The History of Super Mario Sunshine | VideoGameDocs


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Unpolished, unfinished, rushed, these are all words used to describe the game that is Super Mario Sunshine. Releasing 6 years after Super Mario 64 revolutionized the home console industry, Super Mario Sunshine looked to build and somewhat redefine what it meant to play Mario.

Although it received good reviews upon it's initial release, and saw some moderate success financially, Super Mario Sunshine has been the topic of fierce debate since its release. Is it a good game? Is it a good Mario game?

Who knows, but today on VideoGameDocs we'll be discussing the History of Super Mario Sunshine.

Introduction: 00:00 - 00:56
Part 1 - Development: 00:56 - 14:15
Part 2 - Mario's Next Adventure: 14:16 - 23:11
Part 3 - Shine Get: 23:14 - 35:12
Part 4 - Another Day of Sun: 35:13 - 39:00
Epilogue - Thank you: 39:01 - 40:14


Gold Member
Unpolished, unfinished, rushed

I’m never tired of saying this: Sunshine + The Wind Waker was the most disappointing one-two punch this hobby ever threw at me.
Sunshine is good for the speedruns, but I’m perfectly happy never replaying it again, ever.


It had so many glorious bugs! I still enjoy running around underwater in delfino plaza via swimming against the back of the shine gate.


Remember getting this delivered on launch day. Loved the purple box lol. I enjoyed it but yea not the best playing it nowadays.


Gold Member
It’s a fun game, but it definitely did feel rushed imo. It’s by far my least favorite of what Nintendo considers the non-linear 3D Mario series.


Never liked it back in the days, I started playing it much much later (like 2 years ago) with a 60fps patch.
Just the other day I installed HD textures and tried it with Lossless scaling at 240fps and it played beautifully. So I'm planning on having another go at it, maybe inject something with ReShade (like FakeHDR).

My only beef with the game is the unintuitive and archaic controls, it could be done so much better today with a full remake.
The water graphics, the smoothness of the animations, and splash water interactions all blew me away back then. However, when you actually play it you will notice that it's often hard to tell when an enemy is under you, which is hampering game feel. I would also argue that the levels feel a bit samey. That being said, it's one of those titles that benefits from emulation, with higher resolution and frames per second.


This was my first Mario game I ever owned. Before that my brother had Mario 64, but I never really got play it much. Not this game though! I cleaned that icky paint like goop out of every nook and granny of that island paradise.

Fuckin LOVE me some Mario Sunshine!
I still have yet to finish this game. It is agonizing. It's dreadful. The controls are terrible, worst in the entire series. I recently played through Mario 64 on my N64, and it feels dreamy compared to Sunshine. Blue coins suck nuts. It's a disjointed mess. It looks awful even on my perfectly calibrated JVC D-Series CRT via s-video.

I can't say enough bad things about this game, and I am not trolling.


Only mainline 3d Mario I never finished. Just couldn't bring myself to do it.

The revisionism around it over the years always seemed strange to me. I don't recall it being well liked at the time and it was lapped easily by the Galaxy games afterwards.


Love it. Between Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine for my favourite 3D Mario platformer.
Galaxy is done amazingly well but I really don’t like them
Only mainline 3d Mario I never finished. Just couldn't bring myself to do it.

The revisionism around it over the years always seemed strange to me. I don't recall it being well liked at the time and it was lapped easily by the Galaxy games afterwards.

It was critically acclaimed in its day (92), and I who had gamecube and played it when I was new loved it.

Revisionism (with negative reviews) came later, as it was a game that not many played at the time due to poor GC sales, but years later, either on Dolphin or Wii.
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It was critically acclaimed in its day (92), and I who had gamecube and played it when I was new loved it.

Revisionism (with negative reviews) came later, as it was a game that not many played at the time due to poor GC sales, but years later, either on Dolphin or Wii.
Thanks this makes more sense. Can't say I was massively into the games news cycle at the time and probably remember its reception more vividly amongst my friends.

It just never clicked with me and it's not been for a lack of trying over the years.
There's still a GIANT Sonic CD retrospective/documentary I need to finish watching, but I can probably fit this Sunshine one for the time being. Sunshine in particular, has a very interesting and storied development history, seems like.
Only Mario game I didn't play as I didn't own a gamecube. I played it a few years back when Nintendo did supermario 3d Allstars limited edition cart (stupid having 3 remasters only for a year)..

I was excited and quickly hated it. The controls were hank. Mario64 was better. The gimmick water thing was cheesy. I don't know how it's compared to astrobot as I don't get that comparison. Astro is smooth and feels good to play sms does not.


