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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.

What happened to Savitar being huge.


Speed force manifestation.


Unconfirmed Member
I mean he has until like July with that hair

Could keep or make the black grow back before filming season 4
How you gonna keep that secret identity with hair like that and his open head top costume? Haha. I'm sure he'll have to go back to "Wally" hair when they start shooting again.


Unconfirmed Member
Also, little annoyance, but I wish the writers would have stricter rules about in suit and out of suit heroes. They should be voice modulating themselves anytime the masks are on and they're out in public or meeting a new person.

This goes for the other shows as well... Kara should be in her Supergirl outfit when she's at the DEO. Even though the whole team knows she's Kara Danvers, there could be guests or hacking going on which could expose her.


Also, little annoyance, but I wish the writers would have stricter rules about in suit and out of suit heroes. They should be voice modulating themselves anytime the masks are on and they're out in public or meeting a new person.

This goes for the other shows as well... Kara should be in her Supergirl outfit when she's at the DEO. Even though the whole team knows she's Kara Danvers, there could be guests or hacking going on which could expose her.
She is the sister of elite agent Alex Danvers that looks remarkably like Supergirl. She won't fool anyone smart enough to hack that place.


How you gonna keep that secret identity with hair like that and his open head top costume? Haha. I'm sure he'll have to go back to "Wally" hair when they start shooting again.

Well most masks superheroes wear wouldn't prevent someone who knows that hero from identifying them so you just gotta go with suspension of disbelief.

Batgirl showing her hair in most of her costumes would be pretty bad as well, there are probably only so many gingers in that sort of athletic shape in her late teens to mid twenties in Gotham City.


Unconfirmed Member
She is the sister of elite agent Alex Danvers that looks remarkably like Supergirl. She won't fool anyone smart enough to hack that place.

Well most masks superheroes wear wouldn't prevent someone who knows that hero from identifying them so you just gotta go with suspension of disbelief.

Batgirl showing her hair in most of her costumes would be pretty bad as well, there are probably only so many gingers in that sort of athletic shape in her late teens to mid twenties in Gotham City.
Oh I totally get the suspension of disbelief we have to use for every single comic book show, BUT there still needs to be ground rules established in the universe for them to even work (though I totally agree on Batgirl's hair being exposed, always thought that was dumb, leaving hair strands everywhere for easy DNA analysis).

For instance, in Flash, it was established that Barry can voice modulate and vibrate his head fast enough so that you can';t get a clear picture of him. So that means all speedsters should be doing that when addressing the public and/or people unknown to them to help keep their identity a secret.

In Arrow, we saw Sarah wear a domino mask and wig when she was Black Canary to help conceal her identity. It irks me that Dinah isn't putting a wig on when going out into the field. At least Oliver has been pretty consistent in using his voice modulator when talking to random people while he's wearing the suit and I like that they stick to code names over coms and in the field when they're actually doing work.

Supergirl just has her glasses and hair style, like Clark does and we've all been ok with that for 75+ years. So when the show doesn't abide by these rules it's annoying.


I don't mind that The Flash is blasé about his identity. He's consistently not really cared outside of love interests. And there's been long stretches in the comics where he's had a public identity (well, Wally). It's fine. Both this show and Arrow are getting to the point where they shouldn't be hiding their identity anyway.


It's hilarious that all three major villains of this show know all about Barry anyway, and any of the smaller ones significant enough to warrant repeat appearances inexplicably find themselves discovering his identity too.


Always say that secret identities are one of those things that don't carry over into other mediums without making characters dumb or not making it a big idea


It is also important that voice-modulating and vibrating covers the actor's face. It is the same reason why Iron Man tends to show his face a lot despite fighting in a billion dollar suit.


Unconfirmed Member
It is also important that voice-modulating and vibrating covers the actor's face. It is the same reason why Iron Man tends to show his face a lot despite fighting in a billion dollar suit.
That is very true. However, since they rarely show Barry talking to strangers anyway, it's not like they'd have to use it every episode and when they do use it, it'll stick out more and have a bigger impact on world building. I guess I just love when shows take the time to respect their audience and do the little things that help build the world.


