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The Asian Beauty Filter Crisis


Gold Member

Cat Wow GIF
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Gold Member
Bring on the AI companions. At least you'll know it's fake but opt in regardless.

I swear to god once AI girlfriends take off all these "fake" women will end up in the gutter.


I taught kids for a while in china, and they whiten their photos a lot. One student who was very tan looked completely different and I was like "who is that kid? He's in my class?" The teacher said "yeah that's so and so." "Ohhhh"
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Thread pairs nicely with this one:

Nothing quite like a negative feedback loop of low self esteem -> lie to self with pictures -> create lower self esteem -> lie to self with pictures -> create lower self esteem -> and so on


My ideal Korean beauty. I wonder if she gets shit for being "dark".

Those filters plague dating apps. I thought the thread was gonna be about Asian fishing (usually Caucasian faking being Asian), which also plagues them. Both make the process just frustrating. Does more harm than good when they're getting rejected/never meeting anyone because they don't look anything like what was put forward.


Gold Member
Isn't it widely known that natural Japanese and Korean girls are one of the most unattractive there are? They need filters or tons of make up / plastic surgeries to be attractive.

Really, just go to Asia, walk down the street looking at schoolgirls - they are Z-Tier.
I don't know about Korea, but when I was in Japan, there was a lot of beauty there. Much more than I expected in everyday life.


Koreas beauty standards are the worst.

A lot of people when they're around 16 will get double eye lid surgery for starters and proceed to get more done as time goes on.

You can EASILY tell when someone has had something done on their face to the point that finding someone who HASN'T done anything to their face is even more rare.


Gold Member
Koreas beauty standards are the worst.

A lot of people when they're around 16 will get double eye lid surgery for starters and proceed to get more done as time goes on.

You can EASILY tell when someone has had something done on their face to the point that finding someone who HASN'T done anything to their face is even more rare.

It's why all Kpop stars look alike.


Her ears look like they belong to two different person...

Remind me of the pics of the beautiful couple with butt ugly children. The wife was supposed to have had hundred of thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery she never told her husband :messenger_grinning_sweat:

That's not real, it was an advertisement.

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