Oh my god I'm showing him this post.
Post his reaction omg
Oh my god I'm showing him this post.
B-but Bloodborne was the only game on that list with notable art direction.
Hah, Phil's shirt says
in portuguese.
Kinda random, but okay.
Thanks for this, btw.Pre-awards announcements:
- New content for Kung Fury
- Goat Simulator DLC
- Rise of the Tomb Raider DLC
- Best Family Game: Super Mario Maker
- Best Fighting Game: Mortal Kombat X
- Best Multiplayer Game: Splatoon
- Best Mobile Game: Lara Croft Go
- Best eSport Team: Uptic Gaming
- Best eSport Player: Kenny
- Best eSport Game: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
- Most Anticipated Game: No Man's Sky
- Best Narrative: Her Story
- Most Trending Gamer: Greg Miller
- Best Indie Game: Rocket League
- Best Sports/Racing Game: Rocket League
- Most Impact Game: Life Is Strange
- Best Fan Creation: Portal Stories
- Developer of the Year: CD Projekt Red
- Best Art Direction: Ori and the Blind Forest
World Premieres:
- Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (new character is introduced)
- Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn is announced (featuring Shaquille O'Neal)
- Batman from Telltale Games announced.
- First gameplay footage[/URL] of Far Cry: Primal.
- Psychonauts 2 announced. Crowd funded at Fig.
- Quantum Break with a brand new trailer. Coming April 5.
- Rock Band VR coming to Oculus Rift in 2016.
Other Announcements:
- New Tron Run/R game announced.
- Geoff announces 3 short films with focus on up-and-coming indie studios. Watch at:
- Lego Avengers coming January 26
- Bethesda announces, that they're giving away $1 million to someone playing Elder Scrolls: Online.
A terrible selection of nominees for this category, but at least the one that actually deserved to be nominated won.
He heard Oculus Rift will blow him away.Phil Spencer's posture always weirds me the fuck out. Why does he always stand like he's facing a hurricane?
pretty sure some guy just shouted "XBOX!!!"
Well deserved. : )
Why am I the only person in the world who seems to like Tales of Graces F??I LIKED the story, and character arcs in that game. It was my first Tales game, and I really enjoyed it, and not just for the combat.
Ori, indesputably. Also it's rad to see an Art Direction category on-stage at something like this.
And Troy Baker.The game industry collectively doesn't know how to dress themselves. The only one that does is probably Nomura.
fuckin rigged
bloodborne destroys everything else in that category
Are these threads always this salty? xD
Phil Spencer's posture always weirds me the fuck out. Why does he always stand like he's facing a hurricane?