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The Game Awards 2015 Thread: Keighley's Last Supper

Damn, where's the energy in this music? I don't know if it's the actual audio being messed up or if the song is actually that lacking in energy. Not exactly what you should have for a gaming show, imo.


bish gets all the credit :)
guys, guys please

That far cry primal trailer was just the same thing over and over again.
Beasts killing people with the camera zoomed in real close so you couldn't even see the actual environment.


Pre-awards announcements:
  • New content for Kung Fury
  • Goat Simulator DLC
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider DLC

  • Best Family Game: Super Mario Maker
  • Best Fighting Game: Mortal Kombat X
  • Best Multiplayer Game: Splatoon
  • Best Mobile Game: Lara Croft Go
  • Best eSport Team: Uptic Gaming
  • Best eSport Player: Kenny
  • Best eSport Game: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  • Best Narrative: Her Story

World Premieres:
  • Uncharted 4: A Thieft's End (new character is introduced)
  • Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn is announced (featuring Shaq O'Neall)
  • Batman from Telltale Games announced
  • First gameplay footage of Far Cry: Primal

Other Announcements:
  • New Tron Run/R game announced.
  • Geoff announces 3 short films with focus on up-and-coming indie studios. Watch at: madewith.unity.com
You're missing the Most Anticipated Game award, which was given to No Man's Sky.
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