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Terence Howard, potentially turns euclidean geometry on its head



Everybody gotta have a dream, yo.


Howard is talking complete and utter tripe. It's just bizarre pseudoscience. The man has lost the plot, so have Oxford university for giving him a platform to sell this nonsense.

they gave David Ike a platform as well, so Oxford University don't seem to care 🤣

The David ike one is bonkers if you van stand the utter non sense past the 5min mark


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
they gave David Ike a platform as well, so Oxford University don't seem to care 🤣

The David ike one is bonkers if you van stand the utter non sense past the 5min mark

Christ on a bike! Why are Oxford University, one of the greatest universities in the world, giving these people time of day? Do they host talks from flat earth believers as well?


Perpetually Offended
Rhodey wasn't his last role. He had a whole TV drama for like 6 years.

That said... I don't know anything about Euclidean mathematics but I know it's utter bullshit what Terrance is speaking.


Christ on a bike! Why are Oxford University, one of the greatest universities in the world, giving these people time of day?

He probably told them he didn't like Jews. That seems to do the trick these days. Deny the holocaust ever happened and you get tenure.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Christ on a bike! Why are Oxford University, one of the greatest universities in the world, giving these people time of day? Do they host talks from flat earth believers as well?
Oxford Union Society - which is a private club not part of the University.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Oxford Union Society - which is a private club not part of the University.

Correct. My mistake. They are connected to the university by drawing a majority of their members from there, but not actually part of the university itself.


I dont think he as stupid as he is clearly mentally Ill. He needs help and unfortunatly since he is wealthy and surrounded by yes men he will never get it.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
WTF is going on, WTF is this mumbo-jumbo pseudo-science BS that he's spouting ? i've been reading the YT comments on both of the videos posted in here and...everyone is sucking on him ? How the heck is this possible ? Have we reached full idiocracy ?

Fucking wow, it's actually depressing ffs
The worst part is, as an actor, he's incredibly good at selling this stuff.

I don't have a clue whether he's making sense or not, as I'm not a mathematician or a scientist.

I would assume, using my common sense, that he's mixing some truth with a lot of wishful thinking and theory, and as I said his commitment to what he's saying will convince many.

Ultimately, what are the odds an actor from America has a superior scientific mind than Newton or DaVinci, and can see things in a way they couldn't and answer the questions they couldn't?


Howard is an idiot but the author of the video is also either an idiot as well, or just brilliant in exploiting him for clicks. Or a brilliant idiot who realizes that the viewers are also idiots.



Dude has taken too much DMT

Or/and watched Black Panther to many times.

But who knows there very well could be limitations how science progressed into what it is today. I definitely welcome people trying to workout new ways of understanding the world in parallel with what already exists. Much better than what the idiots in academia are trying to do to science.


The worst part is, as an actor, he's incredibly good at selling this stuff.

I don't have a clue whether he's making sense or not, as I'm not a mathematician or a scientist.

I would assume, using my common sense, that he's mixing some truth with a lot of wishful thinking and theory, and as I said his commitment to what he's saying will convince many.

Ultimately, what are the odds an actor from America has a superior scientific mind than Newton or DaVinci, and can see things in a way they couldn't and answer the questions they couldn't?
That's the crux of selling you on something.

I was waiting for him to explain how Evangelion isn't an anime but an updated Bible for modern times.


This will leave you speechless (OMG!!!)

If you aren't logged in and clear your browser's history, you will encounter tons of videos like this. They're all weird things, lots of AI generated stuff, and everything seems to have some sort of uncanny filter that makes everyone's facial expression (you know the expression, the one where everyone's mouth is agape like they're getting ready to blow the wind) look hyperreal. They've completely destroyed Youtube, Google's search engine, and God only knows what else, so that's cool I guess?

I just looked up some old Peter Rosenthal movie reviews for The Onion and I feel alright again.


I just looked up the captions for this scene and it said "Don't forget to like and subscribe". Strange.
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