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The Making of Ecco the Dolphin - Strafefox


Yet another gem of a video from Strafefox:

I never knew that it was developed by an Hungarian team. It must have been an amazing few years for them: one moment you're a struggling development team behind the iron curtain, the next you're making a marquee title for a big Japanese/American company. It easy to forget what a big deal Ecco was. Sega of America obviously believed they had something special on their hands and gave the game a big advertising push:


The games magazines of the day were almost uniformly positive about it (a little too positive in my opinion). Playing the same old platformers and shoot'em ups month after month seemed to be getting to the reviewers, and Ecco was like a breath of fresh air, as can be seen in the Mean Machines review below:



A "strong contender for the best game ever!" Whew! For me personally, I could never get in to the Ecco games. I borrowed my friend's copy of the original back in the day, but it just didn't fully click. Years later I tried the PS2 port of the Dreamcast game, but again just couldn't get into the groove of the game. I've heard the 3D Sega Ages version on the 3DS is very good, but I think I'll try the Mega CD version at some point in the future instead, as that seems to have more forgiving difficulty and an amazing soundtrack.
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advanced basic bitch
Wasn't there a spiritual successor in the works? A kickstarter maybe? Great game though. Hard as balls and terrifying in parts.


Gold Member
I remember getting a Sega Megadrive for Christmas with a copy of this when I was Six as my first games console.

I hated that stupid dolphin he would just drown over and over, and I would as the mature 6 year old throw a tantrum. A few weeks later my parents bought on advice of a store Clerk an easier game Sonic the Hedgehog, it was cheap as Sonic 2 was out so they snapped it up and I was happy as could be... until Labyrinth Zone... and Sonic kept drowning... my poor parents.


Gold Member
Ecco for Megadrive at the time was a beautiful and amazing game. One of my highlights from my childhood.
I tried the original Ecco several years after playing and completing the Dreamcast version. Such a weird game series.

4k Ecco with an option to play in VR would be tremendous.

My current favorite version of Ecco:



I tried the original Ecco several years after playing and completing the Dreamcast version. Such a weird game series.

4k Ecco with an option to play in VR would be tremendous.

My current favorite version of Ecco:

Yeah, I got abzu for free from the epic games store so I wasn't expecting much but it turned out to be a beautiful experience. It felt like a sequel to Journey.


I love everything about this series other than the games themselves. The music on the Sega CD Tides of Time is phenomenal.
Yeah, I got abzu for free from the epic games store so I wasn't expecting much but it turned out to be a beautiful experience. It felt like a sequel to Journey.
Yeah I actually liked it better than Journey because the maps had a lot more to explore, a lot more eye-candy.


Great video. But I find it amusing that very little of it was focused on the gameplay aspects. I remember Craig of the now defunct ScrewAttack being really critical of it.


Neo Member
I have the Genesis version and it creeps me out to this day. The music, the atmosphere, only those japanese fucks at SEGA could come up with it.


I have the Genesis version and it creeps me out to this day. The music, the atmosphere, only those japanese fucks at SEGA could come up with it.
Someone hasn't been paying attention...

Anyway, great video, Strafefox never disappoints.
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