyway, hoping I can get a quick answer for this question. Basically, what server should I roll a character on? Is the guild on Tempest Reach a gaf guild open to all gaf members? If it is, I'd probably like to get an invite there.


The launcher won't load for me. I've tried every solution from Enmasse's website, but nothing seems to work. ugh.


What do you guys think of Bathysmal Rise? I quite like having a dungeon with decent mechanics and not an RNG healer spamfest like the Abscess was. Sadly I'm having trouble even getting groups to run it due to gear elitism and people already in established statics but the few times i have had been really fun.


Oh wtf is this, the 7 day mount I got on my first character was a once per account type thing? I decided I wanted a different looking high elf. And since all the abreviations of the name I normally use were taken with the exception of the name on my first character, I had to delete her.

Now I don't have the mount anymore and will have to everywhere at snail speed <_<

What level to you become able to buy a mount ?


Oh wtf is this, the 7 day mount I got on my first character was a once per account type thing? I decided I wanted a different looking high elf. And since all the abreviations of the name I normally use were taken with the exception of the name on my first character, I had to delete her.

Now I don't have the mount anymore and will have to everywhere at snail speed <_<

What level to you become able to buy a mount ?
Cash shop is level 1.

You get one at level 11 i think

Anything character bound is deleted when you delete the character. So if you buy costumes, don't be an idiot and just but the change stuff from the shop whenever you feel like changing something.


First off, I'm wondering what are considered good melee dps classes these days? Really want a melee class that is good at soloing tough mobs like the BAM's or whatever they were

Depends though, I play warrior and can kill most of the bams around my level solo :/


Hello i made a Lancer Popori on Tempest Reach his mane is Cubroll , and i am a noob :3

I will try to contact you guys, still learning :)


So for the story quests, I cant seem to obtain some of the quests even though Tera Codex said that they are automatically obtained. Do I have to be in specific zone in order for the quest to trigger?
So for the story quests, I cant seem to obtain some of the quests even though Tera Codex said that they are automatically obtained. Do I have to be in specific zone in order for the quest to trigger?

I think only the red story quests are automatically obtained. Yellow ones you need to talk to the NPCs to get.


Damn, I knew this overlevelling would come to bite me in the ass.
Last week I was doing Sinistral Manor and the game was crashing a lot, so I missed some quests. Trying to do it again later, one of the guy in the party was level 33 so it didn't advance almost no quests. And after that my level was to high for instance matching, and I wasn't finding any groups so I tried the battleground for the first time. The result, I'm level 35, no group pick me and I can't advance or abandon the story quest .-.

I tried doing the 5 person version solo and got to the boss after the ladder room (where I was supposed to find a NPC who wasn't there), and died :<
I'll have to try this again when I'm at a higher level (40 or something). -.-


oh god

it's happening again

just like the original tera i find myself done with all quests and only halfway into my final level


The mob respawn rate is insane now! I barely have tome to pick up drops before the enemy respawns again. Great for gather / kill quests, but a pain otherwise...
So my old account was a founder SE! So I get some nice bonuses and stuff.

Rolled on TR and currently have a 11 archer, and 11 Warrior, was thinking I would tank with the warrior but not really enjoying the playstyle.

How are Lancers are they any fun? I had read that they are somewhat boring but also most of those post were fairly old as well.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Haven't been on the last few days as I'm currently visiting the family in another state. Will take the time to read up on mystic healing guides while I'm away.
So my old account was a founder SE! So I get some nice bonuses and stuff.

Rolled on TR and currently have a 11 archer, and 11 Warrior, was thinking I would tank with the warrior but not really enjoying the playstyle.

How are Lancers are they any fun? I had read that they are somewhat boring but also most of those post were fairly old as well.

Aww warrior is the funnest class, I think. Level 11 is still to early to tell if they are going to be fun later on. Trust me, the warrior is versatile and awesome.

Lancers are solid tanks but they do get a bit too steady later on. Not as many buttons / skills as the warrior.

Haven't been on the last few days as I'm currently visiting the family in another state. Will take the time to read up on mystic healing guides while I'm away.

