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'The Mandalorian and Grogu' Film Announced, Directed by Jon Favreau


Gold Member


The Mandalorian and Grogu are embarking on a new adventure — to movie theaters.

Directed by Jon Favreau, and produced by Favreau, Kathleen Kennedy, and Dave Filoni, The Mandalorian & Grogu will go into production in 2024.

Excited The Child GIF by Disney+


Not hugely surprising.

Season 3 wasn't as good as the previous two but it ended with those two characters at a point where you could have left them, at least for a while. But clearly that wasn't going to happen. They've got that Thrawn movie coming up that will tie a bunch of that Disney+ stuff together.


Reseterror Resettler
They're trying new terrible things, at least.

That's the most shit and clunky title I've seen in a bit, and like...it's four words.


Gold Member
So, it is ACTUALLY going to be about Mando and Grogu or are they just side observers for all the "stronk wah-mahn" characters doing all the action?

I kid, but only slightly. If this film is just more Bo-katan moaning about old Mandalore, even though I like Katie Sackoff, just forget it. About the only character from the series I wouldn't mind seeing is Rayland Givens, maybe Gina Careno again. Get it back to the gritty Western roots, not a silly Disney cameo-fest of ridiculous goofballs and CG. Hell, dust off that Solo sequel and reuse Emilie Clarke and spider-Maul if you must tie it back into something but after Fett make a mockery of crime, I'm not sure I even want that.


might be smart to do a movie. Get a solid, focused story rather than trying to drag on a show and multiple episodes. I really enjoyed the first and second seasons but fell off during the 3rd. I'll wait for reviews being going to see it.


I've enjoyed the show, even the third season as it expanded the story. That weird cyborg creature on Mandalore was awesome. Encouraging to see Favreau as director. Maybe they'll introduce more stuff. I'm looking forward to it.


Gold Member
Nah I'm good. I've moved beyond Star Wars and Marvel, and I'm happier for it. Disney/LF killed the brand, but there are better stories are out there worth investing in.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
I honestly hope this succeeds just to btfo all the "muh SW future is women only" shit.

It will 100% have a very in front female co lead, It wont be Bokatan probably because they will want to make someone else have their own spinoff show.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Could be the issue that the show itself already looks like a movie, so not sure why instead of seeing 3-4 episodes i'd go to the movies for this.

I definitely disagree here. The show looks good, very good, for a show. The effects are definitely not movie quality and every time an alien character speaks like a random person from the east coast of the United States I cringe. Also the alien costumes are much worse.


ידע זה כוח
I definitely disagree here. The show looks good, very good, for a show. The effects are definitely not movie quality and every time an alien character speaks like a random person from the east coast of the United States I cringe. Also the alien costumes are much worse.
A movie would prob give you more people on screen, more expensive sets, but considering CGI lately, I think we're prob as good as it gets. I wouldn't be surprised if they did a bigger battle just because of budget.


Gold Member
For me when it comes to Disney Star Wars

Rogue One
The Mandolorian Season 2
Disney seem to be going with the approach of if you chuck enough shit at a wall some of it is bound to stick. The whole franchise is a mess. This and a continuation of Ray's story are the movies they are planning? Yeah no thanks.

Clearly they didn't sell enough baby Yoda's they need to hit their internal targets so we get a movie.

A24 would be the best custodians of this franchise, after the shit Disney has put out is nuked from orbit that is.
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