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The Economics of a 2D Adventure in Today's Market by Ron Gilbert


Lead Programmer (will also deal with engine issues)
Lead Artist

Subtotal: $220,000

3 Programmers (in the scripting language)
5 Artists (skilled in 2D animation)

Subtotal: $480,000


Subtotal: $30,000

Other expenses that will be contracted out:

Voice talent (non-union)
Voice recording

Subtotal: $60,000

For "wall to wall" voice and a full soundtrack, Script, Music, Sound, Talent, and Voice Recording is a fantasy if you want the subcontracted voice acting (and just as importantly the script itself) to be of any quality at all.

On a small project like this the Lead Artist and/or Programmer could also function as the producer, saving not-insignificant scratch. 60k/average for each artist and each scripting language programmer is probably on the high side in the real world, especially at the moment. This category could be $400k or $350k and still work.

It's interesting, but it makes a LOT of assumptions and arrives at some wrong conclusions. I personally believe that the right 2D point'n'click would sell just fine. It's about the content and production values. 3D is no guarantee of success in any genre. (See: Prince of Persia) .


(more a nerd than a geek)
I think that if a "point & click" game would do well anywhere these days, it might be on the DS. The novelty factor might just do it, combined with the touch screen.

I'd prefer a parser/click mix, personally.


erhm. they can cut down costs by using "open source game development talent"!

have people contribute to your project and exploit them!
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