Good one! Mogwai are part of my holy trinity of bands no amount of time passing can dull my enthusiasm for. (One other is tool, the third is harder to be certain about , it could be three or four bands/artists but that didn't fit the snappy phrase) I love this album, though i prefer the Government Commissions version of CODY... Christmas Steps is awesome.. probably prefer Young Team, but that's a pretty mainstream opinion i guessMogwai are a pretty far cry from the music I grew up with as they aren't super technical nor are they like the heavier stuff I listened to during my formative years, but there is something calming about their relentless beats and rhythms and the stories their songs tell without much, if any, vocals. Of the bands I love, their catalog is probably the most consistent and it's easy to recommend any album.
Good one! Mogwai are part of my holy trinity of bands no amount of time passing can dull my enthusiasm for. (One other is tool, the third is harder to be certain about , it could be three or four bands/artists but that didn't fit the snappy phrase) I love this album, though i prefer the Government Commissions version of CODY... Christmas Steps is awesome.. probably prefer Young Team, but that's a pretty mainstream opinion i guesswhat may be less predictable is that i think their best album overall is Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will... In my mind at least that's their best.
Never really listened to Fugazi but I should remedy that. Flea often speaks glowingly of them.
Artist: Garbage
Album: Version 2.0
Year: 1998
Genre: Alternative Rock
I saw them once with public enemy in Australia and once with boredoms in Japan. They were awesome.One of the best bands in existence.
When I think of the 90s, this is the album that defined it for me.
Artist: Various Artists
Album: The Crow Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Year: 1994
Genre: Alternative rock / Industrial
Maybe try this if you enjoy: Stone Temple Pilots, Nine Inch Nails, The Cure
After this album, maybe try: n/a (you've reached the pinnacle of 90's music and you won't find anything better)
great idea for a thread. Transmissions from the Satellite Heart is one of my favorites. actually all the 90s Lips albums are just too good. however my favorite album of the 90s is Fantasma.
this one, damn, this is just too good. Keigo Oyamada was in a 80s Japanese pop band called Flipper's Guitar, who had their own TV show. he went solo and adopted the name Cornelius, as a tribute to the character from Planet of the Apes. his first solo album is standard early 90s Shibuya-Kei pop, his second solo album a weird Beck style sampladelic record of metal and hip hop. his third solo album, Fantasma, released in 1997, is probably one of my favorite of all time. just a crazy genre-hopping album that namechecks The Clash, The Beach Boys, Jesus and Mary Chain, 2001: A Space Odyssey, etc. so many crazy sounds, from psychedelic hip hop to shoegaze. it's an insanely good album. BEST ON HEADPHONES. i discovered him when i went to see the Flaming Lips in 1999, he was on the bill as one of the opening acts. during the solo of one song he played a cover of "Love Me Tender" on a theremin while a video loop of Elvis ran in the background. it was a life-changing experience.
there are a number of music videos made for the album but unfortunately I can't find the one for the major single "Star Fruits Surf Rider". these are cool though, he was projecting these behind him during the show. his band was listening to click tracks so the video and audio were all in sync. BRILLIANT STUFF
From beginning to end, almost each track a masterpiece of rap... one of the albums I have on cassette, CD, and vinyl:
artist: Group Home
album: Inna City Life
year: 1995/96
genre: hip hop
also hear: Gang Starr (original crew), Das EFX, EPMD, KRS-One, Black Moon
Agree. Betty is second. This album is amazing.
Sorry, Betty da bess
Artist: Garbage
Album: Version 2.0
Year: 1998
Genre: Alternative Rock
I came to post that, you beat me to it. I think it's the first CD I bought brand new and full price. I remember listening to it through demo headsets in a shop, loved every single song of the album and just decided I had to buy it.
Sonic Youth:
Alt/Noise Rock
- Goo (1990)
- Dirty (1992)
- Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star (1994)
- Washing Machine (1995)