Yaaaaaaay a fellow mystic :D what level are you at?

I've been playing my priest lately though. But mystic is my main! Hopefully you're enjoying it :D


So my old account was a founder SE! So I get some nice bonuses and stuff.

Rolled on TR and currently have a 11 archer, and 11 Warrior, was thinking I would tank with the warrior but not really enjoying the playstyle.

How are Lancers are they any fun? I had read that they are somewhat boring but also most of those post were fairly old as well.

I really like the lancer so far (level 50), against regular mobs it's brainless (but it's probably the case for everything) but against boss i really like it.

Since you want to keep the aggro you really need to know the mob pattern in order to dish out the max of damage possible with the least possible amount of blocking time so that your dps can just slap the thing from behind. When you lose aggro you need to try getting it back (generally dps start to freak out so you should get it back and try to position it near a wall again, at worse you'll just solo the thing when everyone dies, yes i'm evil like that) It's kinda hard when you have no real idea what's awaiting though, you really need to say to your group you run the dungeon for the first time (and hope to not be kicked).
Sometimes the bosses have skill that goes through block, leaves an aoe on the ground or randomly hits you in the back so you need to move away a bit (the charge skill or the backdash with some invincible frames are good tools, i really like that backdash).
Your worst enemy will be when the mob... walks, seriously fuck it when mob decide to trample you with no warning and you end up knocked down.

You also need to know when to use the chain to interrupt some nasty skills or prevent them to jump away (chain doesn't pull huge boss but seems to be 100% stun chance, it's glorious), you can also try a risky stun with two other skills. Chain is also fun in regular pve to group up mobs to kill them all at the same time or when one tries to escape while you shout "get over here".
If a mob run away you have a skill that dash pretty fast and with a low cd, it's also pretty good to escape.

Also need to keep up a debuff that reduce the mob defence, which add an easy but additional thing to watch out.

Also this class can solo the 4 first dungeon so far if you play carefully, even if your whole group wipe somehow you can still finish off the bosses.
Class is a bit static, i guess that's why it can be a bit boring but honestly i'm having a blast with that class. I think it has easily become one if not my favorite class in a MMO.
Aww warrior is the funnest class, I think. Level 11 is still to early to tell if they are going to be fun later on. Trust me, the warrior is versatile and awesome.

Lancers are solid tanks but they do get a bit too steady later on. Not as many buttons / skills as the warrior.

Yaaaaaaay a fellow mystic :D what level are you at?

I've been playing my priest lately though. But mystic is my main! Hopefully you're enjoying it :D

So my Alt-itis is in full swing. I now have a 32 zerker, 29 archer, 28 mystic and a 11 lancer.

Still unsure who I'll be maining yet. Question about healing with a mystic, is the main heal just orbs? With Target Heals, is there anyway to cancel once you've highlighted a target? I've had party members run in front of my LOS when I'm trying to heal someone, is there anyway to heal by clicking lifebars?
So my Alt-itis is in full swing. I now have a 32 zerker, 29 archer, 28 mystic and a 11 lancer.

Still unsure who I'll be maining yet. Question about healing with a mystic, is the main heal just orbs? With Target Heals, is there anyway to cancel once you've highlighted a target? I've had party members run in front of my LOS when I'm trying to heal someone, is there anyway to heal by clicking lifebars?

No, there is no way to heal by clicking lifebars! Thankfully! Or else it would have been too zzzzzzzzzzzz.... :>

You can cancel out of any skills before you lock on, yes. With mystic, you gotta be super careful about timing your target heals, cuz once you cast it and they dont really need it, there's a CD, and you can't heal them again immediately. Thrall of Life can technically heal your party, but then you will have to be quite close to the party, and sometimes you really dont want to risk it... haha. And anyway, it's not advisable.

