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The CWS Thread

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Yeah, so I got tickets for tomorrow and Saturday. I also have some a few sessions next week. Rawk.

Who's everyone rooting for?


GO GAMECOCKS! Here's hoping that the third time will be a charm. After all, we already won one SEC tournament this year... why not make it two? ;)




First tragedy, then farce.
Buck Cody (one of the UT set up men, usually comes in the 7th or 8th) was in one of my classes last semester, at one point during the class (the explenation would take far too long) he was in front of everyone belting out the worst version of "respect" I have ever heard and dancing like a mad man. It was all very entertaining...

so yeah, Im pulling for the horns.

Congrats on Miami making it for the 21st time... only a decade short of the record.

It allways brings a smile to my face to send the hogs reeling. :D


Well, USC couldn't get anything going against CSF's Windsor... man, I wish they'd held him until their second game. We've fought back from the loser's bracket before, just two years ago. GO COCKS



First tragedy, then farce.
UT should make there way too the championship series now.. someone taking it to the horns twice in a row does not seem very likely.



15-4 over LSU... WOW. We could've used some of those runs yesterday!

The Gamecocks move on, but it's too bad it had to be against LSU again. Hopefully next year we'll meet in the championship game.

Miami and CSUF are next.


Don't sweat it LSU fans. You guys will be back next year, and the year after that, and...

Besides, you guys just got one national championship in football. Quit trying to hog 'em all! ;)

DJ Sl4m

impirius said:
Don't sweat it LSU fans. You guys will be back next year, and the year after that, and...

Besides, you guys just got one national championship in football. Quit trying to hog 'em all! ;)

HAha, well I'm sure you notice the helmet ? I'm all about the football team :)

Overall I'm an LSU fan, so I'm going to pull for thier teams, but I personally can't stand the baseball team.
I've met them out a few times and think they're a bunch of arogant pricks who think they should be treated as gods around here, the football team is sooooooo down to earth, I love drinking with those fools.


I hope the Gamecocks haven't worn their bats out... 30 runs in the past two games! Considering the caliber of the competition in those games, our guys have plenty to be proud of. Here's hoping that the bats stay alive against CSUF. GO COCKS!

(And go Dawgs... there's hope for an all-SEC championship yet)
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