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The Greatest Episode in Televison history is exactly 10 Years old Today


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

The episode of Breaking Bad, "Ozymandias" is considered one of the best episode in the history of television.

The word is known from Percy Shelley's poem, published in 1818, which uses the image of a statue of Ozymandias to describe the inevitable fall of all leaders and empires no matter how powerful they were in their time.

In the series we see Walter White collapsing in the sand, as is said to have happened with the famous statue. In 2013, Breaking Bad released a promotional short in which Bryan Cranston read the entire poem.
Today marks exactly 10 years since the episode aired.



A masterpiece in every sense of the word. Changed the game and set a new standard for television. A truly heartbreaking episode showcasing the fall and demise of a once King.

Also the only episode to ever hold and maintain a 10/10 on IMDB
I knew which ep you meant from the thread title. 1st thought was god I'm old (cos I am fucking old) 2nd thought was that's not pine barrens!

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Surely you mean Season 4?
I remember the half/full measures thing at the end of season 3 hitting the hardest, and season 5 with the nazis being a noticeable dip in quality overall. I haven't seen the show in its entirety since it went off the air so I could be a little off. Doubt my S5 feelings will change much.

I'll give it another year or two and give it all a rewatch. Gotta figure out if the rewatch should start with BCS or not though.


Not to be nitpicky but it aired on 15th September.

I’ve been working my way through Better Call Saul recently and Friday, which was the 15th, happened to watch a pretty notable episode of that
the episode where Howard dies.
Then after watching it I read online that it happened to be 10 years to the day that Ozymandias aired.
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Maybe for that show. Most of Breaking Bad is pretty underwhelming so I can't say I've reflected on the best episode of... an above average show?
Very thoughtful cinematography and direction but the substance of the show itself rarely presented enough to keep me engaged.


I really feel like the show fell off in the last season. Around the time of the poisoning mystery I think it could have ended on a more interesting note


As good as that episode is, nothing gut punches you harder than Buffy episode “The Body”, season 5, episode 6.

That is drama taken to the extreme.


I was in college I guess but I remember downloading this episode and then watching it having lunch. I got sick throughout it. It's indeed a masterpiece.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

The episode of Breaking Bad, "Ozymandias" is considered one of the best episode in the history of television.

The word is known from Percy Shelley's poem, published in 1818, which uses the image of a statue of Ozymandias to describe the inevitable fall of all leaders and empires no matter how powerful they were in their time.

In the series we see Walter White collapsing in the sand, as is said to have happened with the famous statue. In 2013, Breaking Bad released a promotional short in which Bryan Cranston read the entire poem.
Today marks exactly 10 years since the episode aired.



A masterpiece in every sense of the word. Changed the game and set a new standard for television. A truly heartbreaking episode showcasing the fall and demise of a once King.

Also the only episode to ever hold and maintain a 10/10 on IMDB

Your tag ensures I will NEVER watch this.
Today's reminder that multiple structures erected by Ramesses II (the Great), commonly referred to by his Greek name Ozymandias, still stand today. That poem was never accurate. His intact temples at Abu Simbel and Luxor can be visited by tourists, and the Ramesseum is a standing ruin that is still studied by archaeologists today.


Gold Member
I thought this was about the deleted Community episode. The best one of the series. That you can’t watch anymore.



Today's reminder that multiple structures erected by Ramesses II (the Great), commonly referred to by his Greek name Ozymandias, still stand today. That poem was never accurate. His intact temples at Abu Simbel and Luxor can be visited by tourists, and the Ramesseum is a standing ruin that is still studied by archaeologists today.

Great post and let's perhaps extrapolate that to remind us of many structures and texts that are still studied by, ahem, experts to this day.

Sorry let us all have Represent. Represent. have her moment.

BB is a great show.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
look at you. Brush your teeth. Or drop the hyperbole
Thread title is not hyperbole. Its an opinion.
Lol I’m rewatching the series for like the 4th time right now when I entered the thread I was like better have something to do with breaking bad haha
Y'already know. Im rewatching it again now too and just finished "4 days out" another fucking great episode. top 5 for me
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From start to finish yeah, but my personal favorite episode is Crawl Space. The way Season 4 just keeps boiling and boiling until it blows up. FUIYOH!


Fuck 10 years............... GTA V and Breaking Bad at the same time!! How lucky we were.

The whole build up to the end of season 5 was some of the best television i've ever seen and probably will ever see.

The ending of Breaking Bad was so god-damn perfect.


Gold Member
Ozymandias is better than Pine Barrens
Platane S01ep01 is better.
Lana, the protagonist's girlfriend, is about to leave him for someone else so he makes a sweater with her name on a steel plaque on it to show his love. They go to an office party where they meet the coworker Lana's is filrting with, and the protag is sad and gets drunk and ridicules her with his actions, and then he just takes his car and leave without her.
He hits a tree on the way home and falls into a coma. When he wakes up, a few month later, his girl has left him for the coworker and somehow the steel plaque on his sweater hit his forehead during the crash with such strengh that it imprinted his ex name, Lana, backwards on it.
The dude ends up the first episode of his series with ANAL "tattooed" on the forehead, you can't beat that.


not tag worthy
Wow Vince went to all that effort about some old poem. Never read.

Homer Simpson Cartoon GIF

In all seriousness that’s cool and this is why I love movies and tv series just the homages etc. Really great.


I loved it personally but I think Vince wrote a better episode with Waterworks in Better Call Saul, the personal tragedy of it all was amazing combined with Kim's crying scene devastated me personally, her range of emotions on her face remind of when I finally stopped trying to make sense of it and accept that my grandmother died and burst into tears. That shit hit me harder than I thought so that's my personal GOAT
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