Mystic can get super tedious to level at lower levels zzzzzzzz.... try to get a leveling partner or run dungeons, that way you can level faster :D

I have two mystics, my main who's max, and a level 38 mini mystic :D (i love this class so much *____*) but to be honest, I've been playing on my priest these days. Priest is awesome. Has so many heals and can inflict some contributing damage with its attacks ^____^

(And don't worry about your alt-itis. I also suffer from the same disease. I have a max level lancer, mystic and priest, a level 49 warrior, a level 46 zerker, a level 25 slayer, and a level 38 mystic..... huehuehuehuehue)

But the good thing is that I learn how to appreciate other classes and how to adapt my playstyle accordingly :>

(i dont have sorc and archer cuz i think i would suck terabad at them :x)


So my old account was a founder SE! So I get some nice bonuses and stuff.

Rolled on TR and currently have a 11 archer, and 11 Warrior, was thinking I would tank with the warrior but not really enjoying the playstyle.

How are Lancers are they any fun? I had read that they are somewhat boring but also most of those post were fairly old as well.

Warrior is soooooo funnnnnnn, at least in my opinion. You can basically take little or no dmg from mobs if you know how to roll and attack properly :D
Your worst enemy will be when the mob... walks, seriously fuck it when mob decide to trample you with no warning and you end up knocked down.

This is the most annoying thing in the world. I've been leveling a Lancer and everything will be going just fine until the mob suddenly and with no warning or tells decides to walk over me which incidentally is a stagger so I can't start blocking after the fact. I guess they were nice enough to not make getting run over by the boss burn a significant portion of your HP bar at least.
No, there is no way to heal by clicking lifebars! Thankfully! Or else it would have been too zzzzzzzzzzzz.... :>

You can cancel out of any skills before you lock on, yes. With mystic, you gotta be super careful about timing your target heals, cuz once you cast it and they dont really need it, there's a CD, and you can't heal them again immediately. Thrall of Life can technically heal your party, but then you will have to be quite close to the party, and sometimes you really dont want to risk it... haha. And anyway, it's not advisable.

Mystic can get super tedious to level at lower levels zzzzzzzz.... try to get a leveling partner or run dungeons, that way you can level faster :D

I have two mystics, my main who's max, and a level 38 mini mystic :D (i love this class so much *____*) but to be honest, I've been playing on my priest these days. Priest is awesome. Has so many heals and can inflict some contributing damage with its attacks ^____^

(And don't worry about your alt-itis. I also suffer from the same disease. I have a max level lancer, mystic and priest, a level 49 warrior, a level 46 zerker, a level 25 slayer, and a level 38 mystic..... huehuehuehuehue)

But the good thing is that I learn how to appreciate other classes and how to adapt my playstyle accordingly :>

(i dont have sorc and archer cuz i think i would suck terabad at them :x)

Thanks for the tips. I think I'll be leveling my healer with my friend (slayer), mostly used dungeons to level since it seems like I have the best luck getting relics in there. Would you recommend mystic over priest then since you seem to be having more fun with priest? I initially took mystic because I thought it did more damage than the priest solo. I knew mystic had less heals and more CCs, but how are they later on in groups?

And regarding alts, yeah I do agree that getting experience with other classes really lets you learn how the class is suppose to function


Just got my first fully enchanted class weapon (or whatever they are called). It is beautifully OP. This game is SO much fun!
Just got my first fully enchanted class weapon (or whatever they are called). It is beautifully OP. This game is SO much fun!

Yeah avatar weapons are great, just be aware that they will begin to get weaker when you start fighting mobs that are a few levels higher than the weapon (it starts to crit much less too) and you'll start to find relics for your next avatar weapon


So just finished updating and looking to jump back in with my brother. Haven't played since launch where I had a Lancer at 30 something and a Priest around the same Lv too, both of which I enjoyed playing. Think of doing one or the other again this time or maybe Warrior, how are they to play?

Also, is it possible to get in the Gaf guild?


My Fiance and I are looking to give Tera a try tonight because it allows Controller support. My only real question is, is the controller support really good? Like do I only need to use the keyboard to talk for the most part?


Yeah avatar weapons are great, just be aware that they will begin to get weaker when you start fighting mobs that are a few levels higher than the weapon (it starts to crit much less too) and you'll start to find relics for your next avatar weapon
I was criting like MAD, but thought it stopped because i switched a ring or glove that reduced my crit by 1%.

