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The Chicago Bulls, biggest team in sports?


Old Member
They were the biggest team in sports in the '90s, yeah. I lived up there during their heyday and you couldn't go anywhere without Jordan & Co. being in your face. It was fucking massive.


They were the biggest team in sports in the '90s, yeah. I lived up there during their heyday and you couldn't go anywhere without Jordan & Co. being in your face. It was fucking massive.

Pretty much this.

In the 90's go to anywhere on the globe and someone probably had a bulls hat or Jersey somewhere. You probably didn't even need to speak the same language, just say Bulls or Jordan and people knew exactly what you were talking about.

They have faded now of course, but I don't know if a sports team will ever be that big across the globe again.

Great Hair

Micheal Jordan remains unbeaten at nr1. as best-most-prolific athlete of all time at close to $2bill. earnings. Tiger at 2nd spot with 1.7 and some other golf player on 3rd (Palmer).

Barcelona had some good two years internationally beating most, but the bulls lasted for 7? years and overall no team comes close to the bulls phenomenon.

I only watch saqus in the foo? ... modern nba players are so bad (cant count to 3, 5 to 9 step dunks), referees not giving a fuck and overall the nba lost a lot since MJ stopped. Bet the revenue declined when he retired.

The bulls with jordan today would be making 10 billions annually, if the nba had the same aura of the 90s. Now it´s just a sport game among others, back then it was THE sport to watch.

Old Retro

>"Fuck that sport with flopping"
>"I love basketball"

wew lad


Today's NBA is full of baby shit flops. I forgot how tough it was until they started rerunning old Lakers VS Celtics Bird/Magic games on TV. And yes, I would say the movement of the 1990s Bulls was legendary (I was there). Todays game is a former shadow of itself.

Karma Jawa

Fuck that pussy ass excuse for a sport man. I respect it only because it brings people together and can be a hell of a cardio workout. Idk the sport well. I just know those dipshits flop around and fake injuries. Faking injuries is part of the game. Fuck that, that’s a bonafide disgrace of a sport. For someone like me, who is forced to live with constant recurring injuries and probably will have to the rest of my life, I know the process all too well. It’s nothing to play with. And for so called ‘professionals’ to be pretending to that degree? Nah fool. Those aren’t men. Lil boys is all. There’s a pecking order, soccer is dead last when it comes to respect. Everybody knows those players get down like bitches. Fucking punk ass actors..

It’s nowhere near as aggressive as it was years ago, and it’s definitely full of actors pretending they’ve been shot, but it’s still occasionally violent. Especially the lower down the leagues you go.



Historically it's already been noted that before Jordan came to town there was a soccer team IN THE 90'S more popular than the Chicago Bulls

The moment MJ left that old soccer team became more interesting again.


Old Member
Just look at the card industry in the '90s to see the effect MJ and the Bulls had on the country. You had McDonalds nationwide giving out exclusive card packs with happy meals, and doubly so when Team USA was a thing. Everyone and their mom was making NBA cards for a few years, and there was even an underground market in local card shops of bootleg MJ cards done in the style of '86 Donruss with him posing in a White Sox uniform years before he would actually go try to play baseball. You couldn't go to a store without seeing at least 3-4 people in one of these fuckers:


This hat was the hottest hat in the world after their third championship:


It was insane.


I would go as far to say the bulls logo and 23 were up there with the golden arches and disney as far as world wide recognition.

In the 90s of course.


UK perspective - probably not. Lakers are much more well known over here.

Overall, Ferrari racing team, Barcelona, Yankees and the Lakers top this list.

For individual sports it's Roger Federer, Rafa Nadal and Usain Bolt.
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Magic Johnson and a Larry Bird built the NBA and set the stage for a Jordan/Bulls type dynasty if a great player came along. I’d still call the Lakers the most world wide. Bulls is more about just Jordan, Lakers have a storied history of great players.

