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The best Wii-U game, "Total Destruction 2025", will change everything, says maybe crazy guy

Is this guy

  • In need of mental help (it's not coming out)

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • Nooo Iwata was part of the NWO and placed the most powerful supercomputer in the world at our feet

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • This might come out as some shitty indie game with way too much boasting

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Some context first. This user has been running around various forums for 5+ years, claiming the CPU in the Wii U, unlike the shitty low clocked tri core we knew it as, unknown even to Nintendo, was a revolutionary piece of technology that would allow CPU-only 60fps real time ray traced rendering, with perfect sound and thousands of enemies.

Another user posted this copypasta on reddit

Wow! And? my coming game (named “Total Destruction 2025”) features. Raytracing! 60 fps. up to ~1000 enemies-on-screen. Nextgen-Ai (my own engine, custom), nextgen-Animation-engine (Custom), Perfect sound. you name it. All on a WiiU. Just like “White Inside it´s Umbra” which features 50-60 fps (depending on 1/2-Screen setup), several input-controllers simultaneously, good music, full raytracing and touchscreen, Microphone, camera and Stepcounter/Gyrosensor-support. Your game is just another Indie in 2D. You just try to “jump on board” with some of WiiU´s last games. Gameboy-mode…oh wow! I have just seen games like that over 100 times.

We are living in 2022 sir. Not in 1990s where a “gameboy-mode” was modern. Today every 10th game has a gameboy-mode you could say…The fastest processor ever created is lying here besides your feet. Like i said. And 99.9% of developers simply cannot get that into their head. They would only think of a supercomputer in the future will be as big as a room again.

The developer of “White Inside it´s Umbra” is allready considering programming something for Homebrew on WiiU as well because it allows him a lot more freedom to do and he won´t be limited in time to submit his project. Well if i told him the truth about the potential of this machine…ouch! Oh boy. But yeah. This means there will be no AMD Gpu being used and no I/O-limit and thus no limits. Only the sky is the limit.

Your game is a simple 2D-game and it makes heavy use of the AMD Radeon GPU and you are limited by the slow I/O of Nintendo´s custom I/O-driver, thus you cannot use the Espresso-cpu. Thus your game is limited. Your game will suffer from input-lag. Especially if you use the buttons and sticks in you rgame. See? I know everything about the feeling of your game before you even got it out on the market.

See? My game won´t have any measurable input-lag since it won´t run on the AMD Radeon GPU of WiiU. And it won´t use the buttons and sticks of the WiiU Gamepad. And the coming White Inside it´s Umbra won´t even. These games will all run on custom software-rendering-solutions with CUSTOM input (White Inside it´s Umbra uses a gamepad`s touchscreen for controls, as well as Wiimotes as well as Wii Balance Board to control movement of the character)

This allows developers (and me) to show a small sign of what the future holds…

Btw: Just if you ask: My next project after “Total Destruction 2025” will be “Zelda U Re-Imagined” for ~2030. No ETA for it yet though. Will take years replicating everything seen from 2013. But i never failed. I will do what´s necessary to reach my goal. And as we know how the rendering of that engine worked, now we can begin replicating it. It will only work on WiiU with a custom Software-Rendering solution though.

He's been doing this for years with nothing to show for it
This person in question has been in it for the long haul. They posted a thread on GBATemp about 5 years ago, claiming they had plans to port several games to the Wii U such as Bioshock. They made several other threads with other claims that they never provided actual results for. They always came across as a young person who seemed to believe they understood far more about programming than they actually did.

I kinda forgot this individual existed until I by chance had an unfortunate encounter with them on this site a few days ago. I used to think they were some kind of weird troll, but with how many years it's been, I sadly doubt the likelihood of that any more.

Not sure why they attached themselves so hard to the Wii U, but I guess they seem to think they know a lot about the system and seem to have some sense of pride about it. I've had a casual interest in psychology most of my life, so people like this often fascinate me to some extent. They seem to have a lot of the general hallmarks of a conspiracy theorist, and seem deep set in their cognitive biases. They likely have a lot of insecurities, and feeling "right" about something gives them some sense of control, self-worth and/or placates any "messiah complex" or narcissistic tendencies they may or may not have.

They are actually right about some things, which just makes their comments all the more egregious, since some people that may not be knowledgeable in the subjects he purports himself to be an expert in, may believe it at face value. That's a common issue with a lot of people that seem to spread misinformation unfortunately, whether they're aware they're doing so or not. Either way, this person is hard set in their ways and they clearly didn't come to believe the things they did rationally, it's probably deeply emotional on some level, and good luck ever trying to rationalise someone out of a position they never rationalised themselves into.

Even if their predications don't come true, they'll find some way to make sense of it in their warped worldview in order to avoid cognitive dissonance. It's a re-occurring cycle with many people like this, there's been countless studies, documentations and books carried out and written on such individuals (When Prophecy Fails is a decent, classic read for anyone interested in the topic).

