As a priest, that's soooooo encouraging... :/
I'm deciding if I want to continue my Priest during headstart, or make a Mystic.
As a priest, that's soooooo encouraging... :/
Then you should move to Korea.
Or they just add the ability to get timecards, 24hours, 48hours etc, for people with a life outside games, that do not feel like paying for a month is ok when they will not play every day, but maybe a few days a week or only at weekends.
I mean if they did add this possibility, would it ruin your gameplay in any way?
Yes because I play 24/7 it would make the game fucking expensive for me
How would it make the game expensive for YOU, that I can buy a 24hour playcard instead of a $10-15 month subscription?
If anything these 24hour playcards would be more expensive in the long run if bough everyday for a month.
Tera is awesome because you can go without a Priest at all in instances and against BAMs if you have the right tactics in play
As a priest, that's soooooo encouraging... :/
Because of the action combat system, even though there is technically the Holy Trinity you can run groups with a mix of classes and be successful. My guild had people running CR with 5 dps classes. 5 zerkers in CR is crazy, the amount of dps you can put on the bosses is hilarious. As long as everyone knows what they are doing its perfectly doable.
I secretly run around and when the enemies isn't targeting me i walk around and take pictures. lol.But keep in mind that a LOT of parties have one or two of the five who cry for heals...
I secretly run around and when the enemies isn't targeting me i walk around and take pictures. lol.
I secretly run around and when the enemies isn't targeting me I walk around and take upskirt pictures. lol.
We've noticed. :rollseyes:
No, I kid. Your screenshots are GOLD, haha. Like, I love you're just chillin while the enemy is prepping to dome rock some other players. A collection of screenshots like this would be wonderful!
Fixed that for you.
Because of the action combat system, even though there is technically the Holy Trinity you can run groups with a mix of classes and be successful. My guild had people running CR with 5 dps classes. 5 zerkers in CR is crazy, the amount of dps you can put on the bosses is hilarious. As long as everyone knows what they are doing its perfectly doable.
Any White Lioin Mount pics surfaced yet? I did a quick search and couldn't find any. Mount looks sweet on the pre-order page.
outside of battle..
Tera looks awesome even when you're doing mundane stuff like farming a crystal
or pouring liquid into something
I'm going controller all the way! I loved using one in FFXI.
I can't even sign up to try since the website refuse to send me confirmation e-mail, tried with 3 different e-mail address and 2 different browser =/ I guess all the codes are gone by now.
Absolutely. I prefer it without a any fun with controller?
game any fun with controller?
game any fun with controller?
What do you think of the armor design for the female humans? I dislike almost all of their robe sets and all but a few of the light and heavy sets. High Elf females, however... pretty much everything they get is amazing. Castanic females get some really great stuff, too, especially the stuff that appears to be endgame.
There are definitely some real mismatched stinkers in robe
and the other sets are either bland or completely unflattering
We saw this a lot in the open beta and wondered if the designers just half-assing
Yes. Takes long to setup just right but once you've got it.. so relaxing. Only thing that sucks is have to use mouse for menu.
Oh yea, my friends and I haaate the human female stuff.
I think it's on purpose designed to be generic though, it fits the safe and non-extreme human image. Oddly enough, a lot of guys who make human females still dig it.
The one cool thing about human females is their /love emote or something, it has them doing a heart symbol with hands I think. Anyone have a screen?
My open beta character was a female human lancer because the character on the class selection screen reminded me of Chris, the female knight from Suikoden III. Then after a while I checked all the heavy armor sets and most of them were terrible. When I make a lancer, it's definitely going to be a female elf (although I have to admit that a Baraka lancer wearing that castle armor would be badass.
Any buddy codes left for this poor peasant?
Only thing I found weird about some of the elves sets for male and female is they kinda got a metal overcoat design to them. Which is weird cause it's solid plate
Heres some Tera codes. Quote to reveal enjoy!
Thata girl
E: Finally taking care of my pre-order. I was going to just do a 1-month recurring at check-out, but are the batch prices going to change after release? If so, I should probably grab the 3-month for now. :|
price change end of may. i'll wait 15 days in because i want to switch to 3 months but no options yet. will contact if not up by then.
Thata girl
E: Finally taking care of my pre-order. I was going to just do a 1-month recurring at check-out, but are the batch prices going to change after release? If so, I should probably grab the 3-month for now. :|
Cool, thanks. Standard Pre-Order for me is a go (mount ain't worth $10 to me)!