With soccer it’s just not my thing, I grew up at a time in America where it barely existed. It’s like lacrosse or rugby. Most Americans are like cool and they’ve become more popular, but nowhere near our big national sports. It’s like I’m sure many other countries look at baseball and cricket like wtf is this weird game, that’s how I look at soccer 😂

Karma Jawa

There's lots of great sports teams

NFL - Patriots
NBA - bulls
Nhl - Canadiens
MLB - Yankees


Globally in terms of biggest teams it’s dominated by football (soccer) teams.

Manchester United
Real Madrid

These are sports teams that sell shirts across every continent and have huge global fan bases.

From a European perspective American sports seem very insular. There’s no incentive to try and follow a basketball or baseball team if you don’t live in the US.

American Football is a bit different and is very popular outside of the US, and I’m looking forward to seeing games at the stadium of my team, Tottenham Hotspur,


Globally in terms of biggest teams it’s dominated by football (soccer) teams.

Manchester United
Real Madrid

These are sports teams that sell shirts across every continent and have huge global fan bases.

From a European perspective American sports seem very insular. There’s no incentive to try and follow a basketball or baseball team if you don’t live in the US.

American Football is a bit different and is very popular outside of the US, and I’m looking forward to seeing games at the stadium of my team, Tottenham Hotspur,
For the rest of the world, not for America. I don't really care for sports outside of America so I didn't include soccer etc...

But I get your point, there is some teams like the Montreal Canadiens that sells some stuff oversea in hockey playing towns but it's nothing like soccer.
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Karma Jawa

For the rest of the world, not for America. I don't really care for sports outside of America so I didn't include soccer etc...

But I get your point, there is some teams like the Montreal Canadiens that sells some stuff oversea in hockey playing towns but it's nothing like soccer.

The OP question was about the biggest teams in sports.

Personally I love the way the US has defined its own culture with sports like basketball, baseball, and American Football. Ice Hockey too, which I would like to get a much bigger global scene.

Football/soccer is just something that is at the heart of European and South American culture going back many decades. The football World Cup is the biggest sporting event outside of the Olympics, and possibly even bigger.

I’ve never really understood why it’s not more popular in the US. The US would be a dominant force if they took it more seriously, and it’s a licence to print money.

It’s not as if history matters these days. Most of the big teams in recent years are owned by Saudis looking to take over small teams and launder money.


The Dallas Cowboys are the most valuable sports franchise in the world, followed by the Yankees then Real Madrid. I am not sure what your definition of biggest is, but that would be a good start.

That list is dominated by American Sports teams.


The OP question was about the biggest teams in sports.

Personally I love the way the US has defined its own culture with sports like basketball, baseball, and American Football. Ice Hockey too, which I would like to get a much bigger global scene.

Football/soccer is just something that is at the heart of European and South American culture going back many decades. The football World Cup is the biggest sporting event outside of the Olympics, and possibly even bigger.

I’ve never really understood why it’s not more popular in the US. The US would be a dominant force if they took it more seriously, and it’s a licence to print money.

It’s not as if history matters these days. Most of the big teams in recent years are owned by Saudis looking to take over small teams and launder money.

Yeah the op asked about the biggest teams in sports so I expressed what I felt was the biggest teams in sports.

Like I said, I can't care less about European sports so I won't talk to you about rugby or soccer etc.. because I don't give a shit for it and know shit about it.

Karma Jawa

Yeah the op asked about the biggest teams in sports so I expressed what I felt was the biggest teams in sports.

Like I said, I can't care less about European sports so I won't talk to you about rugby or soccer etc.. because I don't give a shit for it and know shit about it.

Fair enough (especially about rugby), but the major football teams are still among the very biggest teams in sports. It’s the most popular sport on the planet and brings in huge amounts of money and fandom.
A lot easier to do something like that when there are 8 teams in the league instead of 30.