I beat the game getting about 70-80 shines back on Gamecube and pretty much never looked back. I've made sure it's available to play because it's a Mario game and I especially liked the warp stages but even back then I really just wanted a whole game of just that.

On Mario 64 I was dedicated to get all the stars and pretty much bummed out when there was nothing left to do. While I was ready to abandon SMS's blue coin-dependent ass.
It came in hot, that’s for sure. They needed it badly, since GameCube had already started showing early warning signs of puttering out, starting in early 2002. I think Iwata and management wanted it in first half 2002 to revitalize the system and restore momentum, but Miyamoto begged for more time and was given until late summer. I can’t imagine what state the game would’ve been in even 3-6 months earlier had it needed to ship by May.
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TLDW: Sunshine is still the worst 3D Mario game by a considerable margin.
Part of people’s reasoning for this is usually owing to the fact that like many other GameCube games, it was designed from the beginning to be a game for people that had perfected the n64 version of the series, and wanted an even greater challenge. Mario Sunshine was a very difficult game, even by 2002 standards.

I remember playing Pikmin 2 back in summer 2023 right before Pikmin 4 came out. And my God, that game is literally like a Challenge Gauntlet for people that finished Pikmin 1 and wanted more. It’s so hard.
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One of my favorite 3d Mario game, still better than Mario Odyssey

I could actually entertain this discussion but I'd really have to go back and play both (especially Sunshine) to really have it. One way they're similar though is that I beat them and then treated all the extra moons like SMS's blue coins and dropped the game shortly after. Which I did not do with 3D World which people say doesn't even "count" somehow...yet I rank over both of these. Then again if your idea of 3D Mario is 64 style, then the worst 64-like game is better than the best of anything else.

Although it was a long time ago, I just remember the feeling of doing a lot more "in the trenches" platforming gameplay in SMS than Odyssey. So it probably is the better Mario game, although without being properly finished or smoothed out Odyssey is the wiser product in the end.


Gold Member
The blue coins were the most horrible thing ever put in a Mario game.
It was basically Nintendo saying “look, we didn’t have the time to do more missions to get Shines, so we hid these blue coins in totally random places that are different in every mission and no, you can’t track how many you can get in each mission. Now fuck off and buy our game, please.”
Pixel hunting has been lambasted in pretty much every other game. Many blue coins in Sunshine are pixel hunting. And they suck.
I could actually entertain this discussion but I'd really have to go back and play both (especially Sunshine) to really have it. One way they're similar though is that I beat them and then treated all the extra moons like SMS's blue coins and dropped the game shortly after. Which I did not do with 3D World which people say doesn't even "count" somehow...yet I rank over both of these. Then again if your idea of 3D Mario is 64 style, then the worst 64-like game is better than the best of anything else.

Although it was a long time ago, I just remember the feeling of doing a lot more "in the trenches" platforming gameplay in SMS than Odyssey. So it probably is the better Mario game, although without being properly finished or smoothed out Odyssey is the wiser product in the end.
Yeah Odyssey is a more polished game , just not a memorable one , like all the other 3d Mario games, I still remember the music that played in the other 3d Mario games , Odyssey not so much! Except that stupid song that what's her name sings


Looking back on some of the more infamous levels re difficulty/glitches I can't believe I completed it relatively unscathed. If I went back now I'd probably hurl my GC controllers through the TV screen. It looks horrendous. But I loved it when it came out, Mario 64 never clicked with me, I thought SS was the game that should have been.
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Suffers with mild autism
this chart only reminds me how Galaxy 2 totally betrayed its predecessor and ruined the Galaxy series

Galaxy 1 was not just linear platforming--it was the perfect balance between that and exploration. Plenty of planets gave you more open exploration, others didn't, and in between they used the concept of small planetoids to give you a mix of progression + miniature exploration on the main path through levels. Still the greatest Mario game of all time and perfection of both sides of the formula.

Galaxy 2 forgot all of that and just gave us linear pathways, and lost all the magic of the first game (killing the hub world; awful linear level select; it goes on and on, every part of it was a downgrade). I'll never budge on this view; remove Galaxy 2 from history and all the subsequent Mario games probably would have turned out better.
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Thread inspired me so I started playing in earnest, 36 shines in and it's fun.
But there's a lot of shit here that would not fly from Nintendo today, like the hidden pachinko stage. Difficulty ranges from Walk in the Park to gruelling teeth pulling.



Scratch one game from the bucket list. It is indeed flawed, rushed and most boss fights are annoying, but still pretty fun. Maybe I'll start playing Mario Galaxy, shamefully I hardly even tried it.
Used this texture pack, ReShade's CRTFrutbunn & Loseless Scaling at x2.

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