Only a new Bloody Roar can save the genre
As long as it's not like....Bloody Roar 4. That damn Bloody Roar 4.
Only a new Bloody Roar can save the genre
I feel you, I've always wanted to be involved in a team that made a fighting game in some capacity, at least.
That shit is fucked. Naughty God is disgusting for doing that shit. I feel bad for the victim.
Man, if I could make a fighting game, it'll be similar like the Aki games(No Mercy, Fight for NY).
Actually, I'd like a good wrestling game besides Fire Pro.
Just give me a new Virtual On or Virtua Fighter and I'll dive back in,
Being a top tier Long player is the definition of skillI thought you only play games that require skills.
As long as it's not like....Bloody Roar 4. That damn Bloody Roar 4.
Saturday Night Slam Masters?
This Futaba dungeon in P5 is ass, stuck and don't want to use a guide.
Man, if I could make a fighting game, it'll be similar like the Aki games(No Mercy, Fight for NY).
Actually, I'd like a good wrestling game besides Fire Pro.
Brah, do we share the same mind!? I thought that too!! But my game would be about street gangs. A spiritual successor of sorts to Fight for NY. But it might be more... supernatural than it's inspiration.
Why not
I prefer to do everything blind and grind my way through which has worked for me until now. I relented and used a guide.
It was partially rhetorical, I of course understand why. But meh, as I've gotten older, I stopped caring as much, especially when it becomes clear that my stubbornness may lead me to dislike the game if I struggle too long to figure out whatever it is I'm trying to complete.
Like for the 3rd palace for example, I just googled one of the passcodes to save time lol
Primal Fury can kiss my ass, how you going to abandon the PS2?
Man crazy weather in Chicago today.
Ahhh.I browse the web with a profanity filter. Makes my experience much more pleasant.
Same.I wanted to make a fighting a game.
Its been raining and very windy all damn day.How so?
I am so ready for the cold, not Chicago cold. I am not that hard
I wanted to make a character action game with a black woman as the MC. But I forgot which character/person I wanted to base her on.
Jennifer LawrenceI wanted to make a character action game with a black woman as the MC. But I forgot which character/person I wanted to base her on.
I wanted to make a character action game with a black woman as the MC. But I forgot which character/person I wanted to base her on.
A new Bloody Roar in this gen would be amazing to see. Unfortunately, Konami bought Hudson and sat on it and its IPs.
What a waste.
😍😍😍😍Y'all see one of Mercy's concepts for OW?
I would argue that there is a direct correlation between Trump being in office and all these sexual abusers being exposed.
I wonder if Chadwick Boseman is going to be the go to for playing someone in a biopic. This is his third one.
I'm telling you, it's the Year of the White Woman. Weinstein was finally vulnerable, and they pounced. I just hope they keep using their powers for good and not evil. And to not keep trying to make women of color their mules.
Just about the first thing I see after waking up is Hopsin's dumbass, I feel dirty.Imagine getting paid to put your hands inside Hopsin's crack, brehs.
Imagine getting paid to put your hands inside Hopsin's crack, brehs.
Hope D i Z is alright.
He ain't dead, and he'll be back soon enough. You can catch him in the Discord.
Like, the Def Jam fighting games were a once in a lifetime sort of deal. If we could get a successor to that I'd buy the ever loving hell out of it. So good.
Ah. I'm not interesting/chatty enough on a second-to-second/minute-to-minute basis to be much fun in Discord chats, but thanks for the heads up. XP
We really aren't that funny, anyway. Come through. Be our friend.
Jackie Brown? That'd be pretty sweet
I'd also pick Pam Grier, honestly. Nobody else comes close.
Jennifer Lawrence