Yeah, but they set the standard and 11 titles in 13 years is an insane number for any sport with playoffs. They still had to play in the Finals against really strong teams and they beat them all. Wilt Chamberlain won 1 title in the 60's, heck Jerry West didn't win any in the 60's and he's the fucking logo. The Bulls were the only team that matched that unparalleled level of excellence, either choice is defensible and any other pick is wrong.


Neo Member
A lot easier to do something like that when there are 8 teams in the league instead of 30.

Also when your the only NBA team willing to start a predominantly African american roster when the rest are excluding half the talent pool for bigoted reasoning

The Dallas Cowboys are the most valuable sports franchise in the world, followed by the Yankees then Real Madrid. I am not sure what your definition of biggest is, but that would be a good start.

I am a die-hard Patriots season ticket holder for 28 years and I hate the cowboys and yankees but they are the top 2 franchises hands down and their record doesnt even matter.

And then its some soccer team that's probably number 3 but I'm american and couldn't give a shit


Also when your the only NBA team willing to start a predominantly African american roster when the rest are excluding half the talent pool for bigoted reasoning

As a Raptors fan, I am not one to defend the Celtics, but the 64 Lakers had almost as many African Americans as the Celtics, including Wilt.


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Neo Member
They did but the celtics and Lakers were the exception not the Rule and it is still a big reason to this day they are the 2 franchises with the most championships.


Gold Member
Bulls lived off Jordan.

Take away Jordan and what have the Bulls done in any of the other 40 years in club history (20 before Jordan and 20 after)?

Lakers and Celtics much better overall franchise performance.

The Montreal Canadiens won 15 stanley cups in about 23 years, including a 4 cup streak and a 5 cup streak.
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Fuck that pussy ass excuse for a sport man. I respect it only because it brings people together and can be a hell of a cardio workout. Idk the sport well. I just know those dipshits flop around and fake injuries. Faking injuries is part of the game. Fuck that, that’s a bonafide disgrace of a sport. For someone like me, who is forced to live with constant recurring injuries and probably will have to the rest of my life, I know the process all too well. It’s nothing to play with. And for so called ‘professionals’ to be pretending to that degree? Nah fool. Those aren’t men. Lil boys is all. There’s a pecking order, soccer is dead last when it comes to respect. Everybody knows those players get down like bitches. Fucking punk ass actors..

Is being stupid a sport? Because that post would put you top of the league.


Facts: Bulls and Jordan single handedly made NBA into a world wide sport.

No NFL or Baseball team has ever done that. Get that shit out of here

Only football (soccer), NBA or cricket teams have a claim in this thread.

Cutty Flam

J’parle pas aux cons, ça les instruit.
Can’t even respond to me like a man after I essentially called you a little bitch, what a shame. I’m not going to take the time to decipher your language you fucking fruit. I’ll just assume you can’t confront me directly because you’re too much of a fucking pussy lmao. Get fucked imbecile

Cutty Flam

Facts: Bulls and Jordan single handedly made NBA into a world wide sport.

No NFL or Baseball team has ever done that. Get that shit out of here

Only football (soccer), NBA or cricket teams have a claim in this thread.
Right on dude. Well said


Facts: Bulls and Jordan single handedly made NBA into a world wide sport.

No NFL or Baseball team has ever done that. Get that shit out of here

Only football (soccer), NBA or cricket teams have a claim in this thread.

How many in this thread could name 1 Cricket team? Everyone could name the Yankees or Cowboys
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
UK perspective - probably not. Lakers are much more well known over here.

Overall, Ferrari racing team, Barcelona, Yankees and the Lakers top this list.

For individual sports it's Roger Federer, Rafa Nadal and Usain Bolt.

No love for the Dallas Cowboys in the UK?