It's honestly depressing coming across people like this, especially when it seems there's never any coming back for them, not when you know they've been the exact same person for at least half a decade. But that's enough of my armchair psychology.

He later found this thread and replied
Here, have some more deadly truth which is shocking you hard: Satoru iwata, which invented the WiiU`s processor (alone, it seems, maybe forced by the NWO/WEF?) belonged to the NWO/WEF all these years. He also worked on a face-tracker-software or WiiU which is capable of tracking the user´s face in a lot of situations with extremely high precision (much more precision than a typical today´s smartphone).

WEF was founded in ~2011, something like that. Which is interesting. It was all planned from the beginning.

and yes: We, aka some persons including me, do know now how the Rendering of "Zelda U" in 2013 works. And we want to work on a side-project now to bring these prototype-projects to a real, playable game in the end. We´ll do what NIntendon`t you could say.

And this is the first step when you want to replicate something. You do need to understand how it works.

So yeah. To me it seems Satoru Iwata planned to allways "transfrom the world". Which is exactly what NWO/WEF does or want to do. Since that´s what the Wiiu would have done to the world if it would have succeeded so fast.

If you think over that the WiiU is, when correctly programmed, a Cloud-platform, giving power to those which use it and take power from those who are depending on these machines, then you begin to understand why it was created.

The goal of the NWO/WEF was allways to achieve the end of chip-advancement. Because it also means technological advancement in terms of creating new humankind or healing illnesses which normally cannot be healed since your machines cannot handle such amounts of information without a reasonable amount of time. and it also means the end o capitaslism (no advancement = no more capitalism since no better products can be created any longer to sell users on it). And you also remember the medical device which Satoru Iwata wanted to produce?

Oh boy.If he would have coupled that to the WiiU´s fast-polling capabiblity only god knows what the end-product would have been. This is exactly what NWO/WEF stands for: Reaching the end of medical advancements.

And it seems, the IBM Espresso is exactly that. It´s the begin and the end of the matrix. It e.g. would allow you to examine the whole internet-data in realtime. Or watch for certain keywords and do "bad stuff" with it. Or delete countries from the internet. Or simply spy on everybody or do other such stuff. In the world of WEF/NWO no more privacy exists.

The longer i study on it, the more i find out. But currently i have no time to work on studying on it that much longer. I have other work to do and my projects are waiting.

Used to go by TheChosen on GBAtemp with these messianic ramblings for years also

(now "deleted user" there)

I've encountered him over the years pretty well everywhere, youtube comments (he says he can't post a youtube video of his progress because he deleted his account though), reddit as Quick_Roll354, not sure if he was ever here but it seems right for the peak crazy years, just years of dedication to this schtick without showing a simple piece of code or video for their progress.

Most systems don´t support dynamic linking btw (PCs, Laptops and Notebooks are an exception with the WiiU). E.g. no Xbox One does it (otherwise each game would support Mouse/Keyboard, but you cannot since there is no Dynamic linking of drivers there). And even PS5 doesn´t support it as far as i know.

WiiU does support dynamic linking because it has a gigantic bandwidth that means you can inject a driver, custom made to support mouses, keyboards etc in any game. and then you could play any game with a keyboard/mouse instead.

WiiU has a dynamically linked Raytracing-driver as well. This runs on Core 1 of the machine. It allows RT to be enabled in any game which makes use of realtime-lighting. Which most games do use.

That`s what i mean above when saying "So many more people own a WiiU yet do not know what it does or can do". So why do you own it then?

What do you guys think lol? It's a little fun to believe, but that the Wii U CPU would have an old ray tracing function that runs on a CPU, on a single core no less, and outdoes modern GPUs, is just so incredibly stupid a claim it would take some incredible proof lol. Every developer hated that tri core PowerPC 750 carried over from the Gamecube version of it. Not sure what the deal with this guy is, but I do hope he doesn't end up like TempleOS guy, because some of it is sounding similar. But that guy shipped running code.

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The entire internet on the left, The crazy guy on the right

Oh No What GIF by Loryn Powell

I mean it's interesting in theory but this reeks of Ken Kutaragi 4D and The power of the cloud level of lunacy.
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Hey man, TempleOS is super cool so long as you strip away all the religious propaganda and its prize lunatic of a creator.


But that’s what makes it really cool tho
Nah, the real magic is the way it blurs the lines between program and code, terminal text and rich content, compilation and execution, all without a hint of modern nonsense like garbage-collected scripting languages.
It's a fascinating abstraction over some of the most fundamental machinery in computing, and shows that there's more to be had beyond the traditional model Windows, Mac and Linux are based around.

Hell, even Linux with all of its fancy wobbly-window compositor magic, custom desktop environments, and fancy terminal extensions that turn the text console into a video player, is still catching up to TempleOS in some ways.