Im looking forward to collecting the next avatar weapon. :) Nothing yet, but it is probably too soon. Im 46 in 45+ area. I hear they are every 6 levels.

Those fragment items or whatever they are (two types)... do they serve any purpose other than dismantling down to enchantment materials? I stopped doing that and started saving them just in case...

(Sorry i dont know the names of anything lol)
Thanks for the tips. I think I'll be leveling my healer with my friend (slayer), mostly used dungeons to level since it seems like I have the best luck getting relics in there. Would you recommend mystic over priest then since you seem to be having more fun with priest? I initially took mystic because I thought it did more damage than the priest solo. I knew mystic had less heals and more CCs, but how are they later on in groups?

And regarding alts, yeah I do agree that getting experience with other classes really lets you learn how the class is suppose to function

I can't really recommend one over the other at the moment... :< I use to swear by Mystics up and down, but then my friend told me to put money where my mouth is and I ended up maxing out a priest..... and enjoying it to bits too ... haha

It's all about playstyles, I think. With mystics, you need to be more assertive with your parties, cuz they really will have to rely on picking the balls occasionally. You also need parties who are not total idiots. Yesterday, I played my mini mystic for a bit and took him to CR. The party was noobs and they pulled ALL the mobs in one room and so the lancer could only kept the agro of a few of them. The rest of the mobs went after me cuz healing causes agro :x There were like 20 archers on me. I died. Then the whole party died. Of course, heals get blamed :D

So, sometimes you have to be more assertive when you are mystic. Like, when we tried again (and we cleared), I had to ask / tell them things like "please pull the mob in this room one by one" or "when this boss cast large blue circles on the ground, get out of them cuz they cause massive damages", or ask them like "do you guys know what to do when this boss clone himself?", etc.

With Priests, you can run dungeons and you don't have to be as bossy. I love the Priest buffs too. And Priests can pretty decent attack spells compared to the mystics.

In PvP arenas, if you are with a large group, it's great to heal as Priest because can heal a LOT of people at once, but it is super fun as mystic when you are partnering with a few dps because CCs are delicious fuckeries :D

Priest only has sleep as CC. Mystic has sleep, slow, stun, chaos.

But Mystic has only Target Heal and the ball (and the thrall of life) as heal, and Priest has target heal, circle heal, area heal, regenerative circle, and greater target heal (plus self heal) (and divine respite).

Mystics can be glyphed at max level to self-heal when we drop red balls, but that glyph is expensive. (You should totally spend the money on it though, if you manage to max a Mystic up!!!)

Mystic has the jaunt <3, Priest has backstep <3 (and fiery escape, but that one causes you to assume combat stance >__<)

Both are amazingly fun character classes <3

I can talk forever apparently ;___; soz~

Yeah avatar weapons are great, just be aware that they will begin to get weaker when you start fighting mobs that are a few levels higher than the weapon (it starts to crit much less too) and you'll start to find relics for your next avatar weapon

I'm still so confused about the relics thing. They are new to me! :D

(Oh, the one dangerous thing about alt-itis is that when you max them all up, they get very expensive to gear properly. You need a lot of money for the glyphs, and then you need even more money for proper max level gear enchanting. It makes me weep just thinking about it. I used to farm the highest tier dungeon when I was super active so I could just about finance my spending, but yea, just a word of warning, this disease can be a very expensive disease) (XD)

So just finished updating and looking to jump back in with my brother. Haven't played since launch where I had a Lancer at 30 something and a Priest around the same Lv too, both of which I enjoyed playing. Think of doing one or the other again this time or maybe Warrior, how are they to play?

Also, is it possible to get in the Gaf guild?

Warrior is the best and most funnest class *_____* They are agile and they can both tank and dps. Lots of skills and awesome versatility. Has a lot of iframes. My favourite class in the game <3
I played this game when it came out for a few hours. Some of the character design was weird, but I LOVED the combat. Quest design was so damn boring though.

Does the game get better in terms of that stuff? Might consider trying this again seeing as it's free.


I played this game when it came out for a few hours. Some of the character design was weird, but I LOVED the combat. Quest design was so damn boring though.

