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The Matrix 5 on the way




Tag, you're it.
crushed noo GIF


Gold Member
Weird pick for a sequel. I didn’t realize how little box office money it made till I checked wiki. Only $160M.

And they are going to gun for another high budget sequel? Wow
Sure why not 🤷‍♂️

If they’re going to do the meta stuff again though, I just hope that they put more budget into the effects this time around.

Honestly a cool concept would be an HBO show called ‘Zion’, that would take place post-Matrix 1. It would be a hidden gem with a great storyline and good acting, then be cancelled after 2 seasons(like most hidden gems).

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
If they’re going to do the meta stuff again though, I just hope that they put more budget into the effects this time around.
Yeah, one of the (many) things that made the last movie so underwhelming was that at times it looked like it was sharing a stage with a TV sitcom.

A real shame.

Tbh, the first film was practically the definition of zeitgeist, I don't know if it came out today if it would resonate in anything like the same way, for that reason, I don't think another Matrix film could do it again without becoming something that people who like the first film would recognize as being in the same vein. I'd love to see a good matrix film, but I'm not sure if it's possible.
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Yeah, one of the (many) things that made the last movie so underwhelming was that at times it looked like it was sharing a stage with a TV sitcom.

A real shame.

Tbh, the first film was practically the definition of zeitgeist, I don't know if it came out today if it would resonate in anything like the same way.
If Matrix never came out then either Underworld or Blade would have been the one, and we’d all be talking about werewolves, vampires, and secret societies.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
If Matrix never came out then either Underworld or Blade would have been the one, and we’d all be talking about werewolves, vampires, and secret societies.

I think I'd argue, that The Matrix was a real cultural moment, Blade or (particularly) Underworld could never be on the same level. The very concept of The Matrix was perfect for the time, the cool, the music, the special effects, the fashion.

Films like the Matrix are so rare, Barbie and Oppenheimer had some major impact - everyone heard about them.
The Matrix was that but on a much, much bigger scale and for a prolonged period of time.

Tbh, I'm not even sure it'd be possible for a film to hit like The Matrix did ever again.

It's a pretty sad situation, IMO.

Another reason to feel good about not being a teenager in the 2020s.
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I think I'd argue, that The Matrix was a real cultural moment, Blade or (particularly) Underworld could never be on the same level. The very concept of The Matrix was perfect for the time, the cool, the music, the special effects, the fashion.

Films like the Matrix are so rare, Barbie and Oppenheimer had some major impact - everyone heard about them.
The Matrix was that but on a much, much bigger scale and for a prolonged period of time.

Tbh, I'm not even sure it'd be possible for a film to hit like The Matrix did ever again.

It's a pretty sad situation, IMO.

Another reason to feel good about not being a teenager in the 2020s.
I agree about the Matrix 1, but you’re being too nostalgic when looking at the movies of today. Let the teens and young adults of today decide what they feel is their Matrix moment. Just be aware that these moments can potentially happen with a streaming show too.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I agree about the Matrix 1, but you’re being too nostalgic when looking at the movies of today. Let the teens and young adults of today decide what they feel is their Matrix moment. Just be aware that these moments can potentially happen with a streaming show too.

Possibly, but the teens I do know don't seem to speak about films in the way we did, I suspect that the mainstream being dominated by endless superhero films for their entire lives might have contributed to that - I think you're right that a high quality show could well be the nearest thing to it now though.

But yeah, entirely possible I'm having a Seymour Skinner "am I out of touch?" Moment? 😂


Welp, and here I hoped that fourth one flopped enough to convince suits to stay out from further tarnishing this franchise


Gold Member
Neo didn't grovel in self doubt enough in the last movie so probably time for a retcon so Trinity can be the one from the very beginning.


I liked the fourth. Let the abuse begin.
I often feel like "the guy who loves shitty sequels"... I loved Reloaded and Revolutions, I love Star Wars eps 1-3, I loved the Hobbit trilogy... but even I couldn't get into Matrix 4. I concluded that Lana Wachowski deliberately made it an awful piece of shit as revenge against Warner Bros for practically forcing her to make it. But as someone who takes a lot of shit for liking supposedly "objectively bad" sequels/prequels, I salute you sir. :messenger_beermugs:

(P.S. I loathe the Star Wars sequels)
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Was annoyed at the headline… I’m quite excited after reading the guys C.V. and his passion for the series.

WB have the potential for a $1 billion per movie take with The Matrix IP. Let’s hope they don’t fuck it up!


Perpetually Offended
Matrix 4 was bad... I hated how they CG'd some of the fight scenes... Ok MOST of them!

The story was too on the nose*wink wink* ... It was almost totally a 4th wall break movie.

The underlying conceit of Trinity AND Neo having the same powers is NICE! I like that! But everything AROUND It, save for a few supporting cast members, was stupid and bunk! Carrie Ann Moss and Keanu can still pull off the moves, amazingly!
Matrix 2 & 3 weren't the movies I wanted...but they were the movies...I DESERRRRRVED.

After 4, my expectations are very low, and Drew Goddard seems capable, so I'll probably watch it (Fo' Free)


I agree about the Matrix 1, but you’re being too nostalgic when looking at the movies of today. Let the teens and young adults of today decide what they feel is their Matrix moment. Just be aware that these moments can potentially happen with a streaming show too.
The kids today between ages 14 and 17 aren’t nearly into movies the way kids were in the 80s

When I was that age I had already watched movies like Grease, The Thing, Clue, Scavenger Hunt, and Smokey and the Bandit about 25 times each!!
Movies were IT. It was all we had.

There’s too much distraction and other forms of entertainment for kids today. YouTube and TikTok and video games that take up multiple hours of their day…etc

There won’t be “that” movie for these kids. It’ll be something else


One was a masterpiece (minus the craptastic wuxia, kung fu or what the fuck was that supposed to be). Two was good, i loved it back then and it carried the promise of an amazing finale.
Three was crap. Four was even more crap.

I will probably not even watch five.


There's not enough info to get an idea of how its going to go, but I just hope its a serious film. Best thing they can do is hire a bunch of nobodies and try to make it something special while keeping the aesthetics of the first film which is a big part of the franchise, but not over doing it either, which I'm afraid this is what they will do. I do have hope but also know how things can go when they re-visit franchises.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I didn’t hate the Matrix 4, but I also can’t remember a single thing about it, so it must not have been that good.
How about they come up with their own IPs, eh? We are going to remake Citizen Kane and 12 Angry Men as well? Cleopatra (wait a minute…)? Gladiator?
Those remakes and sequels aren't necessarily for them, especially if you look at the demographics of who's watching.
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