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Texas unveils memorial honoring black Texans, "White Lives Matter" protests.

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Moments before a hard-fought memorial to the contributions of black Texans was revealed Saturday in Austin, the evocative recognition of the nation's racial scars gave way to a trenchant display of its current deep wounds.

A group of white nationalists -- fewer than a dozen -- came to the Capitol's south lawn to demonstrate, some carrying rifles and wearings masks. They were met by scores of counter-protesters.

The blare of the megaphone in the hands of Ken Reed, the 42-year-old Houston man who drove to Austin to lead the White Live Matter faction, competed with the shouts from the opposing faction: "Black Lives Matter!"


The smallish group of "White Lives Matter" protestors were armed with rifles and some wore military gear and masks.

However they were met with heavy opposition from counter protesters


About two dozen individuals with the White Lives Matter group, some of whom were armed, demonstrated against what they called the unequal application of hate crimes laws, which they said are applied in a way that favors minorities. The group said it was a coincidence that its protest was held at about the same time as the ceremony for the monument.

White Lives Matter member and protest organizer Ken Reed said into a bullhorn that his group was concerned with “white people’s preservation.”

“You all are anti-white and anti-American,” he told the counter-protesters, according to the Austin American-Statesman.

The White Lives Matter group was shouted down by several hundred counter-protesters, who held up signs that said “Stand Against Hate” and “Black Lives Matter.”

One of them, Marie Catrett, said she came to stand up for the rights of minorities.

“I think they are full of hatred,” Catrett said about the White Lives Matter group. “They don’t represent our community or our values.”


White Lives Matter is actually a thing?

At least come up with your own branding yeash.

It's rock and roll all over again lol.


White people's preservation should be a Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor.

White Fragility: smooth churned vanilla ice cream with white chocolate chunks and broken up pieces of waffle cone. At the bottom of the pint is a layer of dark chocolate that you ignore.


I'm glad this was in Austin, TX. Anywhere else in Texas and this would be a different story. I don't think most people here are racist, but there are a lot of rural areas in Texas that certainly are.
Sounds like a net positive, with the unveiling of the memorial plus the overwhelming BLM counter-protest against the bullshit ALM one.

White Lives Matter is actually a thing?

At least come up with your own branding yeash.

It's rock and roll all over again lol.

It's appropriation at its finest.


My home state disgusts me. I used to think Texas was the best place on earth. Now that Im older, I realize how shitty and stupid a majority of the people are.

Its embarrassing.
Don't let yourself get upset at less than a dozen racists when they were outnumbered by hundreds. Focus on the helpers.

This is how the news cycle really gets you: it's not that it's fake, it's that people read the content so literally and quickly that you can make the wrong assumptions, find a flawed takeaway you never dig into, and forget what made it news.
My home state disgusts me. I used to think Texas was the best place on earth. Now that Im older, I realize how shitty and stupid a majority of the people are.

Its embarrassing.
My feelings about living in the south for decades. It's really amazing how they brainwash you into thinking what's happening around you is OK. You have to leave to realize what you were missing the whole time.
My home state disgusts me. I used to think Texas was the best place on earth. Now that Im older, I realize how shitty and stupid a majority of the people are.

Its embarrassing.

The counter protesters from what I understand vastly outnumbered these guys. I'd disagree that the majority of people here are shitty people
My feelings about living in the south for decades. It's really amazing how they brainwash you into thinking what's happening around you is OK. You have to leave to realize what you were missing the whole time.
Honestly I've been living here for a while and while we've experienced the very rare racist who insults us, the grand majority have treated us with love and respect in Texas. At the same time I've lived in areas that were huge with hispanic numbers (katy), went to college with geeks and largely lax folks (engineering in Texas a&m), and now live in a fairly multicultural apartment complex for my work as it's the only one that didn't have a ban on pitbulls.

Texas has a lot of issues I see on the news but I'm lucky I've never had to experience it. My many years here have been largely positive.


About two dozen individuals with the White Lives Matter group, some of whom were armed, demonstrated against what they called the unequal application of hate crimes laws, which they said are applied in a way that favors minorities.

yo what the fuck


Why would white lives matter protest against a memorial?

Have memorials honoring black members of society been oppressing them?
Why would white lives matter protest against a memorial?

Have memorials honoring black members of society been oppressing them?

If you receive a single dollar then that is a single dollar I no longer have the opportunity to receive. Hilariously sad.


The more impressive story to me in this situation is that Texas is doing something like this in the first place. Fuck the racists but good job Texas.


I'm glad this was in Austin, TX. Anywhere else in Texas and this would be a different story. I don't think most people here are racist, but there are a lot of rural areas in Texas that certainly are.

There's other liberal cities in Texas too like most of the bigger ones. It seems like the real outlier there is Dallas's little buddy to the west. But you're spot on about the rural areas. I don't even try going into east Texas.


The more impressive story to me in this situation is that Texas is doing something like this in the first place. Fuck the racists but good job Texas.

A little bit of kudos but...

a hard-fought memorial to the contributions of black Texans was revealed Saturday in Austin

Not many other places in Texas where this'd fly I think.
There's other liberal cities in Texas too like most of the bigger ones. It seems like the real outlier there is Dallas's little buddy to the west. But you're spot on about the rural areas. I don't even try going into east Texas.
Yeah I live in Fort Worth. I guess one of these major cities had to be red lol


Texas honors black Texans with a monument.

Less than a dozen nutjobs show up to protest; opposed by scores of counter-protesters. In the second story, about two dozen people were opposed by hundreds.

Let's make this about how Texas is disappointing and super-racist? Huh? My reaction would have been "Good on Texas". I would think it was a great sign that in one of the most conservative states in the union, so few people are protesting.
WLM tried and failed miserably. The memorial is here to stay. When the white live matter losers spray paint over it eventually it will be cleaned and continue to stand. Yall fucks never learn, you will never truly win again.


Texas honors black Texans with a monument.

Less than a dozen nutjobs show up to protest; opposed by scores of counter-protesters. In the second story, about two dozen people were opposed by hundreds.

Let's make this about how Texas is disappointing and super-racist? Huh? My reaction would have been "Good on Texas". I would think it was a great sign that in one of the most conservative states in the union, so few people are protesting.

It's why I made the topic, mostly I'm just baffled that "WLM" is a thing now. No matter how small and pitiful it was, the amount of people showing up against them was really nice to see.
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