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The future of Street Fighter...:(


Capcom Digital Studios was also responsible for Maximo, so I think they've improved a fair bit since Final Fight Revenge. :) I'm willing to see--no, make that interested in seeing--what they'd do with a Street Fighter title. Hell, no matter what they come up with, it can't be worse than anything from Arika. :p


Yea... proper tweaks. At least they know how to make it balanced. SF2HF is probably the most balanced SF to this date. Thats a plus in my book. I'm sure the people on the CE/HF team are long gone by now anyway, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna assume the worst.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
SFEX+/Alpha and SFEX2+ were good games. Arika dropped the ball with SFEX3, but the series still gets far too much HATE.

Anyway, I bet Capcom USA will end up licensing the game out to another developer. I don't think they're stupid enough to make another Final Fight Revenge. :)


Lyte Edge said:
SFEX+/Alpha and SFEX2+ were good games. Arika dropped the ball with SFEX3, but the series still gets far too much HATE.

*laugh!* I wouldn't say the EX games were awful, but the new EX characters really didn't fit with the style of the original cast, and the gameplay was... alright. I expected more from Nishitani, though--I still think Rival Schools felt more like a 3D SF than EX did. But hey, that's just me. :)

Lyte Edge said:
Anyway, I bet Capcom USA will end up licensing the game out to another developer. I don't think they're stupid enough to make another Final Fight Revenge. :)

I'd rather see them have CDS take a crack at it, myself... at least with the Maximo games, they've shown they've got talent. If Capcom USA licenses it out, who knows what we'll end up with? I've got these nightmare visions of Studio Gigante getting contracted to develop the next SF... I can imagine the boxart now: An extreme closeup of Ryu's snarling face, with the blurb, 'From the creators of Tao Feng!' splashed across the top... >_<


After years and years . . .
Now you all finally realize that CAPCOM USA & CAPCOM of JAPAN are two entirely different entities.

Capcom Japan soon to be liquidated.

But don't worry there's always, FLAG SHIP, GRASS HOPPER etc. . . where the real talent is.






Shit...I didn't read it...
Well, considering that the father is also gone (Yoshiki Okamoto left Capcom to fund his own company)...I think this is the end of the greatest series ever.


mumu said:
I'd like to know what word has five identical characters in a row in it.
Not like you're supposed to know Japanese but it's ironic you ask that question with the avatar you're using.
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