Its totally not. Honestly I am always baffled that the game has such a reputation and people remember it so fondly, even on this podcast. The character models are ugly. It plays horrendously. The story is a joke and Alduin is laughable even compares to Mehrunes Dagon, let alone Dagoth-Ur. It removed plenty of RPG features and didn't bother to put anything in to fill the gap. Dungeon design is a completely forgotten craft. The guilds are all lame and unrewarding, especially the Bard's which has no reason to exist and there isn't even an arena. The game wants to spend more time sucking your dick and letting you be the leader of every guild on top of being the Dragonborn and forgets to make any of it feel earned. iirc, you have to cast one spell to become leader of the Mage's Guild and you can just use a scroll.
Bethesda still makes unique games you can sink 200+ hours into and they cling to that as their one selling point, but its become clearer and clearer to me that they have zero fucking clue what an RPG is anymore. In Fallout 4 you cannot even roleplay, and they further remove more systems while keeping the worst ones like weight limits and bad inventory micro-management and I see no reason why they would change their mind come ESVI. Skyrim and Fallout 4 are about as much of an RPG as Far Cry 4.
Half a decade later when we've had games like Dragon's Dogma, 3 Dark Souls games and Bloodborne, The Witcher 3 and a ton of crowdfunded WRPGs the idea of going back and playing Skyrim sounds like cruel torture.