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The BT

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Okay, I've got a question that I'm hoping one of you people can help me with.

Currently my fave BT client is BitComet, I used to use ABC but then there were some torrents that wouldn't download with ABC but then ended up working with BitComet. So that's why I switched.

Anyway, now I have two that work in ABC but not in BitComet, so here's the situation:

In BitComet, let's say a torrent has 5 files ("five.torrent") with (1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt, 4.txt, 5.txt) and I already have files 1, 2, and 4. In BitComet when I open the five.torrent file I can deselect 1, 2, and 4 and only download parts 3 and 5.

I seem to be unable to do that in ABC, so here are the questions:

1) *CAN* I do that in ABC but just haven't found it?

2) Are there other clients that let me do that?

THanks guys and gals in advance! :)


So this is my last ditch attempt to get some help on this subject before I ask around at other forums, so can anyone help me?? Surely there are plenty of people here who use BT that might know the answer... :)


Drunky McMurder
I don't believe that is possible in ABC, I can't really recall seeing the option at least.

I use BitTornado, and you can do it in that(You can give priority to certain files or have them not download ever)
I haven't had the need to do that yet (I use ABC) so I wouldn't know. Just ask at *cough*your favourite BT site's forums*cough. They'll give you a much quicker and better response then here.


Azureus allows this, just select the files to 'do not download'. I do it all the time.

Speaking of, is there any way of deselecting finished files in Azerus, or deleting finished files without the program creating new dummy files? I don't have a lot of hard disc space left, and I need to delete some stuff to fit it, and I don't want to wait until everythhing is finsihed.


Chalk me up as an Azureus lover. It's one of the best memory-managed torrent programs out there (which is kind of funny considering it's based in Java). With BitTornado, a torrent can take up to 15mb on average. Five of them open means a near 100mb system-memory usage. Azureus, however, seems to average around 20mb regardless of how many torrents are working.

There are probably even better memory solutions out there for downloading torrents, but I doubt they have the functionality and design of Azureus.


Drunky McMurder
Tenguman-I'm the exact opposite. Bittornado hardly uses up any of my resources, and the last time I upgraded Azureus(I think it was the first update with the frog type logo on the splash screen) it started slowing my computer to a crawl.
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