I'm seeing people say that Liberals are just as bad right now as the Right when Obama was elected.
Donald J Trump, caught on tape saying he grabs women by the pussy and has 12 allegations of misconduct against him, calls illegals rapist, but some he assumes are good people, says a judge shouldn't be on his case because he is Mexican and therefore not bias to him, talking about finding a 12 year old so beautiful he stopped and ha to ask who she was, telling younger girls that some day he could date them, talk of deporting all undocumented people, talk of building a Muslim registry, calling msm fake news and already taking steps to silence them, legal cases involving fraud, bankruptcy that destroyed thousands of lives, possible ties to Russia and certainly hired people involved with Russia, hiring the most corrupt and wealthy people for his cabinet, led the birther movement against the sitting president, calling people losers and it's not their fault they are fucked up, mocking a disabled reporter, telling Black people their lives are so bad they have nothing to lose...
Is not the same as people saying it's supposed to be The WHITE House, he'll probably get assassinated, he's a Muslim BARACK HUSEEIN, he's not even an American.
Just saying.