Where you're from - Born in Detroit.
Where you live - Miami for the past 20 years.
What is your age? - 29. I'll be 30 in June.
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Black American.
Do you know your roots - Not really.
Favorite musical genre - Hip Hop.
Your profession/major/career interest - Project Manager at Royal Caribbean.
Your religious affiliation - Raised a Christian but always had more questions than answers so I'll say "Undecided".
Hobbies - Video Games, Music, Masterminding.
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Popeyes. Haven't had Bojangles since they aren't in Miami and FUCK Churches. Never had Churches either. But FUCK Churches.
Marvel or DC? - Iono.
Favorite superhero? - Iono.
Anime or Nah? - I mean...I'm not opposed to it but I can't find the time to put much interest into it. Unless you count Afro Samurai.
Favorite sport and team? - Basketball. Miami Heat.
What's your favorite Disney movie? - Lion King on VHS.
What's your favorite video game and genre? - Metal Gear series except MGSV and its unfinished ass. Fav genre, idk...I don't really have a favorite. I would say third person shooters but no real standout ones recently.