Terry's breakdowns and manic religious episodes are a sideshow that will eventually be lost to time - his real legacy is the weird innovation that nobody else thought to do, which may someday make it into the operating systems that run the world.
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Oh man. They're shadow banned on the Wii U sub yet keep posting novels there no one can see unless they check his profile. I'm actually leaning more towards them being unwell, it could just be some kid with high hopes but to be doing this for 5 years. Also says Core 1 couldn't be used by developers on Wii U...It certainly could be, that was the main core with extra cache.

and sorry, but WiiU is a lot more powerful than the most powerful PCs on the world currently (can easily beat an Intel Core i9 12900K). Because this feature allows you to render Pixar-Movies at any time in REALTIME (rendering 1000 images/second with 10 Billion Raytrays/Second, assuming it´s a movie and not a 3D game). You just need to write the software for it. Then the machine will create a Pixar-Movie with the same Realtime-Raytracing engine. Rendering the movie finished in ~2 hours.

So the Wii U had this crazy fast ray tracing feature that ran on one CPU core and can beat current RTX graphics, Nintendo just opted to never use this massive competitive advantage because it would end the world or something. Ok.
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Gold Member
I love my Wii U. And I know what it can do. We should show some respect to the last console where Nintendo actually tried having decent hardware.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
So…OP is actually Quick_Roll354 then?

I mean the amount of research they have on the persona across from, what, 7 internet locations.

It seems like they are either a devoted follower or just one of the lucid voices in the great mind that is QR354.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe them 100%, the Wii can run Rage so I am sure the Wii U is gdlk.
Also….”10x faster VR-It’s true”


Report me if I continue to console war
Nintendo do have some Japanese secret service ties to alien technology so I would not be surprised.


I love my Wii U. And I know what it can do. We should show some respect to the last console where Nintendo actually tried having decent hardware.

Exactly. The Wii U makes the switch look like a piece of garbage. At least it competed hardware wise with the PS3 and Xbox 360, even if it did come out after they did. Switch came out after PS4 and X1 and look how crappy it is in comparison. Then add on it had backwards compatibility all the way back to GameCube, and it can't be beat by any other Nintendo home console.
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Exactly. The Wii U makes the switch look like a piece of garbage. At least it competed hardware wise with the PS3 and Xbox 360, even if it did come out after they did. Switch came out after PS4 and X1 and look how crappy it is in comparison. Then add on it had backwards compatibility all the way back to GameCube, and it can't be beat by any other Nintendo home console.

I do have to qualify one thing there, although Wii U was backwards compat with GC due to using the same architecture, much to my dismay it doesn't accept GC discs. This is sad because an HDMI equipped console that can run GC games stock would be a godsend. But it's nice that it will play backups natively if you mod the thing.

Between that whole headache and the fact that running a controller through the Smash GC adapter has more lag, I generally just use the Wii or a real GC anyway...


So…OP is actually Quick_Roll354 then?

I mean the amount of research they have on the persona across from, what, 7 internet locations.

It seems like they are either a devoted follower or just one of the lucid voices in the great mind that is QR354.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe them 100%, the Wii can run Rage so I am sure the Wii U is gdlk.
Also….”10x faster VR-It’s true”

This one of his personalities is suspecting the other one is perhaps unwell then lol. 3 locations, started on gbatemp, then was reminded of him on reddit copypasta, and had also run into him on random youtube comments about the wii u.

We pretty well know what the Wii U was and it wasn't impressive. The PowerPC 750CL core was kept remarkably the same from the Gamecube with their somewhat customized FP unit, but other than that clocked higher, given multicore, and more cache.

So when someone says it could run CPU-side ray tracing and they just never used this huge advantage and it's going to rival pixar movies and RTX cards...I'm guessing nutter.

But it is fun to see these online personalities isn't it. I'm curious if they'll actually ship a game or just have been talking shit for years, so far any ask for evidence is rebuffed.


Exactly. The Wii U makes the switch look like a piece of garbage. At least it competed hardware wise with the PS3 and Xbox 360, even if it did come out after they did. Switch came out after PS4 and X1 and look how crappy it is in comparison. Then add on it had backwards compatibility all the way back to GameCube, and it can't be beat by any other Nintendo home console.

Eh, I have to say that the Wii U launched just a year before the 8th generation, and was vastly overshadowed by them. Why get a Wii U when the PS4 was only a little more for vastly more power and developer support?

Had the Wii U launched midway into the PS3/360 generation it might be respectable, but it was at the end of it. Developers also complained they couldn't do as much on its CPU as even those years old consoles at that point, the Wii U had very little in the way of SIMD with only paired singles.

But I do agree that time-adjusted, the Switch did not move the needle on Nintendo relative power, people do overestimate how much better it is than the Wii U especially undocked, it's largely the extra RAM and it just gets a pass for being more popular and fully portable.
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