Actually guys didn't he just post a spoiler in that post about hitting a new roadblock in his life after releasing the old (making that post/coming out). For an actor I would say a roadblock and major turning point and a point of uncertainty is leaving a show/ finding new work. I can't believe you guys didn't notice it or maybe I'm reading into things but I wonder if the producers will have him take that post down/edit it. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

If he's leaving the show, the hair color doesn't really matter does it? lol


Filming has wrapped so he's free to change his hair colour for a couple of months until filming starts back up.

never replied about a big roadblock he is facing now though. Things that make you go hmmmmm

Most actors fear coming out as they will get typecast/get less roles and that is their "roadblock" after coming out. He has a steady role on a show though. It just makes me question that is all.
Oh I totally get the suspension of disbelief we have to use for every single comic book show, BUT there still needs to be ground rules established in the universe for them to even work (though I totally agree on Batgirl's hair being exposed, always thought that was dumb, leaving hair strands everywhere for easy DNA analysis).

For instance, in Flash, it was established that Barry can voice modulate and vibrate his head fast enough so that you can';t get a clear picture of him. So that means all speedsters should be doing that when addressing the public and/or people unknown to them to help keep their identity a secret.

In Arrow, we saw Sarah wear a domino mask and wig when she was Black Canary to help conceal her identity. It irks me that Dinah isn't putting a wig on when going out into the field. At least Oliver has been pretty consistent in using his voice modulator when talking to random people while he's wearing the suit and I like that they stick to code names over coms and in the field when they're actually doing work.

Supergirl just has her glasses and hair style, like Clark does and we've all been ok with that for 75+ years. So when the show doesn't abide by these rules it's annoying.

Best bad disguise is Green Arrow and that big yellow beard. He the mayor so not like he some random nobody so people wouldn't make the link.


I hope they never make Barry public, do we really want to deal with the drama of "I shouldn't have revealed myself, now Iris is going to do again :/"

I really liked how they played out with Cold knowing who Barry is. I hope the next villain has nothing to do with Barry or the individual the Flash members, and more just doing the evil and trying to one up Flash.
Hopefully Caitlin is the one doing the messing up, like how they are going to do in Arrow next season too.
so barry doesn't know how to run after eneimes? or knock them out using the fucking speed? literally standing there letting killer frost do whatever she wants then walking away. she literally walks away, not even run.
this season is seriously pissing me off
hope season 4 will star the best speedster, the reverse-flash.
hope barry and iris die. the true villains of this show. self-centered pricks.
"ohh but i saved these people from a burning building!" the fire fighters can do that too.
you on the other hand broke the timeline at least twice you prick.


I'm about 99% sure the writers forgot HR is wearing a holoface.

Why is this still an issue? It was established in that episode that only Team Flash could see his real face. Everyone else saw whatever he had it set to. Unless HR clued her in on the secret, she's not seeing his real face. Same goes for that book cover from the future episode.

Good for him, always best to make yourself happy

I want that jacket hanging there
Are you fast enough to get it?

Wait, what?

I think there was leaked footage from the Flash set which showed some stuff from the finale.


Talk an adorable walk down memory lane on the way to...

#2.22 "Infantino Street"
Episode Promo
Preview Scene: Jay Garrick Returns
THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS; WENTWORTH MILLER RETURNS AS CAPTAIN COLD - With only 24 hours left until Savitar murders Iris (Candice Patton), Barry (Grant Gustin) struggles to save the woman he loves and makes the choice to use any means necessary to do so. Realizing he has one option left to save her, The Flash turns to Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) for help. Michael Allowitz directed the episode with story by Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Grainne Godfree (#322).
Why is this still an issue? It was established in that episode that only Team Flash could see his real face. Everyone else saw whatever he had it set to. Unless HR clued her in on the secret, she's not seeing his real face. Same goes for that book cover from the future episode.

Are you fast enough to get it?

I think there was leaked footage from the Flash set which showed some stuff from the finale.

If that's the case, they missed a humour opportunity to show some Adonis' face on the book cover, then pan to our H.R.'s smiling mug signing copies.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Why is this still an issue? It was established in that episode that only Team Flash could see his real face. Everyone else saw whatever he had it set to. Unless HR clued her in on the secret, she's not seeing his real face. Same goes for that book cover from the future episode.

The only inconsistency with the face masking device is that when Jesse Quick first saw H.R. she recognized him as her Father without hesitation or explanation. Maybe H.R. powers it down when he is within Star Labs?

I've explained away the future H.R. book reading as the general populace knowing about inter-dimensional travel by that point in time.
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