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The Game Awards 2015 Thread: Keighley's Last Supper


Cool that Xbone is finally getting Rocket League. Wonder if a Games with Gold launch will be a thing.

Why do people pinpoint juniors. I always wondered that. Do yall look at some of the stuff the regular members say as well lol

Easy way to write people off

I'd probably still be a junior if I didn't have OTs and other non argumentative threads for my dumb postings.

Both Bloodborne AND Ori look great and have great direction. One goes for a nice, colourful, animated film look and pulls it off flawlessly while the other goes for creepy old victorian streets and disgusting monsters and pulls it off flawlessly.

Ori just won because more people thought it looked more appealing than Bloodborne.

Get that logic outta here!!



Oh wow look some dark statues and cobblestones! Dat art direction!

Two can play at this game.

I think you just proved that BB got robbed, like look at this shit, it's gorgeous!


This was a pretty good show again. Nice bump in production values too.

Could do without Bosman's Bud Light garbage and the music always feels out of place but it was far better than it could have been.


Junior Member
I have a feeling the new Chrono game is going to be revealed. Geoff has that expression of "Omg finally a new Chrono game after Trigger"
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