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"The Lesser of Two Evils" is Terrible Phrasing

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I have friends who work shit jobs living paycheck to paycheck so they can live in shitty neighborhoods rather than out on the street. They bore themselves to death in classes they hate so they can maybe have a better future. They live their lives pursuing the less shitty of various shitty situations; so they know what it's like to not get what they want but they do it anyway to survive. But vote for someone because they're the lesser of two evils? Can't won't didn't.

I don't understand this. We always choose the lesser of two evils in every aspect of life except politics. We don't have to be happy about it, but the alternative will put you in a state much worse than "not happy". Not voting because the candidates aren't squeaky clean is the same as not working because your choices in jobs suck. Voting in protest is the same as shooting yourself in the foot and saying it's for a good cause but all anybody will really know is that you shot yourself in the foot. Voting 3rd party with genuine hope that they'll win is the same as moving to LA to become an actor. Actually, you probably have a better chance becoming a decent D-list actor than a 3rd party candidate does of winning. Good luck on the street if you vote (or don't vote) like this and live your life the same way you vote.


People are pretty dumb, as I've learned from this election.

I cannot relate to 3rd party voters or non-voters...at all. I have no idea what goes on in their brain. I can't comprehend it.

There are 2 outcomes that will happen no matter what. You vote for the outcome you prefer. How fucking hard is that.


I have friends who work shit jobs living paycheck to paycheck so they can live in shitty neighborhoods rather than out on the street. They bore themselves to death in classes they hate so they can maybe have a better future. They live their lives pursuing the less shitty of various shitty situations; so they know what it's like to not get what they want but they do it anyway to survive. But vote for someone because they're the lesser of two evils? Can't won't didn't.

I don't understand this. We always choose the lesser of two evils in every aspect of life except politics. We don't have to be happy about it, but the alternative will put you in a state much worse than "not happy". Not voting because the candidates aren't squeaky clean is the same as not working because your choices in jobs suck. Voting in protest is the same as shooting yourself in the foot and saying it's for a good cause but all anybody will really know is that you shot yourself in the foot. Voting 3rd party with genuine hope that they'll win is the same as moving to LA to become an actor. Actually, you probably have a better chance becoming a decent D-list actor than a 3rd party candidate does of winning. Good luck on the street if you vote (or don't vote) like this and live your life the same way you vote.

Human psychology is pretty complicated. Have you heard about the 'trolley problem'? It's one situation I think psychopaths perform better than... er. the average person.

Separate to that, the lesser of two evils analogy is not as straight a line either.
Human psychology is pretty complicated. Have you heard about the 'trolley problem'? It's one situation I think psychopaths perform better than... er. the average person.

Separate to that, the lesser of two evils analogy is not as straight a line either.

It just seems like some people don't want their egos tarnished if they vote for someone and that someone isn't perfect. They're risking everything just so people won't blame them.


In this case choosing the lesser of two evils is like choosing between Nick Fury and fucking Thanos. Even if Fury has done some questionable things, it isn't even a fucking contest who you'd want to be the leader of your country if those two were the only options.

Republicans should have fucking known better.


People are pretty dumb, as I've learned from this election.

I cannot relate to 3rd party voters or non-voters...at all. I have no idea what goes on in their brain. I can't comprehend it.

There are 2 outcomes that will happen no matter what. You vote for the outcome you prefer. How fucking hard is that.

"I live in a deep blue/deep red state, my vote doesn't matter anyway"


It just seems like some people don't want their egos tarnished if they vote for someone and that someone isn't perfect. They're risking everything just so people won't blame them.

Well, that's definitely one perspective. Have you considered other explanations? Ones that originate more from the minds of the people who actually voted for Trump?


I hate when people say "the lesser of two evils is still evil". No motherfucker, the lesser of two evils is less evil.

/not directed at anyone
I used to think my vote didn't matter.

I used to think that the system was inherently flawed and the outcome predetermined.

I really battled and struggled with the idea esp as black and knowing the history regarding it and I ended up realizing the truth a while back.

Your vote matters when everybody votes. Thats the point overall. Your vote only matters as long as you participate. The Electoral College is a whole different story but people should know that America is a republic not a democracy.

Its crazy how many people didn't show up for whatever reason. Thats how the system becomes flawed. Because its the reigning system in power and the only people willing to participate are the ones who have overwhelming influence and the minority group trying to push back.
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