Cutty Flam

How many in this thread could name 1 Cricket team? Everyone could name the Yankees or Cowboys
Doubt it man. World-wide I don’t think many pay attention to Baseball or Football. That’s what we’re crazy about in the states mainly, but Basketball has been insanely popular across the globe. China is a soar talking point atm, but it’s true that they seem to almost be on par with us Americans as to how close we hold the game. They’re enormous fans over there. Kobe Bryant used to just teach a little bit about the game, you know just sort of show up and play some, teach the kids some of his thoughts on certain moves and how to perform them and attack the basket. The entire crowd cheered like he hit a fade away three when he was really just doing layups and showing the kids some things. They’re extremely enthusiastic about the sport

I’ve been a huge bball fan my entire life, grew up in a huge sports city, I couldn’t name a single player on the Yankees or even two players on the Dodgers (home team in my city) if there was money on it

Baseball doesn’t reach ears beyond other baseball fans. It’s boring to most, and the commissioner is no doubt a slacker when it comes to marketing. All these years and Im forgetful of when the World Series begins...I want to say August?

Yeah man, baseball is just here. Football essentially the same. Basketball can played any day at a court. Not at all easy to get pick up games in football or some kind of game of baseball going even something as simple as over the line. Those sports just aren’t as popular


If we are strictly just talking team? Yeah the 90s bulls were really dominate. If we are talking about franchises, the lakers and Celtics have them beat by a huge fucking mile.

As for American sports goes, I believe the yankees are the most dominate team in American sports. Name one other team that has won 27 champions and are still relevant every other year?


Doubt it man. World-wide I don’t think many pay attention to Baseball or Football. That’s what we’re crazy about in the states mainly, but Basketball has been insanely popular across the globe. China is a soar talking point atm, but it’s true that they seem to almost be on par with us Americans as to how close we hold the game. They’re enormous fans over there. Kobe Bryant used to just teach a little bit about the game, you know just sort of show up and play some, teach the kids some of his thoughts on certain moves and how to perform them and attack the basket. The entire crowd cheered like he hit a fade away three when he was really just doing layups and showing the kids some things. They’re extremely enthusiastic about the sport

I’ve been a huge bball fan my entire life, grew up in a huge sports city, I couldn’t name a single player on the Yankees or even two players on the Dodgers (home team in my city) if there was money on it

Baseball doesn’t reach ears beyond other baseball fans. It’s boring to most, and the commissioner is no doubt a slacker when it comes to marketing. All these years and Im forgetful of when the World Series begins...I want to say August?

Yeah man, baseball is just here. Football essentially the same. Basketball can played any day at a court. Not at all easy to get pick up games in football or some kind of game of baseball going even something as simple as over the line. Those sports just aren’t as popular

I agree that baseball is not nearly as popular globally as basketball, but the Yankee hat has certainly become a global phenomena.

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Cutty Flam

I agree that baseball is not nearly as popular globally as basketball, but the Yankee hat is certainly a phenomena.

That’s fashion though. That’s going to reach anybody who wants to look a certain way with their outfits or whatever they choose. NY is probably a place many would love to travel to and see in other countries I’d imagine too. People here in LA buy hats like that all the time just to match their attire man, and you can ask oh you a fan? they'll be like nah bro not really but it matches these and then they’ll point to their fresh as fuck kicks. In Cali there seems to be some crazy ass sneaker heads. Personally, I only care about the fitted hats. I love shoes too but a lot of these dudes drop thousands on shoes each year....kinda feminine if you ask me


That’s fashion though. That’s going to reach anybody who wants to look a certain way with their outfits or whatever they choose. NY is probably a place many would love to travel to and see in other countries I’d imagine too. People here in LA buy hats like that all the time just to match their attire man, and you can ask oh you a fan? they'll be like nah bro not really but it matches these and then they’ll point to their fresh as fuck kicks. In Cali there seems to be some crazy ass sneaker heads. Personally, I only care about the fitted hats. I love shoes too but a lot of these dudes drop thousands on shoes each year....kinda feminine if you ask me

Oh, they are more than likely not a fan. I am just saying a lot of people globally know of the Yankees, because of the hat.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Off the top of my head, I'd say Real Madrid, Manchester United and the New York Yankees are all bigger teams internationally.
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