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Terminator 3:Redemption - Surprisingly not crap


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Had a good blast with this today.

Good mixture of 3rd person gunning with Arnold, blasting things up in cars / Skynet machines and on-rail shooting sequences.

Paradigm did a good job of capturing the esscence of the Terminator universe and is a pretty good compliment to the movie with lots of backstory that's mentioned in the movie appearing (as well as rendered scenes that were rumoured to have been in before script-scissoring did it's work such as the full Endoskeleton battle at the end and the TX hijacking a harrier jet).

The music in the game is actually better then the limp-wristed score in the movie and the graphics on the Xbox version are pretty decent and busy. But be warned - this game is old skool. If you didn't like Enclave / Ninja Gaiden difficulty levels - STAY AWAY! Blow up in a level right at the end...and back to the beginning of the level you must go! No checkpoints! But as Arnold would say.. "TALK TO THE HAND!".

In all a good indication of why the next Terminator movie MUST be set in the future with the battle for Skynet.


In all a good indication of why the next Terminator movie MUST be set in the future with the battle for Skynet.

Agreed. With the right team behind it, Terminator 4 could be absolutely phenomenal


being watched
Terminator vs Robocop was a pretty fucking great comic.

Just don't get Paul Anderson to do it. Please. Please?!?!?


Ditto Cockles and thanks for your impressions.

This game is the only current game that could pull me away from BO3. It's a sleeper hit in my book and rivals...{correction}...might even surpass Riddick as my current favorite videogame based on a movie franchise. On the negative side at the start the game seemed kind of repetitive and difficult. Through trial and error one can pretty much figure what needs to be done and the preceding levels seemed to provide plenty of variety. From what I've played this is the best Terminator game ever made.
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