User 73706

Welcome to the Black Culture Thread. This community is focused on the discussion and experience of daily life for minorities. GAF is a rather large forum, and these unique experiences can get lost in the noise. But while this thread was created to ensure certain topics relevant to the black community could be discussed reasonably, people of all skin color, ethnicities and walks of life are welcome. It's a community thread, so it can be intimidating for newcomers to jump in considering all the in-jokes and general cadence of the thread. If you are unfamiliar with anything, just ask. We are always looking for more decent folks to bring into the family.
Enjoy your stay. Don't track dirt all over the good carpet.
also sub is doing this one because trey's computer called in sick

Also, tangentially related note: Indivisible, an inclusive-as-all-hell RPG from the creators of Skullgirls, has reached its necessary funding. Progress!

And the winner is Numb! In an unprecedented finish, Numb came out of nowhere last OT to claim the title of King Bucketeer. Congratulations!

Are you new to this community? Introduce yourself by filling out this quick questionnaire:
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KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? -

BCT's resident podcast, curated by Moris. It's updated whenever BCT doesn't make a horse joke for at least 72 hours.

Podcast 23: "What's OJ Got To Do With It?"
Angelus, Moris and Slayven have a talk about Michael B Jordan, Bobby Shmurda, Iggy Australia, Bernie Sanders, the Terrence Howard sex tape audio and more.
Click to stream | Right-click to download

| GAF |
Explanation of Cultural Appropriation by Angelus
Institutional Racism: The Continued War on Black America by Amirox
Sexual Preferences and Racism by some race-baiting concern troll (original article by Samantha Allen)
List of topics on black history and racial identity by Mumei
Black Excellence vs. White Mediocrity by Arthur Chu / Salon, through Alternet
The Case For Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Video Games' Blackness Problem by Evan Narcisse (Kotaku)
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh
Coli Smilies

I want to be black.
Everyone wants to be black. There's nothing more punk rock on Earth than being black. We stroll in, all muscle and sinew and cocoa, fucking the game up like dirty edge connectors. We laugh loud and speak bold and emit "I-just-don't-give-a-fuck" with every movement. We have been scrutinized and analyzed in every conceivable way, and still we are mysterious and exotic right down to the kink of our hair to those - surprising, still numerous - people who haven't been in contact with us before. We've created the rhythm and the blues, the rock and the roll, the hip and the hop. We brought in the noise and the funk. We put the soul in food, and pretty much everything else too. We built your pyramids, and we leap over them with our seemingly impossible collective athleticism, borne of mountains, jungles and plains that many of us still live in all across the world. Everyone wants to be black.
No one wants to be black. There's nothing more terrifying than the knowledge that we exist in every way but individually to everyone - even other black people. We can never be judged by our own merits; we carry the weight of the race's progression with every step into the future like Atlas, and even he shrugged...but we can't, because it's considered weak and selling out if we do. Every bit of slang, every bit of clothing that sits the wrong way, every head nod and hand gesture can and will be taken in the wrong way, a universal "there-goes-the-neighborhood" by everyone that can do so, which basically consists of everyone that doesn't want the social association with black people. That group, naturally, consists of everyone that is able to pass as "non-black". We live in a world where we were kings until we were cattle, and then we were weapons, and then we were like aphids, sprouting up where we weren't wanted, corrupting non-black youth, and the reason for everything from crime to lowered test scores or property value. Nobody wants to be black.
My blackness offends infinitely.
I want to be black.
Natural's Law
Natural's Law - is a humorous observation made by GAF poster MWS Natural in 2011 which is becoming an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving black people approaches 1. In other words, Natural put forth the hyperbolic observation that, given enough time, in any online discussion regarding any form of conflict someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to discrimination faced by blacks.
Racism is Quantum-Locked
Htown said:Racism is weird. Everybody knows it totally exists, but when you look at any specific situation, racism is never involved. You can know that it exists, but when you look for it, it turns into something else.
Racism is quantum locked. It doesn't exist when it's being observed. The moment it is seen by any living creature, it freezes into a coincidence.
The Liberal Limit
Marlon James said:And while were at it, lets talk about another thing that has been pissing me the fuck off recently. Lately, in the pages of liberal bastions like Atlantic, Slate, and New Republic, there has been this movement gaining steam largely because nobody wants to give it a name. So let me name this mofo: The Liberal Limit. You know it in fact its been the view of many liberals and leftists, but particularly old white liberal men (yeah I said it), that progressiveness has gone too far, so far that even their privilege now feels attacked.
Theyre tired of learning new gender pronouns. Tired of hiding that nigger joke book. Tired of having to figure out how to respond to a Rihanna video. Tired of feminists of colour pointing out fissures in whatever wave of feminism we got right now. Tired of black kids on campus whining all the time. Tired of everybody being so angry because without their alliance all you coloured folk would be doomed. Liberal but up to the point where it scrapes on privilege.
But heres the news. Youre a progressive. Youre supposed to progress. Youre supposed to be more liberal today than you were yesterday. Yes, were supposed to passionately debate (not tear down) even the stance of our allies, even those who agree with us 60% of the time. Youre supposed to keep changing your views on race because even the most positive view is inherently flawed and needs work. The whole point to being liberal, to being progressive is to continuously evolve, continuously question, continuously debate, even continuously knock down and build up, sometimes even ripping everything apart to start again. My views on trans people are different in 2014 that they were in 2004. And you can bet your ass it will be even better in 2024 than it is now, because that's what makes me not conservative. The point to being a progressive is to fucking progress.
Obama chuckled. "You mean the chaos emeralds?"
After being beaten to the ground by Towering Black Football Player Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman reluctantly pulls the trigger in self-defense. Martin falls back and lets loose a mighty African laugh. "So it begins!" he cries (translated from thug language).
The transponder on his wrist contacts the White House, where Operation Caliphate sits waiting.
"Your majesty," cries an aide (likely homosexual), "Agent Martin, codenamed Fire of Allah, has completed his mission!"
Imam Hussein Obama clasps his hands and smirks, a "jazz cigarette" in his mouth. "And now the honkies will pay."

You guys don't know what it feels like to have your heart betrayed like this. I just got cuckolded by a damn video game conpany. It's like if they announced Crash or Laura Croft for Smash. There's just some lines you don't cross.
I am trying to get paid in Asian women. Shit I would sign up to be a slave again if I could make some red kool-aid using Kristen Kruek's grey water
i dont know any music genre that does this. never Alice in Chains. never Solange Knowles. its always someone with rap music. playing it all loud because they think the whole block wanted to hear it. Class or work early in the morning? sucks for you. newborn baby? too bad. heres more rap music!

Special thanks to Trey for letting me appropriate be the savior of do this OT and for past OPs for laying the groundwork through so many OTs prior.
Thanks also go to several members credited in the resources tab for their threads on topics relevant to black culture.
Thanks also go to several members credited in the resources tab for their threads on topics relevant to black culture.