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The most sour candy there is, what is it and where do you get it?

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J2 Cool

I've been looking to buy some rare sour candy but havent had any luck. So for me, its warheads(lemon & blue rasberry), crybaby gum, crybaby tears, and WCW vs NWO gum (which I cant get anymore).

Get these at regular candy stores but I'm trying to find some better stuff so..


Mistaken iRobbery!
Warheads definitely. I scarred my tongue back in grade school by eating too many at one time. Those new Altoids sour Citrus and Apple are pretty strong too.
yeah warheads do the deed, but honestly i hate that kinda stuff mainly b/c it kills alot of your taste buds for a few days and i like being able to taste things with out burning sensation.


Warheads ain't nothing. Get those little gumballs that are encrusted with the sour crystals, they are the real deal. They are HARDCORE CANDY.

Leaving one in contact with the inside of your cheek or lip too long will leave a red spot, and your tongue will be torn up by the combination of coarse surface and acidic coating. Seek them out at mall candy stores like "Candy Express" which deal in candy by the bulk (kind where you scoop up and weigh candy in a bag). I don't know why me and my friends ate so many of these punishing things as teens; I guess it was a macho thing.

Sour Skittle are also no joke, but nowhere near those gumballs. For flavor, I dig the old standby, Sour Patch Kids.


On a side note:

What is the hottest candy you've ever eaten. I believe warheads stop making there super hots in the mid 90's and that was my favorite both in sour and hot flavors. I liked eating the hot lemon with oysters (yes a ungodly concotion) and the blue hot ones gave me head aches.

I love sour candy though. The most souriest stuff on the market is this liquid and it will kill you. It foams in your mouth and in your throat as it expenads and usually gets to your nostrals some way or another.


B'z-chan said:
I love sour candy though. The most souriest stuff on the market is this liquid and it will kill you. It foams in your mouth and in your throat as it expenads and usually gets to your nostrals some way or another.

Is that meant for hu-man consumption ?


These will own you:


Screaming Sours Bubble gum


Tearjerkers Sours Mini gumballs
Tear jerkers were a class favourite back in grade 7. I can't remember the last time I've seen them around. They were the perfect mix of sweet and sour.
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