Barry is gonna fuck this up isn't he?
He already fucked up by causing the Flashpoint.
Barry is gonna fuck this up isn't he?
Even without proper grooming, I still look good.
That was kind of my thoughtWow, Barry's pretty much Zoom now.
Just a little too cocky and arrogant here, Barry.
Time to double downHe already fucked up by causing the Flashpoint.
All of them!Time to see which L pulls Barry out of his ass for the new season!
I have to say happy Barry can smile like nobody else.
It's not like he grew up with his parents dudes dad was in prison since he was a kid and his mom got murdered.I'm still confused why nobody heard or saw Barry speeding out of the cafe :/
Also, Barry move your damn ass out of your parent's house ffs!
Nobody was looking at him? He's the flash, unless you are starting at him before he takes off you would have no idea.I'm still confused why nobody heard or saw Barry speeding out of the cafe :/
Also, Barry move your damn ass out of your parent's house ffs!
Damn Barry truly ain't shit, just full "I got mine".
Hnnnngh, Doctor Straaaaaaaaaaaange.![]()
Huh?Uh, It's just a black screen...