Mighty Chin
At least next week looks promising.
was nice seeing Barry smiling and being all goofy again, we don't get enough of that lately
surprised Team Flash just let Caitlin walk out like that. should've had Barry and Wally hit her with a one-two-speed punch and throw her in the meta jail to remove a piece off Savitar's board at least
At least next week looks promising.
Looks like a fun caper that's also filler lol.
And then there is one episode left...
So is this ep worth watching
So is this ep worth watching
I think they should of done the reveal way earlier and then the setup should of been bow to defeat him. It seems like most people were just upset how long it took rather than the reveal itself?I think we're focusing on the fact that it's the antepenultimate episode a little too much. It's a good, fun episode that if placed somewhere in the middle would probably be looked upon much more kindly.
But it does highlight the misstep of trying to make Savitar's identity the big reveal, especially compared to how Arrow handled it's murderer's mystery this year. The identity of Savitar should never have been made the most interesting thing about the character; how the team figures out how to beat him should have been the focus.
How do you beat a future version of yourself? It's a ridiculous paradox that only a show like this can give you and that's actually really great. Imagine Barry getting amnesia and him spending two episodes like this, it's interesting and if given room to breath can actually speak to what is inside the heart of a hero. That would especially help to counterbalance this evil version of Barry we know is running around.
The parts are all here this season, but it just isn't coming together like it needs to.
I think we're focusing on the fact that it's the antepenultimate episode a little too much. It's a good, fun episode that if placed somewhere in the middle would probably be looked upon much more kindly.
But it does highlight the misstep of trying to make Savitar's identity the big reveal, especially compared to how Arrow handled it's murderer's mystery this year. The identity of Savitar should never have been made the most interesting thing about the character; how the team figures out how to beat him should have been the focus.
How do you beat a future version of yourself? It's a ridiculous paradox that only a show like this can give you and that's actually really great. Imagine Barry getting amnesia and him spending two episodes like this, it's interesting and if given room to breath can actually speak to what is inside the heart of a hero. That would especially help to counterbalance this evil version of Barry we know is running around.
The parts are all here this season, but it just isn't coming together like it needs to.
I don't particularly care about the thread title. I do care that people think Barry being Savitar, at any point within the last 6 episodes, is a spoiler.
It's a "Thanos is in this" level spoiler.
And, again, it's something the Reverse Flash said. It's not even the thing Reverse Flash said at the beginning of the season that actually would give it away (Whose the villain now?).
To be spoiled by this you would had to have already spoiled yourself by thinking about Savitar's identity for more than 15 seconds.
Haven't watched today's episode yet but this is a bullshit post. Just because you and many other posters were able to figure out the twist does not make it any less of a spoiler. Maybe yes, you can speculate that it was Barry, but until it's fully revealed it's still speculation. Get off your fucking high horse
Also how many people have actually been spoiled by the title or are just complaining about it on behalf of others?
Damn, good thing you aren't being extremely aggressive or anything. Again, the title is only a spoiler if you're predisposed to thinking Barry is Savitar anyway. If you haven't seen the season at all, it's just a RF reference.
Also how many people have actually been spoiled by the title or are just complaining about it on behalf of others?
I'm not talking about the title or anything like that. Just his post and the notion that "you should have been smart enough to know the twist".
AV Club: B+
Barry rediscovers the fun of being The Flash in a very meta episode
I mean the fifteen seconds thing is a bit mean, but by the last few episodes Barry was essentially the only candidate.
Episode 21, the one after the big big reveal of the season: No Savitar. Well, amazing. Totally annoyed by a filler episode in that slot. Not saying it was a bad episode, just at the wrong time.
Episode 21, the one after the big big reveal of the season: No Savitar. Well, amazing. Totally annoyed by a filler episode in that slot. Not saying it was a bad episode, just at the wrong time.
Increasingly getting the feeling that they're saving all the fireworks for the finale.
can i like donate money to keepas a regularsnart
pls ill do unspeakable things
I'm not talking about the title or anything like that. Just his post and the notion that "you should have been smart enough to know the twist".
She's waiting until Ronnie comes home. That'll be enough to kill him.I'm so glad Caitlin didn't kill Julian, because I was REALLY getting the oh boy she's going to kill Julian vibe for a few seconds. I actually like Julian as part of the team. He's grown on me and I'm finally not seeing him as Draco Malfoy anymore.
Enjoyed the episode. Perhaps it was filler, but it was pretty light and funny at times and I would take that over manufactured romance drama anyday. We also had an info dump at the start.
Next episode looks like some fun too from the preview. I would prefer a little filler here and there than revealing all in the final episode of a 23 episode season run. It's a TV show, not every episode can be as epic as Thor 2: The Dark World.
2) If you guys don't want Barry and thus Savitar to know your plan... don't tell Barry. Done. Why do you have to be so extra about it?
How else are they supposed to get the alien power source without Barry? It's not like they've got anyone else with powers they can use.
Anyone else annoyed by them constantly having Iris in the most sexiest figure hugging outfits?
as a loner geek who never gets laid i feel like they're teasing me now
How else are they supposed to get the alien power source without Barry? It's not like they've got anyone else with powers they can use.
Anyone else annoyed by them constantly having Iris in the most sexiest figure hugging outfits?
as a loner geek who never gets laid i feel like they're teasing me now
They did not know they needed that much power when they started this plan! And second, I doubt anything they do will be something Wally can't do!
Two things:
1) You can't convict fire dude without Barry? This guy doesn't look like he keeps things on the downlow.
2) If you guys don't want Barry and thus Savitar to know your plan... don't tell Barry. Done. Why do you have to be so extra about it?
Anyone else annoyed by them constantly having Iris in the most sexiest figure hugging outfits?
as a loner geek who never gets laid i feel like they're teasing me now