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THE BEAST WITHIN Official Trailer (2024)





Gold Member
So, pure allegory for an abusive rageoholic father passing on that behavior to their kid?

1000% the last shot of that movie is a little wolf turning from the mom and walking into the woods.


Gold Member
And I gotta say, I was really hoping for a remake if the 80's THE BEAST WITHIN which was a FANTASTIC cheesy horror film and well worth redoing if they can stick to the practical effects and just how brutal it was.

Spoilers for ya'll, though I HIGHLY recommend going in blind on this one

Guy gets caught by some dudes, imprisoned in a pit, and fed human corpses until he mutated into a monster. He then escapes, rapes a girl, and is killed. The son grows up, mutates himself, gets revenge on the men that transformed his dad, and rapes another girl, thus perpetuating the cycle. It's 100% latex gore and buckets of blood.
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