Does the game get better in terms of that stuff? Might consider trying this again seeing as it's free.

You level really fast now.


My Fiance and I are looking to give Tera a try tonight because it allows Controller support. My only real question is, is the controller support really good? Like do I only need to use the keyboard to talk for the most part?

To accept quests, navigate through inventory and such, its best with keyboard yes, controller works great for gameplay with melee classes, ranged or healer is trickier
I can't really recommend one over the other at the moment... :< I use to swear by Mystics up and down, but then my friend told me to put money where my mouth is and I ended up maxing out a priest..... and enjoying it to bits too ... haha

It's all about playstyles, I think. With mystics, you need to be more assertive with your parties, cuz they really will have to rely on picking the balls occasionally. You also need parties who are not total idiots. Yesterday, I played my mini mystic for a bit and took him to CR. The party was noobs and they pulled ALL the mobs in one room and so the lancer could only kept the agro of a few of them. The rest of the mobs went after me cuz healing causes agro :x There were like 20 archers on me. I died. Then the whole party died. Of course, heals get blamed :D

So, sometimes you have to be more assertive when you are mystic. Like, when we tried again (and we cleared), I had to ask / tell them things like "please pull the mob in this room one by one" or "when this boss cast large blue circles on the ground, get out of them cuz they cause massive damages", or ask them like "do you guys know what to do when this boss clone himself?", etc.

With Priests, you can run dungeons and you don't have to be as bossy. I love the Priest buffs too. And Priests can pretty decent attack spells compared to the mystics.

In PvP arenas, if you are with a large group, it's great to heal as Priest because can heal a LOT of people at once, but it is super fun as mystic when you are partnering with a few dps because CCs are delicious fuckeries :D

Priest only has sleep as CC. Mystic has sleep, slow, stun, chaos.

But Mystic has only Target Heal and the ball (and the thrall of life) as heal, and Priest has target heal, circle heal, area heal, regenerative circle, and greater target heal (plus self heal) (and divine respite).

Mystics can be glyphed at max level to self-heal when we drop red balls, but that glyph is expensive. (You should totally spend the money on it though, if you manage to max a Mystic up!!!)

Mystic has the jaunt <3, Priest has backstep <3 (and fiery escape, but that one causes you to assume combat stance >__<)

Both are amazingly fun character classes <3

I can talk forever apparently ;___; soz~

I'm still so confused about the relics thing. They are new to me! :D

(Oh, the one dangerous thing about alt-itis is that when you max them all up, they get very expensive to gear properly. You need a lot of money for the glyphs, and then you need even more money for proper max level gear enchanting. It makes me weep just thinking about it. I used to farm the highest tier dungeon when I was super active so I could just about finance my spending, but yea, just a word of warning, this disease can be a very expensive disease) (XD)

Warrior is the best and most funnest class *_____* They are agile and they can both tank and dps. Lots of skills and awesome versatility. Has a lot of iframes. My favourite class in the game <3
Thanks for the insight. For now I guess I'll stick with Mystic, I had some issues healing SM during a SM run yesterday, there was a 65 zerker that was downleveled and kept taking his own hp down to next to nothing, scared the crap out of me til i realized he was doing it for vamp strike lol. But yeah your comments about warrior now makes me want to try that...man why can't more MMOs adopt FF14's job system. That was the perfect cure to my Alt-itis...


So I was tanking Akasha earlier and wow, I got praises from the party. That I didn't die, that I knew how to hold aggro and that I was a good tank.

I just facerolled lol. Ok, not really. But i need more practice tanking. However, makes me cringe when i think what kind of people these guys have gotten after queueing.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Yaaaaaaay a fellow mystic :D what level are you at?

I've been playing my priest lately though. But mystic is my main! Hopefully you're enjoying it :D

Oh wow sorry for the late reply! I believe I'm level 32 at the moment. I'm really enjoying the mystic so far, healing people with the aiming/lock on system is certainly different though entertaining. :)


I've been so out of the loop with this game. Enjoyed all the time I put into it, until the dreaded 50-60 grind. But the combat and world design was incredible. I'm coming back!
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