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The Book of Henry - Trailer 1 - directed by Colin Trevorrow

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Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
That movie certainly took a 180 turn in vibe.

The trailer makes it look like the kid dies half way through. And boy, even a sniper rifle and all.
This looks putrid, like they rolled up all the worst personality traits of the 80s Adventure Boy and put them into one film where he magically knows how to solve everything, a fucking Aaron Sorkin 45 year old protagonist in a 11 year old boy.
It's a mash up of genius kid and the thriller genre. I will give it a rental.

Although the idea of a single mom Naomi Watts can't find a man is ridiculous.
They even have Giacchino doing the music.

we've gone from Spielberg and Williams to Trevorrow and Giachinno. God damn.....

wait is this the kid from Midnight Special? that was a great Amblin influenced movie. This surely won't be as good. Cool to see him pop up in these random flicks all of a sudden tho. Noticed him in IT too.
This looks really bizarre, and also shitty, like it's smarter that it thinks it is. Like it's based on a really bad bestselling book that people you don't respect really love.

Hey, maybe it's good, but I'm banking on totally shit.

Haha it reminds me of Girl on the Train so yes on everything in you post.

My wife and me enjoyed Girl on the Train though.


we've gone from Spielberg and Williams to Trevorrow and Giachinno. God damn.....

wait is this the kid from Midnight Special? that was a great Amblin influenced movie. This surely won't be as good. Cool to see him pop up in these random flicks all of a sudden tho. Noticed him in IT too.

Nah, this is the kid from 'Room'.

EDIT: Oh, nevermind, they're both in it?


So judging by the trailer the narration during the second half of the trailer sounds like the kid dies/goes missing at some point during the film and it's up to the mother to finish the job. Like I guess the kid documented each step and then gets to close and gets taken out, but left behind enough evidence (plus all the pieces for his plan ready to go) for his mother to piece together the rest and get revenge for him.

Or the kid is actually Hannibal manipulating his mother into killing someone because he was curious and we now have a prequel.


Dude didn't even bother to close the blinds based on Naomi Watt's expression in that one scene.

Closing blinds is so eighties. Given the times, he's barely doing anything wrong. Now Naomi, she's a Peeping Tom, in the movie she's upto all sorts of shady shit, her son both enables and tries to cover up her sick deeds. It's the only way he can control her urges and prevent her from renting out his little brother to the local pedo ring.

The poster is spot on in highlighting hope and fighting the evil within. It's an ideal duality with the films gritty themes.
we've gone from Spielberg and Williams to Trevorrow and Giachinno. God damn.....

Those guys aren't going to live forever. If we didn't have new aspiring talent getting work even if they're not as good we'd be left in the dust with movies of this ilk. I want these guys to get more and more experience, even if you don't like Safety Not Guaranteed or Jurassic World, whatever, they can always get better and go up.

And this might... be good? It's a trailer. I knew that when Demoncarnotaur highlighted that Trevorrow was directing in the fuckin' thread title how this would go. Wonder what the narrative would be if it were simply another director's name attached but with the same exact trailer. Just a thought! :p

Also Michael Giacchino is terrific, so I can't help you there.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Wonder what the narrative would be if it were simply another director's name attached but with the same exact trailer.

I haven't seen Jurassic World and still think that this trailer is pretty strange, and not in a good way.
I haven't seen Jurassic World and still think that this trailer is pretty strange, and not in a good way.

Obviously opinions would still be all over the place as they are with most things, but it definitely drew some attention.

I do think it's an odd trailer tonally, but I'm still giving it a chance. It may work more organically in the actual film.


Obviously opinions would still be all over the place as they are with most things, but it definitely drew some attention.

I do think it's an odd trailer tonally, but I'm still giving it a chance. It may work more organically in the actual film.

The trailer remind me of Disturbia -- basically about kids/teenager growing up, stumbling something dark (in Disturbia case it was a serial murderer), they take the law into their own hands.
The trailer remind me of Disturbia -- basically about kids/teenager growing up, stumbling something dark (in Disturbia case it was a serial murderer), they take the law into their own hands.

Yeah, I told my gf yesterday that it kinda looked like Disturbia, and she's a fan of those "dark things going on in neighborhoods" kinds of stories like that and Rear Window. Disturbia wasn't very good, well, mostly just not really memorable. I just read a Variety article that said this has been testing well, so we'll see.
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