I've finished it. It was enjoyable but not particularly scary and plot wise it was a mess.
But the characters were good and they nailed enough tragic moments to make it worthwhile.
But damn, the accents were grating. Peter Quints Uber thick brogue, Henry's ultra posh, the little girls whistling victorian era speech, the narrator's over enunceated speech.
Still, even if it ultimately makes little sense it was a pretty fun ride. They do a GREAT job showing things from some of the ghosts POV and every character gets their moment to shine.
The costuming is atrocious. The au pair in those high waisted baggy jeans....damn. even the gardner looks dumpy. Yet Jessup and the housekeeper always look sharp and svelte. Odd. Makes sense in the end I guess, all we are missing is hair dye
The weakest actor is the creators wife. She was far better in the first season, they did her wrong in this one.