This finale was laughably bad.
Good lord.
Barry as a character is just beginning really intolerable for me.
Yeah, though I like the show I tend to agree. Barry it reaching insane levels of stupidity. Also, the show has been doing a lot of things for the plot's sake and not because they would make sense. It's starting to follow Arrow's path...
People keep saying Barry is an idiot after starting Flashpoint, but I thought like it felt like enough. Think about it: Barry has just lost his dad and essentially KILLED himself. Then he finds a version if his dad that he can't even talk to because A) He doesn't know Barry is his son on this Earth and B) Because he's on another Earth thats difficult to access from this Earth. Dude is tired of taking L's at this point after sacrificing so much.
The way I look at it is like the Speedforce telling Barry to be at peace with his mom's death only for his dad to die is kinda like being encouraged by your parents not to be upset at failing a class only to cone to terms with it, try even harder and then fail an even more important class. It breaks you because it doesn't seem like there's an end to the tragedy and he has no control over it.
He's never really wanted Iris as an endgame, he's wanted peace and satisfaction and he thought Iris represetned that. But he realized that he still felt empty by the end of it. Like Eobard said in the beginning of this season on the video: Barry will never be happy, even if he gets what he thinks he wants. Plus, Iris is prime to be taken away from him too.
I think the character development is seen in Barry recognizing he can't handle all of these losses and finally is taking things into his own hands.
Plus, if you think about it: his life on Earth 2 rocked and his mom was still alive and he married Iris. In addition, the show we've been watching is actually an altered timeline as the OG timeline was before Reverse Flash came and killed Barry's mom and Barry in that timeline STILL became the Flash, just five years later.
So yeah, the joking about Barry's reverse of character development I feel like needs to slow down a bit lol
Too bad the show never slowed down enough to actually get something like this through.People keep saying Barry is an idiot after starting Flashpoint, but I thought like it felt like enough. Think about it: Barry has just lost his dad and essentially KILLED himself. Then he finds a version if his dad that he can't even talk to because A) He doesn't know Barry is his son on this Earth and B) Because he's on another Earth thats difficult to access from this Earth. Dude is tired of taking L's at this point after sacrificing so much.
The way I look at it is like the Speedforce telling Barry to be at peace with his mom's death only for his dad to die is kinda like being encouraged by your parents not to be upset at failing a class only to cone to terms with it, try even harder and then fail an even more important class. It breaks you because it doesn't seem like there's an end to the tragedy and he has no control over it.
He's never really wanted Iris as an endgame, he's wanted peace and satisfaction and he thought Iris represetned that. But he realized that he still felt empty by the end of it. Like Eobard said in the beginning of this season on the video: Barry will never be happy, even if he gets what he thinks he wants. Plus, Iris is prime to be taken away from him too.
I think the character development is seen in Barry recognizing he can't handle all of these losses and finally is taking things into his own hands.
Plus, if you think about it: his life on Earth 2 rocked and his mom was still alive and he married Iris. In addition, the show we've been watching is actually an altered timeline as the OG timeline was before Reverse Flash came and killed Barry's mom and Barry in that timeline STILL became the Flash, just five years later.
So yeah, the joking about Barry's reverse of character development I feel like needs to slow down a bit lol
Do you really think your mother would have wanted you to die for her? And all the people that the Flash saved as a result of that decision, what about them? Do their lives have value, too?
<salt>Should keep them all Vancouver themed
The Flash S3 |OT| Crisis on Infinite Vancouvers (taken from Maddocks)
Arrow S5 |OT|
Supergirl S2 |OT| The S stands for Vancouver
Legends of Tomorrow S2 |OT|
Gotham S3 |OT| Not filming in Vancouver (taken from Oddduck in the Gotham thread)
And according to Google it turns out no one else actually suggested it before me.It's going to be interesting to look at this show when it's over 10 years from now and see how poorly the VFX has aged.
