I'll be happy with Earth 2 WellsSome light on what Wells we might see this season
I'll be happy with Earth 2 WellsSome light on what Wells we might see this season
90s Barry is out there in the multiverse somewhere, so there's still hope.
There's a new JLA book coming. They're revealing the lineup piecemeal, but so far it includes The Ray, Vixen, The Atom (Ryan Choi) and , most importantly to this thread, a reformed Killer Frost.
Given the comics' interest in the character, I wonder how much of that will spill over into the TV series. Could we be seeing a renewed interest in Caitlin's villainous doppleganger? or even the actual Caitlin getting her powers?
Which is why I thought them killing her off was dumb. Though, can always be a different EarthHonestly, I'd just keep Caitlin and Killer Frost as separate entities, perhaps strike up a rapport.
The problem is there's nothing for Caitlin to do most of the time. The biology of a villain is like 1% of an episode tops and Wells can do that better than she can. Worse, they keep throwing her in relationships because they don't have a plan.
Honestly, I'd just keep Caitlin and Killer Frost as separate entities, perhaps strike up a rapport.
The problem is there's nothing for Caitlin to do most of the time. The biology of a villain is like 1% of an episode tops and Wells can do that better than she can. Worse, they keep throwing her in relationships because they don't have a plan.
We are meeting Caitlin's mother this year.Honestly, I'd just keep Caitlin and Killer Frost as separate entities, perhaps strike up a rapport.
The problem is there's nothing for Caitlin to do most of the time. The biology of a villain is like 1% of an episode tops and Wells can do that better than she can. Worse, they keep throwing her in relationships because they don't have a plan.
We are meeting Caitlin's mother this year.
There's no way that could go wrong. Nope, I don't detect any way this could turn out to be a bad decision.
There's no way that could go wrong. Nope, I don't detect any way this could turn out to be a bad decision.
Sweet Lady Snow is being played by Susan Walters. TVD alum.
There's no way that could go wrong. Nope, I don't detect any way this could turn out to be a bad decision.
Mama Smoak is MVP
Where there's Smoak there's 🔥fire🔥
I like Mama Smoak too. She's a good age appropriate love interest for Papa Lance. She's a good anchor character for Felicity too. She knows she isn't as smart but that doesn't mean she doesn't have reasonable advice.
I'll not have you tainting the honor of Mama Smoak.
Mama Smoak is MVP
Man bro, it's crazy how often I disagree with your opinions.
Mama Smoak is no MVP but she's not an anchor either. Fun character fo sho.
I actually really like Letscher as RF.Well, one day soon, Barry, you'll be begging me to kill her again.
Where's the Supergirl OT? And why is it premiering a week later?
Where's the Supergirl OT? And why is it premiering a week later?
WHAT WOULD YOU SACRIFICE TO HAVE EVERYTHING YOU’VE EVER WANTED? — Barry (Grant Gustin) is living his dream life – his parents are alive, he’s asked Iris West (Candice Patton) on a date and he can finally be a normal guy as Central City has another speedster, Kid Flash (Keiynan Lonsdale), running around saving the city while Cisco (Carlos Valdes) enjoys wealth and regular sex. When Barry starts forgetting parts of his old life, the Reverse Flash (guest star Matt Letscher) taunts his nemesis and tells him that there will be serious repercussions for Barry and the ones he loves if he continues to live in this alternate universe. In addition to losing his memories, his powers will also start to fade. When disaster strikes, Barry must decide if he wants to continue to live in this world as Barry Allen or return to his universe as The Flash.
You have opinions
I have facts
Going to ask what has probably been asked a million times, but since this is a new thread I suppose we might as well use it as a primer for other new people joining in as well:
OG Timeline: Barry was supposed to get struck by lightning later on in life.
Canon Timeline: Reverse Flash intervened and changed the past causing Barry to receive his Flash powers earlier and his mother to die.
New timeline: Barry stops Reverse Flash from killing his mom and all the other residual effects.
Shouldn't the Flashpoint timeline be the original timeline then?