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The Blue Flush: GOP leading Democrats on generic poll for first time this election cycle


The poll showed 38.1 percent of registered voters said they would vote for a Republican candidate if midterm elections were held today, compared to just under 37 percent who said they’d vote for a Democrat.
Say good-bye to the D-advantage in the generic ballot. Our latest Reuters/Ipsos poll shows that registered voters as likely to support Republicans as Democrats. @ReutersPolitics https://t.co/0ZIVVs6Zqc pic.twitter.com/rLIHL7jPRl
— Chris Kahn (@Cmkahn) May 21, 2018

For the week ending May 20, pollsters also found that Republicans held a nearly 6-point advantage over Democrats. That marked a 9-point swing from the previous week, when Democrats held a 3-point lead among registered voters.

The results are a stark contrast to previous polls, which showed Democrats with a 10-point edge as of late April.


If only they actually had a message of some sort, they might not be losing 2-3 points a week.

I'm seeing a lot of parallels between Clinton's second term and Trump's first, in terms of how the opposition parties are handling it. Clinton and the Dems gained popularity in the face of the over-dramatized sex scandals (and all the other scandals) because voters get weary of it. And I think this shows voters are tired of daily Stormy Daniels updates and everything else.
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Yeah this is almost like a mirror image of what happened to Clinton. I'm surprised Democrats being typically the "smart" ones can't see history repeating itself.
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I guess we shall see if this is an outlier or a trend over the next few weeks.

A nine point swing in a week seems kinda weird, especially since the Administration hasn't had any notable successes during that period.
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With the exception of Pennsylvania, up until this point, every state that has had its primaries has seen a Significant over performance of gop voters compared that of that democrats. I still think dems pick a few seats up in the house and perhaps hold onto a seat or 2 in the senate. However, I think the nonstop hate trump 24/7 and the identity politics purity tests are wearing thin on people. Calling someone a racist or bigot because they want a strong boarder or safe neighborhood isn't going to make them suddenly vote D.

Dr. Claus

Assuming this isn't an outlier data point, I wouldn't be surprised. I have a number of colleagues/friends who are centrist/republican that despise Trump and his Administration. However, they are very annoyed with this constant push of identity politics, SJW mindsets, and childish attitudes that a number of the louder Democrats are pushing. They see Trump and his admin as the lesser of the two evils.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν

...like this is a joke...but literally, what are Democrats values that they're pushing right now?

Bernie Sanders was clear as fuck what he wanted and it was a message that mattered to people (whether you agreed with if he could do it or how he'd go about doing it...the goals he was shooting for, people gave a shit about).

Who is the voice in the Democratic Party that anyone in everyday life actually gives a shit about and agrees with? And what are they saying?
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I have to be fair on this. I ignored the polls before that had people screaming about blue waves. So I have to ignore this one too.

History is pretty strong on this. Dems should gain....but the same rhetoric that will turn out their voters will also drive GOP turnout in a lot of places.



...like this is a joke...but literally, what are Democrats values that they're pushing right now?

Bernie Sanders was clear as fuck what he wanted and it was a message that mattered to people (whether you agreed with if he could do it or how he'd go about doing it...the goals he was shooting for, people gave a shit about).

Who is the voice in the Democratic Party that anyone in everyday life actually gives a shit about and agrees with? And what are they saying?

There is no such person. And I don't even know what the party stands for besides Trump sucks. They're all over the place in their messages, and they claim change this, change that, but at the same time still have Pelosi as their minority speaker. Considering that she oversaw both the loss of the majority and was holding the position when Trump won, please excuse me for not believing that the elected democrats care about a damn thing besides keeping power by saying whatever they think I might want to hear.


Nah, the poll is cool for the liberal side now. When it flips to conservatives again then it’s trash.
Oh please, the White House literally said polls are only real if they're good for them.

Also this thread is utterly garbage and aged hilariously bad in literally less than a week. Stop looking at individual polls that fit your narrative so you can pretend to act upset over democrat's supposed lack of platform and about how the media is being mean to our dear leader in the news. Fuck off with these stupid threads already.


Oh please, the White House literally said polls are only real if they're good for them.

Also this thread is utterly garbage and aged hilariously bad in literally less than a week. Stop looking at individual polls that fit your narrative so you can pretend to act upset over democrat's supposed lack of platform and about how the media is being mean to our dear leader in the news. Fuck off with these stupid threads already.

I know. It was a joke lol


"supposed" lack?
They run on all kinds of shit depending on where they're running. Go read a fucking campaign website. Just because democrats don't have a propaganda channel like Fox and CNN prefers to talk about bullshit 24/7 doesn't mean democrats have no platform.
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Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The Democrats have much the same platform they had in the past, both good and bad, so I'm not sure why people go,"hur dur they have no platform". It's the same stuff its been for a while with a bit more of a progressive lean after Bernie Sanders. They're looking to improve healthcare for the country through the Federal government. They're still pro choice in most cases. They're still for more gun control and regulation. And so on.

To simplify it for everyone, if the right hates it or claims its gonna be the downfall of this country in some form or another, the Democrats probably support it in some manner or liberals in general.

Edit: To further clarify, if you don't know what the Dems platform is or question if they have one you're either dumb as it fucking gets or just being disingenuous as can be.
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Is this some gotcha moment? Lol. Healthcare, gun control, immigration just to give you a handful.

Contrary to what some people here believe Stormy Daniels is actually not the democrat's platform.

Edit: This was in response to bucyou
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lol, chill out stallion, i know you have like 150 posts tonight but no need to be angry.

I see nancy on tv talking about impeachment, I see schumer praising the embassy move, theres not much of a clear message besides fuck trump.

You know whats dumb as it fucking gets or just being disingenuous as can be? When your (vague) answer is the literal foundation of the dnc(gun control, prochoice, etc), which means you have nothing else.


I mean you can argue that messaging from democrats isn't amazing, but pretending there's no platform is silly and ignorant. Especially at a more local level where it doesn't matter much what Pelosi said that day.


I’d believe it. Republicans are old reliable and you never know what democrats will vote for.

I’d say both democrats and republicans don’t have any solid politician figures. It’s part of why trump wiped the floor with all other republican candidates. They all sucked. And for the democrats.... yeah don’t know who is bringing a uniform message hat appeals to the entire party
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