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The ancient legends spoke of a party: Ace Combat 4 rocks your mothers womb!!

Synopsis of Nedders history with the Ace Combat series:

Friend owned "Air Combat" on the PS, played brief multiplayer, was ok but unimpressed.

Bought "Ace Combat 2" on an impulse (actually in a flight-combat lust brought on by a lack of a Warhawk successor), worshipped the clouds it flew on.

Same friend, like the wannabe he is (ok not really) bought Ace Combat 3. Saw it in passing but never played it. Seemed stylish.

Consistently postponed purchase of Ace Combat 4 in lieu of other titles, was tempted by budgeted prices but never pulled proverbial trigger.

Now with news/ads of Ace Combat 5, want became too great. Decided to play the predcessor first, and TRU deal enabled free purchase.

So anyway now I'm playing this fantastic fucking game and loving every minute of it. The gameplay/graphics combo really didn't surpise me so much in terms of the quality (Ace Combat 2 immediately earned the series my respect), but the storyline and presentation is absolutely fantastic! The storyboards and narration really add to the overall effect and lend a greater sense of purpose to the missions. I look forward to each new segment with greater anticipation. I also like how you can use the various weapons to balance the strengths and weaknesses of your craft to compensate for the mission.

To say the least, the game has been worth every penny so far, and I've only just now completed the 9th mission. I'm curious as to whether or not Ace Combat 5 continues the AC4 storyline/presentation style or goes in a different direction altogether. How would one rate the overal game experience as compared to AC4? I realize there's a law of diminishing returns (you can only do dog-fights and bombing missions so many ways), but in this case more of the same, without any serious regression, would be well worth a full price purchase. But I've got to finish this one first (and Paper Mario, and Maximo GtG, and San Andreas, and Sly Cooper...FUCK)!! All hail the shattered skies!
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