Someone already suggested "Crisis on Infinite Vancouvers" right?
Wait, did I miss that? I scrolled up and thought he was the first one to suggest it. Ooops.<salt>
And according to Google it turns out no one else actually suggested it before me.
Wait, did I miss that? I scrolled up and thought he was the first one to suggest it. Ooops.
EDIT - Hooooly shit I didn't scroll up far enough, hahaha. Sorry about that. It's now fixed in my OP.
I rather enjoyed the finale. I can understand the beef with the last few minutes and Barry going back in time and whatnot, but I wonder if this is a case of Neogaf being really critical and the general public thinking it was solid, or if I'm in the minority of thinking it (and the rest of the season for that matter) was pretty good overall.
I rather enjoyed the finale. I can understand the beef with the last few minutes and Barry going back in time and whatnot, but I wonder if this is a case of Neogaf being really critical and the general public thinking it was solid, or if I'm in the minority of thinking it (and the rest of the season for that matter) was pretty good overall.
They're not really sorry. It's all an act.
OT title credit isn't a game. It's war.
Outside of the superpowered serial killer and his merry band of psychopaths, including two of his very best friends. Who we see killing his father-in-law.Plus, if you think about it: his life on Earth 2 rocked and his mom was still alive and he married Iris.
Wait, did I miss that? I scrolled up and thought he was the first one to suggest it. Ooops.
EDIT - Hooooly shit I didn't scroll up far enough, hahaha. Sorry about that. It's now fixed in my OP.
some of them were saying they thought season 2 was better than the first..
They must come from the same people Olicity shippers do, which is Loonytown![]()
That's what I said, but it's not really satisfying, because we've never seen Reverb being like Cisco in that regard.
I really, really wish they had put JWS into the first, classic Jay outfit. Which brings me to the point again, where did he get the design and suit from?
That looks miles better than the kindergarten drawing suit we got on JWS.
And excuse me for focusing on the costumes a little, but I've been listening to "Fixing the Hobo Suit" again and it made me think of it a little more.
I would like to Point out that Jay and Hunter are from two different Earth's with vastly different clothing style and culture.
What Jay is wearing might be considered "absolutely awesome and fabulous" on his Earth.
The issue isn't his actions persay. The issue is that the show never gave us Barry's POV after his dad died and instead he was just being an angry asshole to everyone.Poor Barry. Watches his father die in front of his eyes and now has the internet criticizing him for being irrational shortly after.
I think Kevin Smith summed it up best with "Barry feels before he thinks".
Earth-2 has that 40-50s aesthetic, hence Jay's outfit.
From what we know about Earth-3... best guess is a New 52 aesthetic ugh.
Is the New52 aesthetic only reflected in the costumes or is it a world thing (like more advanced or futuristic)? Excuse the dumb question, but I don't read the comics.
I don't think the JWS Garrick is that reminiscent of the New 52 design:
I kind of wish that instead of revealing JWS to be Earth-3 Jay Garrick, that he was just 90s TV show Barry Allen instead. But then they wouldn't have salvaged the name of Jay Garrick
Brighter, lightning bolt is higher, the blue comes up the sides rather than being jeans. Leans closer to the 52 than the classic.
The Flash S3 |OT| How Barry Met His Mother
Nobody wants to be reminded of that show.
Yes.The Flash S3 |OT| How Barry Met His Mother
Lmao. Fine how about:
The Flash S3 |OT| The Barry Allen Theory
So season 3 is ending with Barry going back again and stopping S1 flash from attempting to save his mom, right.
That thing that happened at the end of S1 needs to come to fruition.
Season 20 ends with an army of Barry fighting there and Eobard saying fuck it, I'm out of here.So season 3 is ending with Barry going back again and stopping S1 flash from attempting to save his mom, right.
So season 3 is ending with Barry going back again and stopping S1 flash from attempting to save his mom, right.
That thing that happened at the end of S1 needs to come to fruition.